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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • No one is shitting on other people’s choices. They are criticizing a major corporations choices to skimp on specs while charging a premium price. Specs that can’t be upgraded and will absolutely lead to a shorter usable life. I find it odd that people get upset about criticism that isn’t aimed at them at all. The only thing I can think is maybe they realize they were ripped off after putting so much money into Apple products and they need to defend their financial decisions. Even then I don’t fully understand. I’ve purchased overpriced junk many times and don’t feel the need to defend the offending company. Maybe it’s because Apple has managed to make their customers feel like they’re in an exclusive club even though everyone uses Apple products these days. A publicly traded company is around to make money and nothing more. They should never be held in reverence.

  • If you choose to be a weak little quiet corporate Stan then that’s up to you. Apple is well aware that third party apps exist and they’re well aware that machines with less ram will need replaced far sooner than machines with more. RAM is cheap and Apples intigrated memory is no different in the regard. The only reason to use less is planned obsolescence. If you don’t believe that then you’re either Tim Cook or you’re an idiot.

  • I can’t upvote this enough. I love limited or mini series for this very reason. There are too many shows that just coast after creating an idea or mystery where even the writers themselves have no idea where it’s actually going. These type of shows survive off cliffhangers and shock events and would continue on forever so long as people are watching. I really wish more shows would just end tieing up all loose ends before the final episode. If the show is that great they can start a new story arc either with the original characters or a spin off in the same world. Any show that requires a cliffhanger to keep people engaged isn’t great to begin with and will likely end in viewer disappoint. That’s just my opinion though.

  • The only problem is that with your merger $200,000 job you’d have to work for 5,000 years at that wage without spending a single penny before you’d reach even one billion dollars. To be e billionaire now would make your start date 3000 BC which would be around the time the Sumeruan writing system was first used.

    • Now, it gets worse. If you want to make Elons 46 billion dollar package you’d have to start working your full time $200,000 job 230,000 years ago. This would be the prehistoric stone age so finding a $200,000 a year job would be difficult. Even more difficult would be staying alive while working full time for 230,000 years while you earn the amount Elon wants handed to him.

    • I think the reason people think having a billion dollars is OK is because they can’t do math and don’t understand the ludicrously in that amount of money.

  • I don’t know anything about this particular waterfall but the existence of a pipe doesn’t mean anything nefarious here. It definitely doesn’t have to mean water was pumped up there unnaturally. It could be that a short segment of pipe was used to keep a river flowing under a segment of rock to control flooding or erosion. I’m not saying that’s what it is but on its face this is a non story without context or evidence of water being pumped.

  • Their methodology is basically this :

    1. Find news articles about the company
    2. If it’s a positive article about the company’s environmental work, inclusion statements or supports any Biden policies then BAM woke.
    3. If it’s an article about the company donations to election denying politicians, about the company being accused of racism or about Republican donations then it gets stamped non woke.
    4. Average the results and profit!

    I’m not sure how many articles they “find” or how they decide which ones to include but this website is as hilarious as it is sad. Imagine being so afraid of the word “woke” that you feel the need curate a list of companies to avoid.

  • Haha! Well I like how you end your statement with something you completely made up extrapolated from my lack of belief in the system.

    I know for 100% certain that you haven’t had any success in competitive politics because you obviously have no idea how to motivate or influence people with whom you disagree.

    Your attitude is just complacency at this point. Life in the United States has been getting worse for at least a couple of decades. We’ve played the hold your nose and vote game over and over and each time we get the exact same prize. I’m going to assume you’re calling me names because you’re very upset with the lack of enthusiasm for the system right now. If I were you I’d redirect that energy towards topeling the two party system because nothing will ever change when we have a virtual duopoly on power. Push for ranked choice voting, push for a system where voting on a third option doesn’t benefit the candidate with opposite views. That’s a system where we can have real change but your solution won’t get us there because the powerful parties would never willingly relinquish control even if they knew it was for the better good.

  • You won’t get past local politics unless you’re 100% all in on supporting one of two political parties. You deviate on even one party position and they might throw you under the bus calling you a radical that supports the other side. Both of the two parties are continuing to support policies that grow the income inequality divide so it’s difficult to believe this time will be different. Telling people the other side will be worse gets less motivating every election cycle. If the “good” side was serious about doing the right thing they wouldn’t keep nominating the worst candidates possible. * I’d say this cartoon looks accurate as soon as you realize that the characters bailing out water are just there for the photo op and the boat will still sink but just a bit slower.

  • Madison, I’m not really sure what you’re argument is here. Let’s look at your seat belt argument. Torx (or star bits as they’re now called since Torx is a brand name) has become a ubiquitous standard in the automotive world and absolutely irrelevant to the poor point you’re trying to make. Auto makers use star bits because they enable a rounded dome shape that is smaller and requires no space around the bolt head to accommodate a thick socket. You may have assumed it was to prevent removal but no auto maker has ever declared that as a reason. Considering that even basic starter tool kits come with star bits these days I’d say that makes them a poor choice as a lawsuit prevention method. There are too many other “dangerous products” out there that don’t have silly screws and yet somehow are able to avoid frivolous lawsuits. I’m not sure why defending this practice is the hill your want to die on but making repairs difficult to avoid a lawsuit is something only a sucker would believe.