Hah. Good luck trying to make me dispose of the computer I built almost a decade ago and that I just upgraded. Neither my laptops nor my phones have outlived this baby.
How much could a new PC be Michael, $10?
I switched to Linux on my laptops years ago. Recently, I retired and started playing video games like Skyrim. I play on a Nintendo Switch. I considered playing Skyrim on a laptop so I could use/build mods. I bought a laptop with Windows 11 and spent forty minutes removing the bloat, ads, spyware, ai nonsense, and other dross, fixing it so it did not ‘update’ to restore everything I deleted, and installing my preferred alternatives (browser, search, email etc). It reminded me why I hate Windows almost as much as Mac OS (which is even more controlling). Microsoft have hundreds of engineers ‘enshitifying’ everything. It is more than a full-time job trying to stop them and block their ‘improvements’. I am retired. I have better things to do.
I did not enjoy playing games with a laptop (hurts my arthritis, I prefer using a console and an easy chair) and resented having to reverse engineer everything I installed to keep it running but without sacrificing my privacy so the laptop now just sits in a drawer. It amazes me that anyone still tolerates Microsoft products, or any of the monopolists stuff. Why is anyone still using google search or chrome browser, why bing or any of it? Why is anyone still seeing adverts? Why is everyone still being fed by algorithms? You must chose this - but why? I always sought out better and if it did not exist, I built it, and if I could not build it, I did without. There is a lot of dumbing-down around technology. Back in C20th, we used to build our own hardware, write our own software. We were skilled hobbyists (later I got an M.Sc. to reinforce my hobby skills with theory and even ran a business for a while as an engineer). Around 2000 +/- five years, the monopolists offered ‘help’ in the form of WYSIWYG editors to write code for us or ‘click buttons to register your account’ platforms to host content for us instead of us running our own websites (blogger, wordpress, facebook, twitter etc). They dumbed us all down, farmed us like animals for data and used clickbait to get ad revenue and undermined our politics, culture, even changed our sense of being human. Now old folk can build resources but younger people can only consume. We have to re-skill and resist the seduction of the easy and free-to-use. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Never trust a tech bro, whether USA or any nationality.
Personally, I want to ‘jail break’ my Switch and make mods for my console version of Skyrim. I can’t do that now as it is illegal but when they bring out the Switch 2 and the old console is ‘obsolete’ and they stop trying to get money for Skyrim, I reckon we tinkerers will get a chance to re-purpose the old console to play the old games in our own way. I reckon some exciting engineering is happening amongst the recyclers and re-purposers rather than amongst the corporates. I only buy second-hand for ethical reasons and to save money. I always install my own software based on AOSP or use a more ethical distro or alternative to the commercial options. I always debloat or degoogle or remove unwanted stuff. I wish that kind of personalisation were more common. There is a zero sum relationship with tech: either the technology controls you, or you control it. I urge you to control your own tech. Don’t be enslaved by it. I feel I am in a minority in wanting sovereignty over my damn phone. It makes me sad.
Trading in a PC… in 2025? To who? Where? What time period, even? They must be thinking it’s still 1985, and you can trade in your IBM Compatible to your nearest IBM Distributor.
The addage to people who ask if I buy PCs is: You want to get rid of it. How am I going to convince someone to not only take it, but pay money for it?
Maybe to the “third world” ( i dont like this name ) countries which still use linux because of high financial costs of windows… I can’t wait react os 1.0
Users to microsoft: “You’re creating a huge pile of garbage out of perfectly fine devices because of unneeded hardware requirement”
microsoft: “It’s ok, just buy a new one”
Rarely have a message gone through so bad.
Funny because people still use Windows 7 in large quantities across the world.
Linux users tell Microsoft to just get over it, dump your parasitic software and start over, because how hard can it be?
As hard as plugging in a USB with OS and follow instructions.
Minus all the caveats like not being reliable on anything with an NVidia GPU or just hating your specific setup for no reason (I am salty, I’m going to keep trying anyway)
I’ve recently convinced my daughter to try Mint on her system. She has GF 1650 and it worked out of the box with propietary Nvidia driver (nothing needed to install additionally, with the option to switch to open source driver). Really, it’s not worse than on Windows.
Can MS be sued by EU for this? There was the thing with USB-C, because E-waste, and now the most used Desktop-OS says “just throw your PC away” for a not really needed (and artifically defined) requirement.
I don’t think there would be any legal standing for it. The computers being dropped won’t be losing their functionality since users could just switch to something different or keep using Windows 10 without security patches. The
If you are living on the coast and the water is rising due to climate change, just sell your house and move.
Sell their houses to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?!
Hbomberguy is so based
I want you to know a few things. First, you saved me a Google, so I appreciate that. Second, I am working overtime to support a department that isn’t working at the moment, and so I have very little to do. (Long story) I was real excited to slap on my headphones and listen to an hour and a half long rant about fallout 3, only to discover that I left them at home. And so I am terribly disappointed.
At least with OS you have a choice.
And I now I use Linux. Will never go back to Windows after this nonsense.
This is the way. Linux gave my computer more freedom and lifespan. Never go back again.
Linux speed increase over Windows it’s like jumping 10 years into the future
I made the jump recently, too, after having to use W11 for my studies… Figured that the one multiplayer game I play that actually needs Windows to work (and that’s purely because the dev’s won’t enable anticheat on Linux) is not too much of a sacrifice when the alternative would be giving out the possibility to tune the OS to my liking.
Bye bye Windows, you were “great” during XP and W7 times!
Well, if I’m honest I tried to install Win11 before Linux but it was such a pain in the arse I gave up. The installer couldn’t pick up the SSD so I had to download drivers onto USB and install them half way through the wizard. THEN, it wouldn’t pick up the WiFi card so I bypassed that to get the installer to finish, and to top it off, even after I’d installed all the drivers, it still didn’t pick it up, not in the device manager, nowhere, as if it didn’t exist. So I gave up. Linux installed first time and although it’s not quite perfect yet it’s functional enough for me to actually use the flipping thing! Haha
I’ve installed every Windows since 95 on various machines and never had so much trouble. Win11 is complete crap. And Microsoft are a bunch of dickheads for forcing it when there was literally nothing wrong with Win10.
I also had problems installing Win10 years ago, the problem was I had more than one drive plugged in… Took me half a day to figure that out.
The only problem with installing Linux (pop_OS this time) was I didn’t flash my USB stick properly, so user error. Also, could be my old Kingston Datatraveler isn’t well suited for the job
Don’t even want to think how badly installing Win11 now would break my system…
This is kinda funny, just thinking someone believes you can “trade in” a PC at all. Even more so when they are trying to say those same Windows 10 machines will be so useless you need to trade them in in the first place, making the value of such a trade in what, next to nothing?
A testament to the shot development standards at MS. An OS literally should not in a million years be this resource inefficient, especially out of the box.
jokes on them i just erased my windows and put mint on it
I use Arch btw.
My Acer Nitro with OpenSUSE says hi 👋
My Acer Nitro with Aurora Says Hi!
(I’m thinking maybe going to Kinonite)
Hi from a Thinkpad running Debian (Mint), as God intended
“In the name of our Lord I implore thee to embrace Linux Mint. For it is a software that shall free thy computer from its earthly shackles and grant thee access to infinite knowledge of the cosmos.”
Matthew 23:23
Arch heretic here (long time Mint user).
Oh sure, why not throw a perfectly functional $1,300 into a shredder so we can make Microsoft happy? Oh yeah, I know, because fuck you Microsoft.
Alright then MS, (this is hypothetical as I haven’t ran Windows as my main OS in years and don’t plan on going back) since you want me to trade in my hardware, how 'bout I trade in your OS instead? :p
So, uh… You gonna trade me a better machine for my current one, Microsoft?
M$: best I can do is Intel celery, but it’s new enough to run windows 11
sigh does it at least come with ranch or peanutbutter? Celery is better with one of those.
No! CheezWiz with raisins or nothing! Just like my mother used to make.
I can’t recall ever trying it with peanut butter, that sounds interesting
Celery is excellent that way. A peanut butter lover’s dream
Celery and peanut butter together are the best if you like both of those things separately
deleted by creator
Celery stalks with peanut butter and raisins is the bomb!
Comes with 64gb emmc & 4gb ram, soldered. Everything else is extra
Peanut butter and raisins, gotta get those ants on a log.
Childhood memories
No, but you can use it for your bloody mary.