I’ll never understand that reaction. I completely understand seeing that and wanting to kill yourself, but I never thought the happy couple should die.
I see those kinds of couples and my only thoughts are usually some form of “lucky lucky. I’m such a worthless piece of shit.” Lol
Armchair psychology by your local dipshit:
Depression tends to be irrational, and thus thought processes around it tend to be irrational.
“if i can’t have it, nobody should have it”
also applies to everyone who opposes progress because they had it hard in life
That’s a lot of people. They’re a fucking problem.
Well I’ve had to deal with them my whole life, so you should too.
If I was in power we’d deal with them alright. Forced relocation to Bitterville, with a dictatorial mayor hell bent on fixing nothing.
I kinda get that. Its like trying to be happy for a billionaire who lives in a castle whilst you can barely afford rent.
Except people having it easier due to progress comes at the cost of nobody, while billionaires having it good comes at great cost to everybody but them.
I’d argue that progress always comes at a cost to something, loss of jobs, rarer to mine minerals, loss in quality to meet demand, etc. But I hear ya
Yea for sure, but the cost-benefit is usually (hopefully) pretty skewed. Like even redistributing wealth from billionaires comes at a ‘cost’ to the billionaires, but the downside is their bank account number is smaller (which, who cares). I know you’re not disagreeing btw, just adding to the discussion.
No no appreciate the perspective, not all bad is net bad
this doesn’t really apply to billionaires, the same people who oppose things like student debt forgiveness will also lick billionaires’ boots and present them as the role models of the “american dream”
it’s the bitter people who had it hard in life, and think new generations having it easier is something bad, it’s unfair, even though as a civilisation we should all strive to make life easier for those who come after us. but no “if i had it bad in life, you have to go through the same, or you’re not really [insert whatever group you feel like, man/woman/american/minority]”, as if struggle and suffering was a right of passage
It probably depends on your personality, mainly agreeableness.
Agreeable people direct their anger and frustration at themselves, while those who are disagreeable direct it at others.
That makes a lot of sense and I do tend to score high in agreeableness when I’ve taken those silly personality tests
I’ll never understand that reaction.
The experience probably felt painful (literally) for Anon so his lizard brain immediately wanted to strike back at what’s causing the pain. Doesn’t make much sense of course so he didn’t actually do it, probably felt bad about it too.
Now imagine you had more than a good shot, and you where the one who rejected her. How would you feel, looking back and seeing you where an idiot?
Fucking hell, you have to forgive your past self for being a dumbass. Everyone’s past self was an idiot literally because they didn’t know what present self knows.
Forgive your past and focus on working your present for what you want for your future self.
It’s not hippy-dippy bullshit, it’s literally the foundational principle for doing anything in life like getting fitter, starting a business, learning a new skill / subject, improving your dating prospects, etc.
If you only wallow in your past mistakes and not doing the teeny-tiniest improvements of literally 1% or 0.1%, then you’re not living, you’re just dying slowly. Living is much more fun.
You live and you learn, hopefully. But if you can do it once, you can do it again!
> Sees happy people
> Immediate reaction is wanting to kill them“Why am I always alone? :(”
btw you can put two spaces after a line for it to actually skip to the next one
this(there are two spaces after the word “like”)
(if you need any more information to understand this thing please ask, i’ll be happy to help :D)Just google markdown if you haven’t
Thanks, satan
My app bugged out a bit.
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
They already appeared as multiple lines on my client, but I’ve added two spaces, thanks.
thats weird, for me it didnt. you’re welcome though!
This is not the only reason a person is alone, right? I am also alone, but I don’t think I want to kill others for that
No, everyone who is alone is so because they want to commit murder.
Source: am alone
Remember: boardrooms, not classrooms.
Anon just needs to find himself someone as miserable as him, problem solved!
Normalized jealousy.
Decent human beings, when confronted with the stark contrast between other people’s happiness and our own pathetic misery, feel suicidal, not homicidal
Unless the listen to Jordan Peterson at which point they feel inspired to grow, as a result of realizing meaning comes from having a direction in life.
Interesting how this short story includes height
Dude, incels are obsessed with height
The act of rumination on a depressive episode involves your brain trying to find something about you, something immutable and deeply connected with who you are as a person, and it takes that thing and amplifies it through a wickedly destructive lens.
See, a lot of people don’t know how their own brain works. They think they can think about something and their thoughts will reason out a solution, or that all their ideas are based on the brain’s ability to connect logical elements.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Your brain is designed to write a story to explain how you feel. That’s it. If you already feel bad, especially if you’re not entirely sure why, your brain will scramble for a story, it will tie together every weird loose-end it can find, and assemble a batshit nonsense story for you, which you will believe wholeheartedly. You think your brain is you. You think your thoughts have to be true if they come from inside. Many people never consider that their own thinking is fundamentally wrong, and most of us are wrong about a number of things we feel wholly confident about.
Curbing depressive episodes and getting your life back involves learning to identify when you start ruminating and nipping it in the bud. For many insecure, lonely guys, memes/stories like this will be MAJOR trigger-points for rumination episodes, an act that becomes strangely addictive when you’re suffering depression.
The difference between some sullen incel who hates life and hates you and hates women and hates themselves, but happens to be 5’ 9", versus a really short dude who has a nice girlfriend and smiles a lot about their life and appreciates what he has, absolutely comes down to how their brains have learned to assemble stories for their world and how emotionally intelligent they are. Some dude is reading this post right now gnashing their teeth and formulating pushback and opposition because their brain is resisting this message because brains hate to be wrong. Even though they’re very good at being wrong.
This is just… Wow, absolutely incredible explanation.
You discribe both nightmares and anxiety realy well with your explanation IMO. And intrusive thoughts probably follow the same “brain has a target, and just fills in the details to fet there” too.
Those people vaning away because of a girl 6 inches shorter though, I mean it’s just 15cm?? Even a shorty can find girls 15 cm shorter, right? Amazing.
It’s really unhealthy to categorize people by something as superficial as height though. I’m about 1 inch taller than my husband. The only consequence of that is the fact that it looks kinda silly if I wear really high heels. He’s not self-conscious about it, I’m not self-conscious about it, and if either of us placed value on the woman in a heteronormative relationship needing to be shorter, I wouldn’t have ended up with the love of my life.
Writing someone off because of one stat/measurement is absolutely insane and I think a lot of people would be happier if they quit or heavily limited their social media use to limit the torrent of self-criticism from comparison that come from social media.
Yes exactly.
Especially things you cannot change, but I guess that’s the thing making it even worse.
The thing you can change is your outlook and interpretation regarding the immutable parts of yourself. Your attitude about something is almost always much more important than the thing itself when it comes to relationships.
Yes, and in reverse, make some tiny thing a huge problem is also possible :-)
They are the only people that actually know their own height. Most people have a vague idea but they can’t give you exact measurements because to be honest it’s not important.
Im tall enough that I can reach the upper cupboards without a stool if I stand on my tippy toes. That’s what’s truly important.
I think it sets up the scene, of her having to look up at his face a little bit
See a couple my age out in public. Its this guy who is 6 inches tall and is being held in the palm of the hand of his gf. “What?” He squeaks. She looks down at him relentlessly with a big closed smile. “I’m just glad I met you.”
proceeds to squash him with her head
Turns out, its his hing
“Gimme some forehead baby”
You could just say “She looked up into his eyes”
Interesting how you chose to describe this story by its height
4chan proving it’s incel ground zero, those unfuckable virgins are a bane on society.
Maybe work on yourself and stop hating the world for your own problems.
My qualm with “working on yourself” advise is that it is too broad and non-specific, which I think makes a person even more confused. There are so many little details that a person may miss in relation to themselves. It requires a lot of introspection. But even then, even if the person does a lot of thinking, the conclusion may be wrong. For example, the guy does work out and believes he will attract girls; but if he doesn’t realise he’s got bad breath and got turned down for it, it could lead to the wrong conclusion for him that women in general are just mean, or whatever other wrong conclusion that the guy could draw from.
I’ve seen guys struggle with dating, even good looking ones, but most of the time it is because they struggle to figure out the finer details. However, the problem is that it is hard to broach the topic because it may offend the person. Each individuals are unique and as much as we are all unique in our own good way, it also applies that we are all uniquely flawed. We have to figure out the latter and rectify it without putting ourselves down. But even the process of rectifying one’s own self can be challenging, because introspection could lead to unhealthy conclusions and behaviours if not done in healthy manner.
I don’t know if it makes sense, but that’s just my two cents based from my personal experience and what I observed about others. I think many men are struggling because they don’t get specific enough advise. There is no “one size fits all” advise for men in dating and relationships (if there is, unfortunately the broad “one size fits all advise” are easily used for exploitation by those who could influence, as we saw with Andrew Tate and others). But as I mentioned, providing specific advise to individuals is a hard thing to broach.
Yep. “Work on yourself” sounds right but where’s the rest? Nobody has an answer except the far right who use that as an opening to groom them into the incel politics/culture war army. Usually the answer from everyone else is “figure it out yourself”. Because you’re supposed to be a big man. And men just figure shit out.
That’s a traditionalism that is still being upheld. Especially by left leaning. It’s not very progressive to uphold traditional gender stereotypes is it. These are guys that need help. And you tell them “work on yourself” in other words just figure it out bro. Oh, they figure alright. Figure right into the very thing you all hate so much.
As you said these topics are hard to broach. Why then does “clean your room” and “take a shower” come so easily from a certain type of person.
If the left wants to help men grow I’m all for that. Until then, I’ll enjoy my right wing friends who give a fuck about me, value growth, and encourage me to take on responsibility.
I think it’s important to consider who is on the other side of that conversation. If a woman rejects a guy, she does not owe him an explanation. She does not owe him “constructive criticism” and actionable things to work on because that is a monumental amount of emotional labor that is wholly unreasonable to demand of someone. This isn’t even getting into the issue that many women feel unsafe about rejecting certain types of guys because there’s a very reasonable fear that her “no” will just be ignored and she will become the target of assault or stalking.
Yes, someone needs to have serious, in-depth conversations with these young men, but the quiet part no one is saying is that that nebulous “someone” is implied to be the women that reject them. It is frankly disgusting to expect that emotional labor from someone who is explicitly trying to extract themselves from that relationship/interaction.
I concur. It’s also not helping that men don’t really get a lot of compliments, so they don’t know what they’re doing right. Plus certain people, like the creators of dating site or those awful PUA sites, trying to make a business from other people’s suffering. I mean, the general idea of getting neckbeards out of their comfort zones is laudable, but those parasites then took it way too far and turned to full-on exploitation and misogyny, cementing the status quo.
I used to know this pretty normal, likeable guy who used to be a real ladies’ man until his early 30s. Wondering what happened, he swallowed this whole PUA BS hook line and sinker, but things didn’t improve. What has changed about him, though, was that he had gotten a career and, while being quite successful and hoarding money big time, his free time was gone. He just wasn’t fun anymore. Also, he just didn’t look healthy anymore. And then we lost contact.Social media is terrible for this too. Spend any time on tiktok or youtube and it will at least try to serve you some light “men today have it so hard and it’s women’s fault” content. I imagine that if you bite, the algorithm will ramp it up.
We need more “men and women have it hard, let’s do something about it” content. It’s not a competition, it sucks for everybody.
I always took “work on yourself” to mean “go to therapy”. That’s always a good start.
Incels probably need industrial strength therapy, not grooming. The mindset that they world owes them a woman, and that it’s somehow women’s fault that they’re celibate, is deeply toxic
There are people with a similar woman-hating mindset who are successful at attracting women, which might make them happier, but not better.
A person who has bad breath for a long time, and doesn’t realize it, is correct to assume that others are selfish.
He may not realize exactly what’s happening, but what’s happening is that hundreds of people are perceiving his problem clearly and choosing not to tell him because it would cause them a few seconds of discomfort to do so.
My mother pointed that typically only family members would be blunt about your flaws, and not necessarily from your friends. From my own experience, she is kinda right. The thing however is that in Western society, individualism is overly valued. People are expected to be on their own. Staying with parents is stigmatised. Or, friends and family move out so there is increasingly little socialisation and more isolation. You receive relatively fewer feedbacks as a result. And even if a flaw is pointed out in a polite and constructive manner, you don’t know how the person will react and respond. The person may think others are selfish for not mentioning about the bad breath, but if that person lashes out or took it personally, that person is selfish for not taking a constructive feedback. Instead of having negative reaction, the person should say “okay, I will take care of myself next time.”
Even if a flaw is pointed, there could be many other things. Like a machine, there are moving parts. Sure, you can improve your hygiene; but if you are too uptight, too shy, rude, your attempts at flirting comes off as too creepy etc, few or or all of those things will be a turn off for women. Never mind not owning a Porsche or being 5’5" in height, less shallow women like men who takes care of themselves, a gentleman, not too serious and confident. Mature women take personality more than physicality any day. I know short, less good looking guys date tall, model-looking women because they are confident and a gentleman.
Having a bad breath is an example I could think off the top of my head when I typed my initial comment, but there are other examples I could have pointed out. Although, those other examples would be too uncomfortable to mention to the person, like having neurodivergence not being alleviated, or “too feminine” (I am for delineating traditional gender roles but there are still some foundations which I believe would be required to qualify for the expected image of heterosexual man and woman). They are two examples I have seen of my friends (they got partners now but struggled with dating before), and good luck telling them that why they struggled.
Disclaimer: I was never an Incel. I held no ill will against women, I always had many female friends. I’m politically active and call myself a feminist. Still, I didn’t ever have a romantic partnership and I suffered from it.
I am 29 years old. This year I started treating my chronic depression I never admitted I had and oh wonder I found a wonderful partner in a matter of months. Incel ideology is so fucked up. These guys seriously need help and support structures but they reject all that and hate half of humanity instead.
Well, noone ever showed them differently. And then, thanks to the internet, they get sucked into some circle-jerk of, at first, involuntaries, and then they get hyped against women. At least it isn’t their own fault anymore but the women’s. They feel better, and the circle did a fullturn and starts to drag them deeper.
It’s understandable. But ultimately makes it harder and harder for them to ever crawl out of that pit and work on the real issues.
Incel ≠ misogynist. Incel means involuntary celibate. We need more people to learn about this and stop equating those two terms
Incel refers to guys that turned misogynist because they’re involuntarily celibate.
No, but ok
Yes. You don’t get to redefine a word just because you don’t like it. Incel does and always did mean that.
Oh please. Using Wikipedia as a source while knowing entries are provided by individuals. Here’s all of Wiktionary’s definitions of the word:
A member of an online subculture of people (mostly men) who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one.
(rare) An individual who is not sexually active despite having such a desire.
(uncountable, seduction community, informal) “Involuntary celibacy”: the state of being not sexually active despite wishing to be.
Incel is not a gendered word. Even females can be incels.
Did you somehow miss the 239 references saying you’re wrong?
Exactly. It’s funny how weird and distanced from reality the posts on 4chan are. As if 6 inches of height would make or break a relationship. My gf is ~5 inch taller than me and lifts more and guess what? She’s still devoted to me.
Someone needs to come up with a solution, preferably final, for the incel problem… Not everyone gets to make children. Not everyone should get to make children - these fucking weirdos are clearly the “bachelor pride” rejects of humanity.
So … incels shouldn’t be allowed to have children …
If only there was some mechanism of enforcing that.
ITT: People who apparently never had an intrusive thought getting awfully judgy about someone’s immediate feelings.
Decency is to not act on negative emotions and impulses, not never having them.
On the other hand, the act of sharing this response without also sharing a method of resolution and/or a framing or context that makes it a passing feeling and not a “harsh reality about current society” or whatever your brain will try to attach to, just provides miserable people yet another rumination topic to get lost down.
For healthy adults, you learn how to manage or avoid rumination. For people without social experience, without a healthy level of emotional intelligence, and especially without good, involved parenting, a young mind can take a post like this and just get absolutely lost down the rabbit-hole of negative validation. Seeing someone in the community you connect with sharing a feeling that your already depressed brain can latch onto is a recipe for depressive contagions.
Get your teenagers off the internet people.
That is true, neither shaming people for how they might feel in the moment nor sharing it without context is great or helpful.
I suspect people are just good at identifying incels
“We have found a witch! May we burn her?”
Anon might be one of them haters I’ve heard of
I know relationships are larger than small moments shared at gas stations. I had thousands of tiny, beautiful moments in and around gas stations, still divorced.
Life is a fluid, evolving thing. Who you will be ten years from now is not who you are now, but it’s also not something you have to deal with at the moment.
One day, that couple may throw dinner plates at each other. Would that improve his perspective?
So, enjoy it while it’s there. Good for them. Those little moments are what life is about, if fleeting, but that just makes them all the sweeter.
Wait till OP sees the same scene, but she’s 6" taller. Then he’ll really freak.
(Guys. Do not thou be afraid. I’ve dated women taller than me, by 5". It’s nice. That’s all.)
Not likely I’d meet a 6’10" woman.
Don’t let your dreams be memes!
dating super tall girls is fun. op is a pussy
I’m still holding hope that someday someone taller than me will be amenable to a date. I’m just tired of always being the spinner instead of the spinnee in the dance of life.
Imagine being a Red and having a Telemanus girlfriend who bellowed her own name when she came.
RIP Sam :(
after many years of depression, I have just given up on dating, it’s not fun, it’s not rewarding (for me) and my hobbies keep me happy and fulfilled enough. If something wants to happen, I’m ready to welcome it, if not, who cares
I’m sorry to hear you’ve had difficulty finding someone. If your hobbies keep you happy and fulfilled, just make sure those hobbies don’t keep you home alone. Go to gatherings of other hobby enthusiasts, good chance that there you’ll find someone that is your perfect fit
If those hobbies keep them happy does it really matter?
Human connection is extremely important. You could make due without it (probably not completely though) but theres an implication it would be better if one could be successfully social.
let’s say it’s more of keeping me distracted rather then happy
Oh that’s fine, it’s just that everyone wants human interaction, including op. You won’t ever get any interaction if you never meet people
My worry is that a person whose hobbies make them happy is missing out on actual happiness and mistakes distraction for happiness.
she’s bipolar
bad pussy disorder
bad person disorder - the pussy tends to be good
bad as in michael jackson bad