Because people living there want to be paid a living wage and not slave labor.
Theft is just a red herring.
Thanks and happy cake day!
eSATA fell out of fashion when USB got faster AND eSATA wasn’t hot plug and play.
Damn, it is.
And I was happy to do it after I had to delete my last share because people didn’t like the content (I think it was political).
Too bad the admin can’t turn off or fuzz downvoting for the first few hours/days.
I guess I’ll leave it up?
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.
You’re right, and I’m angry too.
EMT drivers should be paid more (as well as the Uber/Lyft drivers)!
Today I learned there’s a Debian edition of mint.
That’s Vink! With a verr verr. Vink!
I was going to reply to this and then decided I don’t care anymore.
No LS-120 or eSATA drives. :-)