In the context you usually see on Lemmy I believe it refers to anyone who believes in some form of market based capitalist system as opposed to communism or some form of.
In the context you usually see on Lemmy I believe it refers to anyone who believes in some form of market based capitalist system as opposed to communism or some form of.
“Listen, I’m white. Columbus is associated with settlers and colonialism which the left unfairly demonized so poor Columbus got cancelled! Because I’m white I feel personally attacked because fox news says I should be so I’m celebrating out of spite even though I don’t really even know what I’m celebrating! Make America Genocide Again!”
-Some Magoos subconscious probably
And someone said everything in their fridge is food they cooked over 5 days ago…
I’ve been doing this for years and years. Maybe not wayyy more than 5 days but it is usually about a week. I don’t have all that much time after work so I don’t want to waste time cooking and I’m not wasting money on take out so I do all my cooking for the week on Saturday or Sunday. I don’t do what the poor kid in the article did though, if anything I put things in the fridge that are still way too hot but I never wanted to risk something like that.
I’ll be “that guy” but according to Chris Roberts (the guy who owns CIG that is making the game) star citizen is supposed to be a “space life” game. It’s not an “arcade game” where there is a specific game type it is built around. You’re supposed to just be a dude/dudette living your life out in space and do what you want which can include all the things you mentioned. I personally want that very much. There are a million games out there that do the basic space pew pew thing or mining, but nothing like a life sim.
There’s going to be more than just hunger and dehydration, they built toilets and showers into some ships for a specific reason not just atheistics lol
But they brought a snowball into Congress and everything so obviously climate change is fake news!
Anything and everything for money… I wonder if they’ll take cash in hell?
What records has he ever released?
It’s getting to the point that just renting an illegal basement “apartment” requires 2 incomes in some places… I make $30/hr and almost half my income goes to this shit garage apartment I live in… Forget “legitimate” apartments, those prices are just absolute insanity.
Without looking at “professional” college degree required jobs, the VAST majority of jobs out there pay barely over $20/hr where I am… Where are you going to live on that kind of garbage?
I cannot stand the focus on “family income.” It completely ignores the experience of the individual and lumps multiple incomes together to try to claim that people are doing well… Yeah well fuck me for being undesirable and permanently single.
You shouldn’t have given me this new power you absolute pork tenderloin!
I love it! Lol
Headline read in another, possibly more infuriating way: Oklahoma is trying to use public money to pay Trump…
Ughh as usual fuck you media asshats… Not that it’s really that much better, and believe me I fucking despise trump and the current day Republican party, but his joke was about other women.
He was making a misogynistic joke that other women would be thrilled to have money, and not care as much about their lost husband… He wasn’t making a joke about the people at the rally or their slain family members as this article tries to make you believe… This helps no one rawstory and only reenforces Magoos belief that all media is biased against trump.
Hit him for the misogynistic nature of the joke, no need to lie about who it was aimed at…
Hopefully The Base isn’t as riled up for him. I don’t think he has the same kind of con man “charisma” like Trump does, he might be more of a Jeb! type. At least I hope lol
I was too young for Bush v Gore, but now…
Those are my main investments outside of my 401k from work, I was just curious about the high dividend ones but someone else answered what is going on there. Thanks for the info!
I’m generally a pessimist, but I really honestly think he’s going to win even without the ratfuck plans they have for the swing states…
Polls always show him well under what his actual support is and we’re close enough that it should put him in a decent lead…
I do still expect a state like Georgia to “find irregularities” on election night that will trigger the hand counting which will drag out long enough for them to have SCOTUS step in and tell them to stop counting again regardless…
“Sorry, best we could do is Trump dynasty. Next up, Don Jr.”
I get conflicting information about high dividend ETFs. Some people swear by them, others say they’re terrible or at least should be avoided. I’m too ignorant to know why either way :/
I guess I got triggered by “northerners” lol I’m from long Island NY and it gets absolutely brutal in the summer. The NE gets surprisingly gross in the summer months
I really hope this isn’t taken as antisemitism, if there’s something about it that is it isn’t intentional and/or I’m just ignorant, but I honestly think they fear AIPAC.
There’s also the whole “Israel is a pawn in our geopolitical strategy for the middle east” thing :(
"The prevailing sentiment was we’re all in on Pennsylvania. And if we win Pennsylvania, we’re automatically winning Michigan and Wisconsin — but there’s nothing automatic about winning Michigan,”
There’s nothing automatic about winning anything you fucking overcooked rump roasts… What is wrong with these people?