I love the meta here, with Ross spearheading the petition and also being the voice of Freeman’s Mind. I adore that series.
An invincible wolf man, who is like a wolf in every regard save for the fact that he can fly.
(Note: This might be misinformation)
I love the meta here, with Ross spearheading the petition and also being the voice of Freeman’s Mind. I adore that series.
Obligatory WKUK “bzz-bzz-bzz” response video.
I don’t even watch Star Trek, and these memes remain one of my all-time favorites to see throughout Lemmy. They’re just delightful.
I’m in a similar boat. I immigrated to Canada back in 2017, and I have a daughter now who is turning five. As of right now Facebook is the single most effortless way for me to stay in contact with my friends and family back home, and allows them to feel familiar with and/or connected to me and my daughter.
If I reincarnate into a lesser/smaller form, I hope it’s an owl like fifty times in a row. Just chilling up all night in a tree, taking in the spooks but also being the spooks. Hoot mysteriously in the night as you feel safe and wise in the twilight boughs, observing the night pass by in the forest below. What a life.
Me getting by the old man who stops right in the entryway of Costco to look around bewildered.
Oh, hell yeah! And there will be some new ghoulish goliath like Sloth, but more akin to the Toxic Avenger, who dwells within the trash warrens and helps the protagonists thwart the bad guys.
You know, there’s actually another trilogy even better than Lord of the Rings that was never written because this exact scenario played out. You would have loved it, but the guy who killed the other guy really did everyone a solid.
Anyone have an issue with the shadows/night rendering very strangely in The Sims 3? My wife has been playing it on Windows 10 lately, and while her UI and well-lit sims or objects are all completely normal, anything in the shadows (especially the grass outside at night) looks like her GPU is fucking up. It’s a mix of purple with grainy red and green textures throughout. Almost like her shadows are only rendering in a 64 bit colour palette.
Wish I could fuck that butt. That toad frog is the perfect shaped woman.
I don’t know if it’s just the Kalashnikov or what, but I’m kind of into this grandma.
It’s wild if it is purely placebo, because I’ve given so many anecdotal cure supplements an honest shot throughout my life, and have ruled every last one of them out as either ineffective, or total horseshit. But the results I experience (as well as my wife, who is officially onboard with Echenacia now) are astounding.
Getting sick used to be a nightmare for me. I would always end up with a horrible sore throat and sinus infection that would inevitably go to my lungs and/or ears, and it would persist up to two weeks. Now I just shrug it off in a few days.
“Mom, is it because it’s not hetero sex talk, mom? Mom, this is me, your son, mom.”
Just a bunch of holy boys getting together up at the seminary. 💦
My therapist actually helped me uncover a repressed memory about our dear uncle. You wouldn’t believe what he asked me to do.
We thank you, oh Monolith, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us… May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will… Onward warriors of the Monolith! Avenge your fallen brothers, blessed as they are in their eternal union with the Monolith!
I’m just gonna share this here and leave it up to people as to whether not to believe me, but when I moved to Canada I had gotten a really bad cold. An old lady I worked with asked me if I had ever taken Echenacia. Hadn’t heard of it. She said to start taking it at the first sign of cold symptoms and continue 3x daily like an antibiotic until the symptoms have cleared. No joke, every cold I’ve had since then (2017) has only lasted 4 days or less, and the symptoms are very manageable and mild.
It’s honestly the single most effective supplement I’ve ever entertained, and it’s relatively inexpensive to pick up in any pharmacy or supplement aisle.
After taking a car door to the head during heavy winds, I experienced immediate and recurring night terrors/sleep paralysis for two years. They started out pretty extreme, with me waking up on my stomach with some kind of creature pinning me to the bed. I’d struggle enough to lift my head a few inches, only to find my pillow was filled with distorted, open-mouthed faces stretching out at me from the material.
As time went in the hallucinations gradually waned in extremity, though never becoming anything comfortable. I would open my eyes to see a phosphorescent grid encompassing my walls, or millions of flies on my bedroom ceiling. Once my cat was staring up at them too, and I believed what was happening was real, only to wake up a moment later facing a different direction, and my cat fast asleep at my feet.
Eventually it’s as though my soul became heavy or something. I slept on the top floor of a two-story home, with a very old colonial-era basement below it. I would constantly find myself one or two floors directly beneath my bed, all but glued to the ground and trying with all my might to crawl out of the damp, dark cellar towers the stairs, but too sluggish and/or paralyzed to do it. I felt terrified down there in the darkness. Eventually the adrenaline would wake me up safely in my bed.
Throughout the entire ordeal I would somewhat frequently open my eyes to see some sort of ghostly or transparent entity looming over my bed, leaning over or staring down at me. The last night I ever experienced an episode, I woke up to see that very entity, but I realized suddenly that the entity was me. It was me standing there, looking down at myself. I became angry. I felt like these episodes had ruined my life, and made sleeping something I no longer looked forward to. The rage came to a head. I activated every nerve in my body to try to break free of the paralysis. I gritted my teeth as I succeeded, groaning the words “FFFFRUUUUCKK YYRRROOOOUU!!!” as I bolted up from my bed and lunged through my own ghost. Then I never saw it again. In fact, I never had another night terror since. It’s been years now. A decade at least.