Hmm… I’m gonna guess that water was much hotter than 4°C, what with being used to put out a fire and all.
Hmm… I’m gonna guess that water was much hotter than 4°C, what with being used to put out a fire and all.
Can you drown from butt chugging!?
Other work honoured on the night included US research to house pigeons in missiles to help guide them to their targets
“The pigeon knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn’t…”
And the sooner you swallow that pill, the sooner you’ll realize that politics is not about emotions, it about strategy, and voting for third-parties isn’t a winning one.
How did this one go from leftists in the early 2000’s who thought Bush and Cheney ignored intelligence to let it happen to unhinged conspiratorial right wingers spouting the same bullshit.
The exact same way that both the left and the right agree that Epstein didn’t kill himself, except one side thinks the AG of the then-current President who oversaw the DoJ and had connections to Epstein was responsible, and the other side thinks the presidential candidate that lost to Trump and retired from politics and has zero connections to the administration of the prison did it.
Nobody is saying the US system can’t be changed to accommodate third-parties.
What they are saying is that third-parties aren’t viable the way things are now.
You can’t elect third parties to change the system; the system has to be changed to elect third parties. Until then, voting for a third party is wasting a vote and advocating for others to do so is telling them to vote against the major party that is both more likely to win and also the one that more closely represents their values.
The exception, of course, is if one of the major parties suffers an implosion like the Whigs did in the mid-1800s. But the Dems are more unified than ever and the Republicans are brainwashed by right-wing media, so I don’t see that happening any time soon.
May as well campaign at a graveyard.
Given the number of boomers who live there, you might be more right than you know.
No most of them started out as monarchies so they cant have parliaments. That would be a change in how the government functions, and that’s impossible
Well that’s not true at all. Parliamentary monarchies are absolutely a thing, the UK being one.
TIL that “scientifically being able to prove the FPTP system the US uses will always devolve into a two-party system and make third-party candidates nothing more than spoilers” is “gaslighting” and “third-parties who do fuck-all for four years and curiously only show up to run for president instead of GOTV pushes and trying to win elections at local levels to build support for their party” is propaganda.
Who knew? Well, aside from everyone who knows how the US system is set up and isn’t arguing in bad faith, that is.
Wait… Are the .ml mods the same mods who ran /r/Pyongyang? Anyone seen them in the same place?
“F you, Taylor Swift!” shouted Megyn Kelly, “and f all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off.”
You guys remember the time Donald Trump accused this same woman who is now hysterically defending him of “blood coming out of her wherever” because she had the audacity to ask him about his sexism?
It’s not about them. It’s about the ones who weren’t going to vote at all. Republicans lose when people turn out to vote.
He literally said he can’t tell a difference between how he is now and how he was in first grade.
He actually doesn’t know that adults aren’t supposed to act like six year olds.
“Credible” according to who?
There’s not a chance in hell Trump lets anything near his ass. He’d consider it too weak and submissive. Besides… What if he actually liked it? 😱
With his garbage diet, that asshole is greasier than a used-car-salesman slathered in lard ice-skating on a Teflon rink. The first time he shit his Depends (like he apparently did during his debate with Biden) any plug would have launched itself out of his asshole so fast he’d have Butler PA flashbacks.
Hmm, sounds like a recipe for Triangle Shirtwaist Factory 2: Weirdo Boogaloo.
“What isn’t wrong with Trump?” is a much shorter list, honestly.
And to add insult to injury…
No, Nate is not part of 538 anymore. He now works for a crypto betting website partly owned by Peter Thiel.
I’ll let you decide how neutral that makes him.
Well since you’re yet again blaming the Democrats for problems created by Republicans, how would you solve the problem of student loans in a way that would help Americans and would also get past the GOP?
…huh. TIL.
The last time I had to download the unifying software it was more often than that.