Fits here!
Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
Fits here!
“Ah, a slave!”
“I’m no slave! I’m the best damn astronomer/engineer/singer/underwater basket-weaver you’ve ever met!”
“Oh, so you’re a VALUABLE slave?”
but also the possibility that Israel might get overrun by massive enemies it is completely surrounded by which would, more or less, crush it like a bug without our formidable assistance in terms of military aid and deterrance.
While that is a view that has been cultivated by Israel, and would have to be combatted in the electorate and elected officials of the US in case of policy change, it’s not realistic. Considering its primary foes in past conflicts, Egypt and Jordan, are US-aligned and cold-but-cooperative towards Israel; and Syria, which is… not currently in any position to offer serious hostility. The Saudis have no serious interest in destroying Israel, and while Iraq is subverted enough by Iran that, if push came to shove, it might allow Iranian forces to cross, it’s unlikely to take a serious interest in the matter itself. And I don’t think even the clerical fascists of Iran are crazy enough to think they have that kind of long-distance force-projection capability for a serious and sustained war - especially not when the Saudis would love any excuse to fuck with them, whatever claims of detente have been recently.
Alles klar, Herr Kommissar?
It’s just about 3 things mood, moisture and temperature.
Nothing spoils a mood like fear!
It’s like… All places in the world had (or still have) slavery going on. Why does the Internet seem to think we were the worst offenders???
tbf, there are only a handful of systems of slavery that were worse than Southern US and Caribbean slavery as-introduced-by-the-triangle-trade. We were running one of the worst variations of what was already one of mankind’s worst systems ever devised.
But yeah, people often aren’t looking at that so much as “I know about American slavery and not slavery in my own country”
No one has ever accused Americans of knowing history - others’ or our own.
The Expression
No no, nationalism is freethinking because [checks notes] an American in the Cold War was a lunatic.
It was Hunter’s variation of the Chinese term “xinao”, meaning “cleaning the brain.”
If Cicero was so opposed to monarchy, why was he the king of run-on sentences?
Despite having a Nazi infestation here in the US as well, I think we have the Sherman variant you need
Explanation: It used to be fairly normal for teachers in the US, at least, to ‘correct’ left-handed children by striking their hand or otherwise punishing them for using it for primary-hand tasks. My great-uncle suffered this bizarre form of correction as a child.
Mm. I’ll consider deleting it here, leaving it just up on RoughRomanMemes, where some knowledge of Crassus’s shittiness can be expected.
More about Musk’s sheer patheticness and lack of actual accomplishments, but otherwise I don’t disagree. Crassus was not a good man, even by the judgement of his contemporary aristocrats. You may be interested to learn that he died (according to legend, at least) by having molten gold poured down his throat as repudiation of his infamous greed
Sometimes history DOES have a happy ending!
It’s an achievement, at the least. I don’t think raising armies with one’s own money has a strong positive moral component either, but it’s a much bigger thing to have to one’s name than shitposting on social media.
Same. I won’t complain if he dies, though. Bonus points if it’s death by gold
Thank god, now you can indulge in all your favorite conservative fantasies under the paternalistic gaze of the PRC.
That was the goal, right?