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“They voted for Trump to punish the Democrats.”
Oh, that didn’t work. Losing elections isn’t the same as being punished. Not saying it was a bad move, I’m saying it was the wrong one. It was also a bad move though.
“All Harris had to do was stop the war.”
Oh is that it? Just as a VP / figurehead, swoop on over and say, “Stop it.” Man, why hasn’t anyone ever tried that before?
Dearborn, I hope your lives work out ok. You’ve really fucked up.
“We would have voted for Harris if she would just have brought peace to the Middle East!”
And cured cancer. That’s all that we need.
…and solved world hunger.
We don’t need anything except peace in the middle east, a cure for cancer, and solutions to world hunger. And that’s it!
You just made me hear Steve Martin.
Ha! Good. I’m glad I pulled it off. I wasn’t sure if it would be obvious or not.
Amazing mashup of The Jerk and the Christmas skit.
Lol it was perfect. All i needed.
…and this lamp…
That tactic was tried in 2016 and failed. The political party isn’t the one getting punished when you vote that way nor does it encourage them to change their ways.
Changing the direction of a political party is a long, drawn out affair that requires sustained political action over the course of years.
I have a feeling a lot of people who voted for Trump are going to be hurt by his policies and they’re going to be completely shocked as though this wasn’t known already. How could they possibly have known the person who bragged about hurting them when elected would actually hurt them when elected? /s
They won’t be shocked. They’ll blame it on liberals and democrats and anyone else who had nothing to do with it… because nothing is ever their fault, it’s always a conspiracy by someone else.
It doesn’t work because both political parties are servants to the same masters. Nothing will ever significantly change as long as that’s true. At least not without protracted hardship.
Someone said something in the YouTube comments of a political video I was watching yesterday that really resonated with me:
“I wish the Democrats could find someone who talks about billionaires the same way Donald Trump talks about immigrants.”
Unlimited money in politics is the poison in our society. When money = speech, billionaires will always have the loudest voice in the room.
I mean, Bernie Sanders is right there…
Yes, but he’s far too old at this point to run. We don’t have anybody on the left who is a rockstar dem-socialist except for maybe AOC, and Democrats are probably not going to run another woman in the race for POTUS for another 50 years after these last two embarrassing defeats, so I wouldn’t get my hopes up for that.
Meanwhile, the right is grooming an entire cadre of Trump’s successors so they can keep the MAGA gravy train rolling long after the evil bastard croaks.
Not just as a VP, but it’s not even our fucking war. She’s going to go stop the war being waged by a sovereign nation? MK then!
I hope it doesnt work out for them. I kind of hope a bunch of them die in a fire because that’s about what it’s going to take for people to start understanding how serious all of this is.
Not really, so many died from COVID and look at us. They’d say the fire was Chinese.
Supposedly some people who were directly impacted did change their minds. Not many proportionally were in that situation though.
Canada just had the first case of human transmission in bird flu. Guess we’ll get to grab some more data to show them.
There’s been multiple cases of human transmission in LA…
Except it wasn’t the first human transmission of bird flu. And sadly it won’t be the last. And we’ve got anti-vaxxer Bobby Brain-worm as head of HHS now. H5N1 in humans has a lethality of 50% of those who contract it. Not too much less than Ebola, and a LOT easier to catch.
My dream schadenfreude scenario is that a hurricane wipes out the Villages in Florida, and it’s bad because Trump privatized NOAA, so no one knew to evacuate, then when they’re picking up the pieces they get hit with a wet bulb event.
By “wet bulb event” do you mean when the wet bulb temperature exceeds around 94 F and you will literally eventually die without air conditioning? Because, yeah, that’s incredibly scary.
We had a couple of those days in Texas this summer.
I don’t see much of a difference between them wanting punishment instead of harm mitigation and myself wanting punishment instead of harm mitigation. I will keep hoping for less overall harm.
“You’ll be just as bad as them!” is a bad sentiment.
I think they wanted to punish someone who didn’t need punishment.
Furthermore, they didn’t have that available a choice. The choice was less harm or more harm.
Because of that, their choice seemed to them like a choice to punish, but it was actually a vote for more harm.
I don’t think they need to be punished for that. I don’t think they deserve to be hurt. In fact it’s one of the things I vote for. Less harm. Every time.
I just think it’s sad, I don’t need payback.
If you continue to allow people to do bad things with no pushback, bad things will continue to happen.
Yes, of course - and pushback is deserved. They’ve fucked up and seemingly deliberately, out of a head-in-the-ass attitude. But there’s nothing to gain from hurting them.
Actually, judging from their actions, I’d expect that hurting them would make them get shittier and I already know they have no idea how to direct their anger properly.
The ideal situation for me is that they find some shame and sit with it and come back after they get their heads out of their ass.
“Yeah, but who those killers are killing makes a big fucking difference.”
This world is burning so fast that humanity can only slow it down if we put all of our resources towards it.
The largest nations on earth are all heavily armed dictatorships.
Many of them dying might actually be the minimal harm. While we cannot enact judgement on them in good conscience, we can hope they burn and watch it happen.
Trump was actually in power for 4 years and didn’t do shit to help the Middle East. You’re going to hold him accountable for that, right? There’s no double standard where Democrats have to be absolutely perfect, while Republicans can be smearing shit all over the walls and get a total pass, right?
Dearborn, I hope your lives work out ok. You’ve really fucked up.
Dearborn, MI did not decide this election.
I don’t care, they still voted for him.
They didn’t. But I didn’t say they did. I said this was a fuck-up.
she was running for president, and they were asking for her to commit if she won. no one expected her to do anything as VP.
That isn’t what the article said, it isn’t even what the rest of the quote I posted said.
And your point? Just because they found an idiot they could quote doesnt make it a wide spread viewpoint. Also if she had won she would have had a lot more clout in the remaining months on policy.
My point is that you’re not making any responses which are relevant here. You’re making inventions out of your assumptions and trying to get other people to talk about those instead of the quote.
But the quote is right there, and it doesn’t matter if you think the actual mayor of Dearborn is an unrepresentative idiot or not, does it? Plenty of other folks disagree, and they’re not on the internet trying to set up straw men to dunk with.
Thats nice. Maybe you should reread the article since its clear that not what the mayor said.
Ah you’re right, the council member.
Okay, I’ve reread it. What part of your comments should make more sense now?
The part were no one was asking her to put an immediate stop the the blood bath. The ask was that she commit to upholding leahy and other American laws w/ respect to a genocidal Israel regime. Im sorry you lack the ability to put comments into context of a larger conversation.
Im sure if you asked the council member to clarify they would have said ‘of course i meant after she was elected’
Eh. Fuck off. I really don’t care anymore.
You chose this. You knew exactly what was at stake, you knew who Trump was beyond any shadow of a doubt, you knew he was going to fully enable Isreal to wipe your family off the face of the earth. You knew.
I fought all the bad faith arguments flying around here and beyond. All the “never genocide” bullshit. Every day, for the better part of a year.
But you played stupid fucking games. And now we all have to find out.
It sucks because people will suffer. Likely people I care about too. But this bleeding heart “liberal” has been bled dry. I can’t muster any more fucks.
I’m with you bud. I honestly tried. Lesser of two evils, help everyone, people deserve safety nets. Well the people I was fighting to help overwhelmingly voted against all of those. I honestly feel for anyone who voted for the same things I did and lost, but anyone who didn’t vote or voted to remove those protections I’m done feeling bad for.
Sorry grandma, you voted in the man who openly wanted to get rid of Medicare. Don’t care anymore. You needed Obamacare but voted for the people who openly said they’d repeal it? Too bad, get some bootstraps.
Again, those who voted to protect those things I feel for and I still want to help, but I’m done trying to help those who openly push against me.
Grandma’s coming to live with you.
Ha ha. My grandma’s dead. So I’ve got that going for me.
It’s curious that these people never targeted the Republican position on Gazza, even though it was clear from the polls that Trump had a good chance of winning.
Isn’t it though?
“it’s not my lesson to learn” has been my consoling mantra.
Well, there won’t be a Palestine in 2 years or so. Just more Israel. Problem solved /s
Yep. No more sympathy
Yeah, fuck the brown people getting fucked by both parties. The US is a white supreme country and if they don’t adhere to the “liberal” white supremacy it is only right they suffer the “conservative” white supremacy.
Even if all Arabs, Blacks and Latinos had voted Dems, the decline into fascism of the US is inevitable. You are just riling up blame and hatred towards minorities because they didn’t do what you want. How is fascism supposed to be prevented, when it is that deeply ingrained in the white majority?
Also what an narcissistic position to feel that you are entitled to dispense “sympathy”.
You tried to chastise voters to see things your way, and now you’re surprised that it didn’t work. Sure, you were absolutely right, but the way you and others made your case made your efforts less than useless. The way you feel about those voters is exactly how I feel about you right now, because I was ignored by you and your fellow ranters for months while you berated voters into hardening their stance against you and Harris.
Liberals love to talk about how much their hearts bleed. But it was also liberals talking about how disruptive and criminal people protesting in black bloc were being last time Trump was in power. It was also liberals who were saying students protesting peacefully on campuses needed to be beaten and thrown in prison.
You lot don’t give a shit about anyone but yourselves. You use minorities as tokens and ways to sell merch. The downside to that is that when the republicans are doing pogroms these next four years, they’re gonna be going after the people who aren’t armed. And while leftists will always have the backs of our queer and trans brothers and sisters, democrats can figure out defense and mutual support on your own. Because we remember who was really there for us last time, and it wasn’t you. It will never be you.
Are you imaging a world where Kamala wasn’t full throatedly supporting the genocide as well? Kamala “Most lethal military”, “Israel has a right to defend itself”, “No arms embargo”, “I’m basically Joe Biden but I want Republicans in my cabinet” Harris?
Yeah, you can fuck right off too. The news is already full of evidence that Trump is explicitly enabling Isreal to do wayyyy worse. Just like we all told you.
I’m done arguing in good faith with you asshats. Mods can remove my posts, ban me, whatever. Giving you clowns free reign to canvas lemmy with bad faith arguments just because they are borderline civilly worded is what helped disenfranchise the small slice of the internet lemmy represents.
Fuck you and fuck off. I’m done.
I vote we bring back “die in a fire” for the type of person you are responding to. Them fucking off hasn’t worked and doesn’t elicit a response that equals the damage their rhetoric has caused.
Sorry Kamala ran a dogshit campaign and failed. If you can’t extract any concessions from our representatives in a democracy, what the fuck is the point? Not doing genocide should be bare fucking minimum.
I’m just glad you guys are finally admitting you don’t give a shit about minorities. Maybe you’ll finally grow a backbone and get out there and protest. Or do LITERALLY FUCKING ANYTHING besides hand-wringing.
Let’s be honest though, you’re probably gonna just end up being the racist shitwaffles you usually are.
Did you just assume our minority status?
Project harder angry white savior!
Project harder? Assume minority status? Are you just repeating things you’ve heard in the hopes they sound cool? You sound like a parody of yourself.
Yep. I thought fighting the constant barrage of disenfranchisement was important during the election year (sigh). They were out in arms trying to disenfranchise as many progressive/leftists as they could. Fighting them was important to keep voters from throwing the bath out with the bathwater due to an imperfect reality.
Well, we lost. Now I can mute these pieces of shit who are gleefully watching the world burn and trolling with “it would have happened anyway under Harris!”.
This thread has tripled my block list already, and it’s going to be huge by the end of the month.
There’s no utility in spending time replying to users who are posting in bad faith
It’s not about changing their minds, it’s about keeping them from influencing others. But yeah, that obviously wasn’t effective either.
you should have been done months ago. you know whats bad faith? telling people they friends and family must die because you suddenly might be in the same situation they’ve been in for the last year. your friends and families lives may now be on the line.
This is your lesson to learn. you don’t throw a group under the bus just for your own convenience.
The least scratched liberal over here.
Calling people liberals, how will they ever recover. 🙄😂
Well, liberalism is the moderate wing of fascism. Ya’ll are so fucking smarmy while being propagandized stooges for the status quo. At least the rank and file conservatives are so bat shit insane they’re at least funny usually. They also have the capacity to reckon with the fact that real material problems exist, even though their solutions are so misdirected.
The thing is you don’t know anybody’s political alignment. For all the talking you do, all you base this accusation on is a single comment and slap the label on anyone who disagrees like a monkey throwing feces. That’s my point, not whatever else bullshit you’re on about.
I can’t ever know what’s in people’s hearts and minds, but I see their output clear as day.
And to be fair, the above comment was referencing the quote “Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds”. I was calling them a fascist for telling the anti genocide folks to fuck off because his blue team lost.
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And you suppose Trump will touch his heart and at the very least consider slamming on the breaks? Get real.
No, but I understand the people not wanting to cosign the genocide and not voting or voting 3rd party. I can even forgive the low information voter that was hopeful toward Trump’s vague allusion toward stopping the wars (even though obviously this is incorrect).
For lefties, y’all really underestimate what trump can do, if you think that single issue outweights your safety at home.
Yeah, the “single issue” of genocide. And how do you think the safety of people develops, when genocide is normalized?
Do you think the Nazis started with death camps? These things are processes. And normalizing genocide abroad is a big step towards normalizing genocide at home. There is no safety for anyone, if genocide is normalized.
A world renowned, pathological liar “played you”? The guy famous for a decades long history of incredible contradictions, tall tales and epic falsehoods. That guy. The Mythomaniac to end all mythomanics. The compulsive liar that lies more easily than he breaths? He played you? Really? I’m shocked!
I am still shocked about one thing: How could they fall for it???
Most didn’t, they fell for the third party choice.
Still counts
“All she had to do was stop the war in Lebanon and Gaza and she would receive everyone’s votes here,” Dearborn’s Democratic mayor, Abdullah Hammoud, told the Associated Press.
Spot the mayor who has no idea what the job of Vice President actually is…
Depending on what they mean by “stop the war” in gaza, if they mean the current hostilities (which, yeah it’s what she probably meant) or end the conflict in its entirety, that could be the biggest God damn ask I’ve ever heard.
Particularly since the US is not one of the parties at war.
The US is supplying the vast majority of weapons, paying billions of aid and vetoing any UN resolution against one party of the genocide. Also the US built a landing pier, allegedly for delivering aid. Instead of aid it delivered soldiers who slaughtered some 300 people in a “hostage rescue mission”. Also the US provides surveillance flights, shoots down missiles and drones sent to stop the genocider from genociding…
Saying the US is not a party in this, and insinuating that the US has no options to stop this is absurd. The US could stop the weapons flow and stop the diplomatic cover and this genocide would be over within days.
Fucking Ronald Reagan stopped an Israeli onslaught in Lebanon with a single phone call. The US has that power. Biden and Harris choose not to use it every single day. Instead they use their power to make sure enough weapons are there that the slaughter can continue.
Stopping the weapons won’t stop Israeli snipers from killing innocent kids. Bullets are super cheap.
“we armed the bully with brass knuckles and body armor and all the implicit endorsement that kind of thing brings but he usually just chokes out his victims with his bare hands so AKSHUALLY we are blameless here” 🤓☝️
That is not an argument against not supplying bombs, artillery and tank shells, fighter jets… And the vast majority of Israeli attacks are not sniper attacks. Also without the US sending missile systems to protect Israel against the neighbors intervening, that gives the cover under which the snipers can act with impunity.
No, what I’m saying is stopping the supply of arms won’t stop the genocide. Folks who make that argument are kidding themselves.
There is only one way to stop the genocide and that’s a full scale invasion of Israel to separate the two parties and force them to behave, but nobody has the balls to float that idea.
All it would take is threatening an arms embargo. Presidents have stopped Israel via a single phone call before, and they need our billions of dollars worth of bombs to continue. Don’t act like we’re powerless small beans here.
Worst case, they keep going but not on our dime and not with our support.
I’m guessing leopardsatemyface is gonna be the new hermancainaward hotbed of schadenfreude over the next 4 years
I guess you could also call it “they did nazi that coming”.
“They didzi that coming. We all did.”
Steve Bannon Award?
Only now, at the end, do you understand?
I don’t feel sorry for these people. We’ve been through the Trump administration once already. They completely knew what they were voting for.
To be fair, Rashida Tlaib basically told them not to vote for Harris. Probably should reconsider voting for her next election.
They still don’t understand, they just don’t like that it’s going to affect them.
“Cut off your nose to spite your face.”
deleted by creator
Moṙ luık ku̇tıŋ ȯf Yṙ feıſ t ſpuıt Yṙ noz hıṙ.
More like cutting off your face to spite your nose here.
Why funny letters
this election was lost on multiple fronts.
do not let articles like this, however truthful, and the inevitable spiteful comments underneath convince you that the next four years were caused by Arab-Americans.
Yeah, even if we won Michigan, where the Arab-American vote is strongest, it wouldn’t have reversed our defeat in the electoral college.
This is just more sad “But I didn’t think Leopards would eat MY face!” that is happening in all kinds of demographics of the US electorate right now.
fine, fine, yes, it is multifactorial. Unity in opposing trump’s ghouls is the most important, not infighting over losing.
thanks, and not trying to be combative here :) i just know how discourse molds and progresses and it’s just a few short steps from the comments and name calling i’m seeing here to “pro-Palestine caused trump”
when in reality biden/harris actively ignored the petitioning of multiple vital demographics including latino, young, and low-income voters—all of which played out very poorly. it speaks volumes that i haven’t seen a single post about these demographics yet and multiple about Arab-Americans.
just be careful yall! your neighbors need you
For an article titled, “Dearborn residents show remorse,” it sure didn’t feature a lot of, you know, Dearborn residents showing remorse.
Cool, we all get to suffer for it
Minorities have been suffering for years under both democrats and republicans. If democrats can’t manage to survive four years, then that’s your problem.
I’m sorry, do you think that non minorities are going to suffer in a way that is even close to the additional harm this is going to cause to minorities? Are you dumb?
Headline is misleading. It was a quote from a single individual.
You know the Sara Mclaughlin commercials with all the sad, sick, and starving puppies? Do you think there’s a similar market for engorged, morbidly obese leopards?
I lived in Detroit for a brief period and my observation was that the Arab population in Dearborn was comprised mainly of people born into multi-generational wealth. I know that’s anecdotal but if my observations were accurate then we’re talking about wealthy people who are disconnected from real life struggles who are voting for Trump. Not about immigrants who have seen and experienced hardships.