Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Well. Sadly a majority of Canadian news outlets are owned by Postmedia (I personally feel like that’s a bit too “on the nose”,) which is in turn majority owned by Chatham Asset Management, which is in turn fully owned by Anthony Malchiorre. Anthony, and CAM, have a long and…robust…history of being Republican mouthpieces. So.

    What has (Canadian) journalism become?

    GOP Propaganda? Obviously there’s still a bit of journalistic and editorial freedom. But it’s a fat lougie in the eye of the law that says Canadian media is to be majority Canadian owned. Sure… Postmedia is “Canadian”…about as fucking Canadian as Timmie’s is these days. Which isn’t fucking Canadian by a cunt-ry km

  • Yeah, fam… airborne grease particles. They’re the reason for hood fan filters, and the reason they clog. I would recommend getting a full box of nitrile gloves. And definitely clean the screen cover over the filter.

    Edit: re-shaped for collection of fumes from the front burners… Idk, sometimes people change the stove but not the hood, or get a stove and think the hood that would work best with it “clashes” and gets an objectively shit hood instead. Beauty is pain. Or some shit. Idk. I put stones on top of other stones for a living…