
An invincible wolf man, who is like a wolf in every regard save for the fact that he can fly.

(Note: This might be misinformation)

  • 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The voters for sure. I’ve engaged with so many obnoxious, irrational, hyper-aggressive people lately who are so high on their own farts and delusion that they’re beyond getting through to. One guy even offered to “fly me out today” to fight him over the subject. Right-wing propoganda has them angry at their own shadow.

    I know advocating for violence is frowned upon, but maybe fucking these people up is the only way to get through to them. Seems to be the only language they speak by the end of any argument.

  • StalinwolftoGaming@lemmy.mlOh boy 3AM!
    2 days ago

    One of my staff does this every day of his life. His roommate works with us as well and confirms it. Dude will game until 10am, then crash for a couple of hours and be into work at 1pm. Rinse and repeat. Five days per week. Rolls out of bed with ten minutes to spare, throws on his uniform and starts walking. I don’t know how he survives the lifestyle, but I guess it’s working for him.

  • Stalinwolftomemes@lemmy.worldThe drama is real
    2 days ago

    My grandma had me like this when I was ten. We used to sit at her kitchen table and look them up as they flew in. I knew that thing front to back. Used to sit over there all the time looking through the pictures. She died some years ago, but I still have that old green copy of Audubon Guide to Eastern Birds. Made sure to ask for it when she died. It no longer reeks like cigarettes, but it’s all browned and brittle.

    My daughter (5) loves birds now too, and we used to consult my grandma’s guide together. However, we now live in Western Canada and I was worried about the longevity of such a fragile relic, so I purchased the Western edition. Nearly identical, but red. Now my daughter runs to grab that whenever we see a new bird at the feeder.

  • I wholly agree. What’s interesting in my case is that I’ve done a ton of psychedelics in my life, both natural and synthetic, and have only had a single negative experience by overdoing it. I love them. I miss them. Not really something I have room for in my life anymore. But weed absolutely wrecks me at the chemical level. I guess my mom was the same way.

  • Funny enough, weed does scare the absolute shit out of me, but I’m in a very small minority here. In fact, a few months back, my wife’s friend gave us some cannabis breath strips. Same brand, but different colored packaging. THC for my wife, CBD for me. Well. I was standing in my open refrigerator filling a glass of water when that CBD breath strip I had taken started to get real weird.

    Flash forward an hour or two and I was laying in my dark bedroom in a panic spiral, thinking I was a terrible father and convinced that my house was haunted. I even saw a small white orb of light suspended near the wall above my fan, and I’m still not sure how it was projected there. I’ve never seen it before or since. Stared at it a good while before it just faded away.

    Anyway. That wasn’t CBD.

  • Where was Barron Trump when I was eleven and accidentally set a photo of a mostly-nude woman squatting down in red lingerie as my fucking wallpaper? Where was he then? Where was Barron when I tried like hell that night to remove it but didn’t know where to actually go, so I just turned the family computer off and hoped for the best? And where was Barron Trump when the following morning I woke up to my dad and my brother laughing their ass off, beckoning me to come have a look at the family computer, where I saw a mysterious, mostly-naked woman squatting down in red lingerie, titties and all? Where was Barron where my instinctual defense was to feign extreme disgust and pretend I didn’t like it or know anything about how it got there? Where was Barron then?