The irony is that if they were merely antifascists that were dunking on racists and transphobes, a lot of people would genuinely appreciate them. The tankie brain-rot ruins that though.
“You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the fascists, not join them!”
Although, tbf, I think I’d still be somewhat annoyed at Hexbear style discourse even if it was oriented towards a good cause. Much less annoyed, of course, but “I know you are but what am I?”, Sea Lioning, Gish Galloping, and images of pigs pooping on their own balls are not great for the tone of any community.
Let’s face it, these people are run-of-the mill internet trolls who are working with a politics angle. Their only cause is distruption of online communities for shits and giggles. Treat them like any other troll - block on user level, defederate on instance level.
Bro I had them call me a bigot because I dared to suggest trans people aren’t trans when they’ve finished transitioning. They’re just whatever gender they transitioned to. That and, oh god the horror, that trans people in sports is complicated for reasons.
That’s it. That makes me a bigot. Literally accepting them, accepting them makes you a bigot because it isn’t on their terms.
Delusional authists seem to think the world should bend over backwards for them. Surprise surprise, it doesn’t.
One called me an eugenicist because I don’t wear masks any more when I go to public places.
They claim we just don’t like having opinions challenged. No, I’m okay with new ideas, but when they come bundled in a sandwich of insults and mockery, the ideas lose their appeal. I don’t understand why the hexbears don’t get that. It’s always everyone else’s fault that no one wants to talk to them.
these people a literally cultists.
Same as the the MAGAts
Y’all “antiTankies” are just as much of a cult tbh
I’m in neither boat but believe we can wall work together for a better future
Find some common ground to bring down billionares instead
Are you seriously suggesting that if we just talk to them we can come to a compromise? Because they’re absolutely not interested in compromise, that’s why they’re like MEGA. They are absolutely categorically not interested in anyone else’s point of view, all they want to do is beat you repeatedly over the head with a big stick until you agree with them, or at least say you agree with them.
The world does not need ultra nationalists. We’ve had them before and they don’t make things better.
Both groups can just fuck off.
I’d agree with you, if Hexbears weren’t so obnoxious and cultish. First, they will hit you over the head with 20 different links on why the Tiananmen Square massacre was actually a fake, how the Uyghur genocide is fake as well, how China is the bestest democracy to ever have graced the earth and if you dare cite Wikipedia, you’re just spewing CIA talking points. They are anti-billionaire only to the extend they can blame the US for. And if you won’t play their little game of debunking all the drivel they throw at you, they just start to post their pig shit image. There’s a reason they have it hot-linked on their instance: (NSFW)
So eloquently and precisely did you sum up my experience with them that I am starting to suspect you are me.
No, it’s just that they all use the exact same play book
Oh that’s what that image is, lol that’s disgusting.
They should just enable downvotes
OK boomer
Big “antifa are the real fascists” energy.
North Korea calls itself democratic, they’re not. A name is just a name sometimes
Okay, Im actually confused now. Whats the joke?
If that ground involves claiming that the Holodomor was the fault of the farmers, then I want nothing to do with it.
This finding common ground is always better than constantly trying to dunk on people ☝️
Meanwhile in my Lemmy app…
(Blocked by an instance filter)
(Blocked by an instance filter)
(Blocked by an instance filter)
(Blocked by an instance filter)
(Blocked by an instance filter)
(Blocked by an instance filter)
Which app do you use that has instance filters? I’m using Liftoff and I didn’t find an option for that and I’d really like to filter some shit instances
Connect has instance and community blocks.
As suggested, Connect. Excellent filter capabilities. My feed is pretty enjoyable now, at least on my phone. The only thing I’m missing is filtering out comments with specific keywords but that isn’t a huge issue. I downvote and occasionally block a user if they just post an emoji or a pun.
I even have a “system”:
- Instances with annoying users like those on hexbear, blahaj or lemmygrad: complete instance block.
- Communities which I have no interest in: block
- Spam bots reposting articles, reddit threads or links to some random blog post: instance/user block depending on context and how many posts per hour they spit out.
- Too many posts about the same subject that I don’t care about: keyword block. Absolute bliss when Elon Musk and Donald Trump is gone.
I only interact with content that I find interesting. Not a huge fan of defederation if it’s not pedo paradise or spam bot/troll farm. There are some good tutorials online on how to tie a noose if one of those two are your thing. Everyone has the right to an opinion and I have the right to ignore crazies.
Sounds cool!
Can you turn these on or off at any time? For those times when you wanna read some chaos?
Just in the comments and if a user match a filter. You can tap and view.
Otherwise you have to go into the settings and edit your filters.
Not easily, no (unless you mean unfiltering a single instance, not temporarily turning off all filtering). The best option for that kind of thing seems to be to use a different app when you don’t want to filter stuff.
Connect will block instances or communities. Several instances like .world have defederated hexbear at this point (as everyone should), so that’s an option too.
Sync has it but not for comments I believe.
I was able to block posts from hexbear on Sync but I still see comments from users in posts from other instances.
It’s weird how they can’t seem to realize they’re literally, exactly the same as trumpers. They’re just tanky Qanon. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
I’m fairly certain most of them are trumpers. They’re far right 4chan trolls roleplaying as what they think leftists sound like (and they’re really not very good at it), possibly for laughs, possibly to make leftists sound bad, probably both. And some of them are Chinese and / or Russian shill bots.
Eh, I think you’re making it too complicated. The simplest explanation is normally true. They’re just brainwashed low intelligence goons forming a groupthink echo chamber. Instead of blaming brown people and “libruls” they blame capitalists, liberals etc.
They’re just brainwashed low intelligence goons forming a groupthink echo chamber.
That’s what leftzero said.
No, they are just leftist
They are beyond delusional.
Ah yes, that central tenet of communism, “compensation”.
Yup, logically inconsistent, and if you confront them about it they tell you they are just being “le masters of irony”.
communism in theory is vastly superior to whatever we have now. But in practice it’s entirely inept for the human race. Maybe we should consider some sort of meritocracy that doesn’t rely on bottom up or top down extremes. Transparency and equal opportunity should be the core tenants
communism in theory is vastly superior to whatever we have now. But in practice it’s entirely inept for the human race.
I’m assuming that what you are referring to as ‘communism’ is actually Marxism-Leninism, they’'re different things. Yes, state socialism (Marxism) has proven that it can end badly, but it’s not the only way to implement socialism, others have proven or are proving they can work.
Maybe we should consider some sort of meritocracy
Real meritocracy doesn’t exist, not without real communism first. Each generation inherits a set of inequalities from the previous one, ignoring them to only focus on achievements becomes a tool for the powerful to justify their power (I received a small loan of a million dollar and did fine, that means I deserve living life on easy mode; meanwhile the poor guy that dropped out of school to pay the bills didn’t work hard enough to lift himself out of poverty).
Revolutionary Catalonia existed for weeks and really shouldn’t be used as an example of proving the success of anything. It simply wasn’t around long enough for if to do much.
While the Kurdish groups are interesting they exist within a larger state that is taking on several roles of the state, such as maintaining the larger economy, so that the Kurds do not have to do so. Thus the Kurds aren’t proving the efficacy of their system independent of a capitalist system as it is in a capitalist nation-state.
I don’t think you have good examples here.
Revolutionary Catalonia existed for weeks
More like 2-3 years. Yes, it’s still not much, but not mere weeks either. There were also other anarchist territories at the time and they all worked under socialist principles, none of them caused famines, deportations nor genocides; they don’t exist anymore because they got betrayed and hunted down by the soviets, which were authoritarian since day 1.
While the Kurdish groups are interesting they exist within a larger state that is taking on several roles of the state
The Syrian state? During a civil war? Like, what roles?
And is it actually the state taking those roles? At the end of the day, all politicians do is sign papers, the world is shaped by the workers. It’s workers that build and run hospitals, railways etc. If workers under the Syrian state can make the electricity run, why would the same workers suddenly not be able to anymore “under” the kurds?
I don’t think you have good examples here.
How about the Zapatistas, then? They’re around since the 90s and they’re independent from the Mexican state.
May I offer: Mutualism?
They are all mentally unwell. So sick of seeing their shit. Literally no different than the ultra MAGA crowd just the opposite end of the spectrum. Insane people congregating sharing insane beliefs.
That’s the political spectrum …I used to see it as a line with left on one side and right on the other. After reading and leaving a whole bunch in my own, I now see it as a circle where we all try to basics ourselves and our ideas at the top centre, if we drift too far left or too far right, we’ll slide down and eventually meet our political opposite at the bottom where everyone acts the same anyway.
As a leftist, we don’t claim these people. Their views are left-coded but inherently antithetical to leftist values. Marxism-Leninism is an attempt (and quite a successful one) to appease revolutionary sentiment by embracing the aesthetics of the left but wrapping it in an authoritarian state. It’s similar to how the nazis called themselves socialists to leech off the socialist sentiment in Germany at the time. These dopes like leftist aesthetics but completely miss the mark on any leftist policy.
We should have a spectrum based on how far they are from agreeing with the human rights charter.
That’s called the “horseshoe theory” I believe. Some scholars/academics dispute its validity. I don’t feel myself qualified to have a strong opinion about it either way.
What you are describing is known as the “horseshoe theory” and is widely rejected by political science.
The actual way to portray such things is a political spectrum, but with 2 or more axes, also known as a “political compass”.
and all are cringe.
true political science is that views can’t be blanketed into red or blue
I like the political compass as a tool for mapping politics beyond left-right (with more dimensions it’s even better, but sparsely populated, which indicates that it is missing some symmetries of politics), but it fails to grasp how politics is not as much a spectrum as it is a tree of ideas that mate with each other and evolve, diverge according to circumstances.
You wouldn’t say that there is a spectrum between a shark and a dolphin, but they share a common ancestor and have similarities driven by their environment.
It’s this nuance of accumulated history that the political compass can oversimplify as a snapshot for people without the time to waste studying political history.
Well yes, but it was never the goal of the political compass to portray the history of beliefs. It is just a way to visualize the current alignment.
Yes, but that’s what I’m saying. Positional closeness sometimes hides a lot of foundational differences and creates the illusion that there is a continuous path between any two points. Eg between tankies and nazis :)
Tankies and Nazis would be both on the outer end of the authoritarian axis, but on completely different ends of the economic axis. If you take 3, 4 or even more dimensions there will barely be any positional closeness left. You can visualize every form of difference in the form of an additional dimension.
I am not advocating specifically for a 2 axis political spectrum. My original comment was just pointing out that the horseshoe theory is bullshit.
They are not on opposite ends. Nazis were not laissez-faire, protectionist actually: On the economic axis they were close to the middle.
Plus I’m not saying they are that close, I’m saying that the line you can draw between them can not be followed continuously, you probably need to take a few loops around other systems like Weimar liberalism, Italian Socialism and feudal Czarism or Marxism to go from one to the other.
I just gave that example because it looks like convergent evolution shaped by similar circumstances despite completely opposite origins.
ahaha, god that’s so pathetic
If they think they’re having any real effect on anything then they majorly need to touch some grass.
This is the reality of their “dunking on user bases”
There’s plenty of correct ways to criticize them, you don’t need to resort to ableist slurs my dude. We can be better than that.
I’m autistic, and I don’t need you to be offended for my sake.
im autistic and i would rather we do not use ableist slurs
What would you suggest instead? The word idiot? That has connotations for the intellectually disabled. Stupid? Same thing.
i prefer vague connotations over explicit slurs that folks actually register as kicking down on disabled folks
It’s very possible to offer constructive criticism without having been offended.
but in this case, I don’t see the use of retard offensive. If it was directed at people with actual learning disabilities, then yeah, definitely.
You don’t really want to encourage the idea that disabled = bad, and you can use it as an insult. It’s still racist to insult a white person with the n-word, because even if it’s not offensive to them, it carries on the cultural attitude that black people are inferior. The idea is to foster a culture that is inclusive to disabled people.
Are you disabled? Since if you’re not, you’re not in a position to be lecturing if disabilities are good or bad.
Its to call people retards when theyre being retards. Its only an issue if they are actually cognitively challenged
Calm down
No u
clutches pearls well I never!
Honestly I’m pretty sure the coup part happened on reddit. I feel like I witnessed multiple subs get taken over by tankies.
ToiletPaperUSA almost got couped. Like, in a nearly literal sense. One of the mods expelled like half of the other mods for the crime of not being tankies and started censoring anti-China posts.
How is this instance not just lemmy grad they believe the same things and act the same.
- lemmygrad: Genocide denial
- hexbear: Genocide denial, but in vaporwave
You have to appreciate the irony of forcing people to be communist, or else. Literally doing the thing they are denying.
That’s not ironic. They’re authoritarians. I very much doubt that they’re against forcing people to be collectivists.
Just be glad they’re staying on hexbear and not creating alts on other instances.
Reading these comments that looks exactly like what they are doing.
Because they are
They have been doing that. Other threads on lemmy world have the nazis admitting to it.
What is with the overuse of the term Nazi? Nazi means a “national socialist”, an ideology that is, among other things, anti-communist.
They say Nazi when they mean authoritarian.
They’re literally the opposite of nazis
They say Nazi when they mean authoritarian.
That’d be lemmygrad then that’d fit that
Found an alt.
Check my post history idiot
These are not intellectually serious people. They should not be treated as such.
Wow, this is amazing. Not at all like what happened at reddit…
I appreciate the fuck out of Hexbear. Over the past few years I’ve seen a massive ideological shift in a bunch of communities I use to enjoy. Like feminist communities shifted from egalitarian/humanist perspectives towards more bigioted attitudes, people stopped caring about confronting their own biases, and instead try to justify them, because “the patriarchy”. I’ve encountered these people in real life. I once got in an argument with another nonbinary with them telling me “You need to understand the world sees you as a white male”.
I see people getting called white supremace for calling out racism.
Sorry I know this is a ramble, still processing.
Anyways, now that I see the fingerprints of Marxism I can just call it out.
I think this is a side effect of social media algorithms as a whole. It pushes people into more extreme views of content/ideoligies that they already have, potentially pushing them to a point they wouldn’t have chosen.
Yeah, it’s hella dangerous
The thing is you use to see rebuttals, but now you don’t. I don’t really know, but I remember a massive shift when Trump began raising in popularity Reddit communities started to become a lot more insular. You’d get autobanned from communities if you posted in a subreddit with the wrong political affiliation.
And then just last year I was on my local subreddit, one user was just being blatant racist towards whites, another user posted “What happened to colourblindness”, I reported the first comment, the mods locked the second. So I asked what was up, and got told “colourblindness is white supremace rhetoric”, and they saw nothing wrong with the anti-white comment.
I think it’s not just the content that’s being curated, but our userbases.
Liftoff says 131 replies but I only see less than a dozen. Feels good.