Sure, that’s what drugs are for. Why stop existing forever when you can stop existing for short periods of time from the comfort of your couch?
Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.
Sure, that’s what drugs are for. Why stop existing forever when you can stop existing for short periods of time from the comfort of your couch?
Is there an eject button on this hell ride?
Yep. Don’t do it though. No way to make things better if you check out early.
Nah, you’re alright. Ignore them, keep posting. I enjoyed the read. Cheers, bud.
First? Oh…ohhhhh… you…uhmmmm…you don’t know do you? Sorry…oof… that’s… that’s rough.
sigh alright folks…plenty of pitchforks and torches to go around. I’d like to see a nice orderly queue, and once you’ve got your kit, please make your way to the staging area. Steve and Tanja will get you sorted into groups, and hand out photos of interlopers…
I swear it has nothing to do with the plush toys that have started showing up in your room randomly…
It took me awhile to find the info. I looked through their documentation pages hoping they would give me a clue, nada. I googled it and had to reword it 3x and then go through a couple articles. Would have been nice if they’d just put it on the about page.
Serpent OS is an independent distribution written from scratch by Ikey Doherty, which means that it’s not based on an existing GNU/Linux distribution.
Yeah, too many people look at a truck and say to themselves: I think that’d do to take the kid to football practice and myself to the office!
They’re just not making trucks for working anymore, and I personally am pissed!
I suppose I really should think about getting a small/medium sized van… just irks me a bit. I guess growing up the only tradies using a van were painters, plasterers and glaziers. And folk with real jobs had trucks…🤣
They get a manual search and then arrested even if nothing is found…duh
Counterpoint: Alberta
Fast paced, near always a fight, and the guys aren’t wimps.
In school we were taught to count in Oh Canada’s.
Good, so it’s like football except more like rugby.
Wait… which football we talking aboot? American, Canadian or “soccer”?
I know right? There’s no where near enough Doritos dust on those fingers!