Seeing this post made me flash back to how often wage theft happened to me during holidays as a teenager.

4th of July, New Year’s… Didn’t even know about time and a half.

    2 months ago

    Yes, they did pay us time and a half for the short time we were there, but that isn’t really the point.

    Baku, who replied to you directly, summed it up perfectly.

    I’m also going to quote a reply you may not have seen, from GreenKnight23. It’s excellent as well.

    in construction you’re always at least an hour away.

    it’s about the trust. mgmt said, “you want to work tomorrow?” implying it as a full day. they then turned around and doubled down and kept lying to them.

    no, if your employer does this, they have zero investment in their own workforce and will have zero problems firing the lot when it’s convenient.