Maybe if you opened your eyes you would notice that sitting at a table full of fascists is slightly different than a state visit.
Quick breakdown:
Willy Wimmer is a German fascist - or as Wikipedia calls it “nationalist right-wing” former politician. He has written for the far-right extremist shitrag Compact, for “alternative media” (aka nazi blogs) and for Russian state media.
Cyril Svobado has been invited to observe Azerbaijan’s 2013 presidential election and mentioned that everything was “fair and transparent”. An election result was accidentally released before voting began in that election. He has also given an interview to “Voice of Europe” who are infamous for interviewing nazi politicians across Europe.
Emir Kusturica is a Serbian nationalist, supportive of war criminal Radovan Karadžić and has expressed support for the “Greater Serbia” ideology. He is a supporter of Russia’s war against Ukraine and a “personal friend” of Shoigu.
Why is Jill Stein sitting on the same table as Russian-sponsored nazis?
Quick illustration:
Nostrils: ___________ _________ | _________| | _________ | Mouth: | | \________| | ________ | / | | | | | | | | | | | | Butthole:
That is 3 holes in total because you can “connect” any opening with 3 different one’s.