Seeing this post made me flash back to how often wage theft happened to me during holidays as a teenager.
4th of July, New Year’s… Didn’t even know about time and a half.
Tina and a half? Do people not proof read?
Oh it’s meant to be “time and a half”. Took me a while!
At first I thought they were making a sly joke by using the actual employee’s name.
I thought it was a bob’s burgers reference I didn’t get cause I don’t watch it.
There Is No Alternative. Tina.
Speaking of people who get exploited for inadequate pay …
This is what I was picturing the whole time
I have a special love for that episode where they’re made to clean the beach, and Louise learns about negotiating compensation for their labor. (And that rich people will use you and fuck you over in a heartbeat.)
For anyone unfamiliar, it’s Season 12, episode 6. “Beach, Please.”
Conversely, I despise the film which tells the moral tale of “if you’re rich enough you can murder people and get away with it.”
Mistypes drive engagement.
The shit that is done nowadays to farm engagement is ridiculous.
It pisses me off so much when Farcebook puts one of those rage-bait stories in my feed that I feel compelled to respond to, but I don’t want to go off half cocked, so I take a minute to Google it, or maybe just grab an image to make a witty response, and as soon as I click back on the tab, it refreshes and the post is gone, never to be seen again…
No, this is correct. They get paid in methamphetamines
Hopefully its the blue stuff, heard that is da bomb
For making posts here? I sure hope not. Much funnier to see the typos.
No. “I have to be first to post this and get internet points!”
Had a (roughly) similar experience when I used to work for a construction company. Once, a job was behind schedule, and they asked us to voluntarily work on a Saturday. Virtually everyone did, because working on a weekend got you time and a half pay.
Instead of a full day, though, they sent us home at lunchtime. Nobody was expecting that. One guy summed it up pretty well: “I got up at 6 AM on a Saturday to make less than I did yesterday? This is bullshit!”
After that, whenever our bosses asked if we’d come in on a Saturday, someone asked if it would be a full day or a half day. When our bosses said “I don’t know” (which is what they said every time) nobody came in.
They got away with exploiting us once, but completely screwed themselves in the long term. I was (and still am) very proud of my coworkers for continuing to hold management accountable for their decisions.
Can you add some context? I don’t understand. You worked half a day, are they not paying you time and a half for that half day?
If OP and coworkers normally start at 8 and finish at 5 (9 hours of work), if you assume they ordinarily make $10/hr (for the sake of an example), they all made $90 for their work on Friday. If they came in at 8am on Saturday to be sent home at 12pm, then even at time and a half, they only made $60 for their work on Saturday
Completely legal, sure, but I wouldn’t want to drag my arse out of bed at 6am on Saturday to earn less than I do on a regular work day
I guess it’s a matter of perspective? I personally would be happy to work half a day and get paid at a better rate than I normally would even if it was for a short period. Assuming I wasn’t spending an hour commuting to work or something.
Edit: Who’s the grumpy ass who’s downvoting me for sharing a personal opinion? I’m not even judging OP or anything.
deleted by creator
Not a matter of perspective. If someone offers me a day but only gives me half a day, they fucked me over. It’s not just the money, but also the ability to do other things that afternoon, because they were dishonest.
Yeah, I can understand that perspective. My problem was that it was both dishonest and insulting. And yes, the commute was about an hour. I would have rather slept late. That’s what weekends are supposed to be for.
When its your choice, yeah - it’s a matter of personal preference. But when it’s like “hey surprise, you’re not getting the work you thought you were getting” - that’s not so cool.
People would need to turn down or cancel other work opportunities that day, or at the very least miss other scheduled plans or errands… they should have been upfront about it.
Yes, they did pay us time and a half for the short time we were there, but that isn’t really the point.
Baku, who replied to you directly, summed it up perfectly.
I’m also going to quote a reply you may not have seen, from GreenKnight23. It’s excellent as well.
in construction you’re always at least an hour away.
it’s about the trust. mgmt said, “you want to work tomorrow?” implying it as a full day. they then turned around and doubled down and kept lying to them.
no, if your employer does this, they have zero investment in their own workforce and will have zero problems firing the lot when it’s convenient.
Everyone focuses on the typo when dude did an awesome thing. Reddit doesn’t allow title edits and GBoard is shit at producing the words you want, and then dude gets a bunch of Tina jokes.
They got screwed thrice; by their boss, by Reddit, and by their keyboard
Yeah, but they chose to use Reddit and gboard. Like 2/3 self-inflicted.
On android, what keyboard do you recommend for swipe typing?
Moving the cursor by swiping in space bar is also something I haven’t found in other keyboards
Edit: thanks for all the replies, I’ll be checking them all out.
I have been using SwiftKey for years and have been very happy with it. Spacebar swipe cursor movement included (but maybe in a setting).
Microsoft bought it :(
Heli-board (available via f-droid, be sure to apply the .lib fix)
I use FUTO. It has built in, private, voice to text as well. I don’t swipe too often, but it seemed to work fine writing this comment.
I swipe a lot, and can confirm FUTO’s keyboard swipe is games ahead of any FOSS keyboard.
Unfortunately, FUTO is not FOSS, but “source-first”. That may be a turn-off for some.
Just as an aside, I hadn’t heard of that cursor feature before, and this is wonderful. Thanks for drawing my attention to it. I have to keep my work phone loaded with all the Google/MS spyware, so I still use Gboard on that phone. This will make typing work emails a lot easier.
You’re welcome.
FlorisBoard is a FOSS keyboard, that apparently has the space bar cursor thing (I just found that out, thank you).
It also has glide typing but I don’t use it so idk how good it is. Still would recommend giving it a try. Very solid and customizable IMO, with FOSS privacy.
No other keyboard is as good but they’re definitely more private.
Yeah, and they choose to participate in capitalism by being employed. What a Rube! What a buffoon! 100% self inflicted.
Personally I’ve made my own smartphone out of glue and matchsticks, and stuff I stole from Walmart. I only post via a VPN, and only to servers that run on biofuel and solar. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go mock the homeless for using iPhones. Have they no appreciation for the privacy they lose?
There is like a billion free keyboards for android, even FOSS ones and you can disable the auto-complete on gBoard as well. But you go blame capitalism for every thing you mess up in your life, instead of making improvements. That will surely help.
I feel like you are reacting to something that happened outside this thread.
I mean, blame Gboard all you want, they didn’t proofread something that can’t be edited later
That’s 100% on them and they deserve the Tina jokes
They also deserve praise for what they did in the OP
eat your ham
Reddit doesn’t allow title edits and GBoard is shit at producing the words you want
That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to change them before you hit “submit”.
But not by Tina that we know of
SOB’s. Thinking they are entitled to have poor Tina… And the half bit is extra worrying.
Tina and Tiny Tina
Thankfully not Talking Tina, however
Who the heck is Tina?
Huh! Huh! Huh!
Autocorrect typo for “time”.
That llama from Napoleon Dynamite?
tina, eat the FOOD! *fling!
You fat lard!
I hated this movie when it came out, rewatching it with my 10 year old was fucking hilarious. he was in tears at Tina’s part.
Older daughter from Bob’s Burger’s
“It’s pernounced TYna. rhymes with vagyna!”
Starbucks may deserve all the stick that they get for their labor practices, but here in Canada on holidays they pay double time and a half (or about CAD $50/hour).
Are they staying open because there’s marketing value in being open on a holiday, or because there’s business as usual money to be made. If it’s not for some extra marketing purposes, this just lays bare how much more money they could be paying folks and still remain profitable.
Overtime and holiday pay was meant to disincentivize manufacturing companies from overworking their people and not letting them spend time doing frivolous things like being with family on holidays. The difference between the cost of labor and the value of labor was so small back then (after decades of negotiating, union action, and bloodshed) that a simple 1.5x was enough to disincentivize it under most circumstances. It’s so vast now for the service industry that they are willing to pay 2.5 times as much.
here in Canada on holidays they pay double time and a half
Maybe in your industry. The legal requirement is time and a half.
Did you miss the first half of their comment?
Well that’s what I get for commenting when I’m still waking up
Fuck, you Americans are getting ripped off. Here the legal minimum is 2.25x pay for public holidays (Australia)
1.5x? Are ya serious? That’s like the lowest tier of overtime. Or sunday penalty rates.
For real, I can’t believe people aren’t even getting that.
(Illegal underpayment still happening here, aside).
Even then, it’s by state. Some states have no holiday pay.
I once worked a job where if I was five minutes late or had to leave early the shift before or the shift after a holiday I would forfeit my holiday pay. That’s when I learned that holiday pay isn’t guaranteed in the states. Never worked another holiday at that job again.
That’s rough .
Only Rhode island and Massachusetts have it for hourly workers.
Most industry awards actually make it 250% of base rate.
I guess not retail, which I randomly plucked out to get some numbers. I also thought 2.5x ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Damn I thought this was my local grocer for a quick second.
Totally looks like Wheatsville Coop in Austin. If so, they have pretty good wages from my understanding, and also this location is closing permanently soon. But there are probably other stores that look like this too
I think this is an MN co-op, thousand hills is a local MN meat farm, I don’t think they sell nationally.
Edit: I would bet this is Seward co-op. They are the best co-op in the area from a customer perspective, sad if this is them.
Edit 2: actually pretty sure this is the Wedge co-op, matches better to their decor.
I’ve never gotten Tina and a half… 😔
All for all and one for one.
NEVER work holidays for 1.5x pay if all employees gets paid 1x. I learned my lesson as a teen, once you cancel out the 1x from everyone, you’re working for half pay. fuck that.
edit: to further explain, many retail places will offer 1.5x pay for those that work, but those that don’t work get paid 1x anyway. so you’re basically working for half pay once you remove the 1x pay from everyone.
I think they are trying to say people got 1x holiday pay for the day off so if you worked and got 1.5x you only were really getting half time.
Ya where I live you are supposed to get the day with pay and then if you work that day you get 1.5x on top of that for basically 2.5x
Oooohhh… Yea. I missed that bit of context I guess lol makes way more sense now.
Usually, you’d get your holiday pay at 1x that everyone gets and then you’d get 1.5x for working the holiday.
Exactly, I was confused by their warning because actually working a holiday at whatever rate shouldn’t (and in most cases doesn’t) make you forfeit any holiday pay benefit that all employees get.
but if you’re going to get regular 1x pay and get a day off, those that work for 1.5x are only working for half pay if you remove the 1x from everyone. take a day off instead and get paid.
When your own laziness undermines the point you were trying to make.
Don’t get paid to care about spling
What laziness?