The US/Canada Trade War
As a Canadian - I don’t want to fight the US indefinitely. Our countries are much better off together than apart and everyone with any economic training knows it. I really like a lot of Americans, and they like me. I have had multiple Americans apologize and insult the Trump administration in the strongest language possible. I absolutely know this trade war and abuse from Trump et al. is not what my friends even remotely want.
But your government right now is intolerable. So I’m very much in support of this wave of Canadian national indignation and FAFO but I hope it doesn’t last for long. As long as it takes, but the quicker our two countries return to cooperation the better for citizens of both nations. Even if everyone wanted to, decades of steadfast alliance cannot be undone cleanly and would likely leave our two nations weaker for it.
Id argue we need to pull away from US economic dependence. Doesnt have to be all or nothing, but coupling your economy to another this deeply is risky by default.
We need to diversify as much as we can. I know it isnt easy or simple, but in the long run it might be best.
No Canada, keep the Tariffs…you don’t want to fund a fascist state that wants to annex you!
God. It’s like a humiliation fetish on a national scale. The Annoying Orange and the World’s Most Terminally Divorced Man just can’t help themselves - or stick to anything for more than ten minutes.
Though I suppose, given their goals, we should be grateful for that weakness? I don’t know, I’m on the edge of learning to make moonshine to make the pain go away
Maybe Melania is making Trump cuck himself in front the man she really wants?
I’ll leave this here. Plenty of others is anyone wants to have a search.
Can you imagine being the first president whose wife gives birth to another man’s baby while in office?
Musk can only have IVF kids because of a botched penis enlargement. Melanie is 54, so even with IVF there’s a super slim chance at best. Without IVF it ain’t happening.
American rapper says that Elon’s ex-wife Grimes told her that Elon has a botched penis implant.
Rofl I thought he couldn’t touch a women without getting hives or something. This is karma level stuff if true.
I think he’s referring to Justin Trudeau. Baron looks like Trudeau.
While I’d certainly believe someone other than Trump as biological father I’m not seeing the Trudeau resemblance personally.
barron looks more like trump than trudeau.
All white people look the same.
Wait, for real on the dingaling damage? I had no idea and that is hilariously on brand.
No shade cast for anyone using such a procedure, btw, unless you’re a malicious spoiled man-baby.
Is that a joke or something that you’ve read somewhere? Hilarious either way, but I am not searching the web for “Elon Musk penis enlargement” 😅😂
It’s a rumor, but it’s got a wee bit of truth to it:
I have been hoping for something to get him out of office before that. But, that could almost be worth it you crazy bastard!
It’s not that they can’t stick to anything… The issue is that they come up with shit ideas that they implement immediately without any planning. Then when the idea turns out to be shit publicly they have to walk it back at least partially because it isn’t doing what they wanted. They don’t care about how it looks, but the ideas are so terrible that they aren’t even accomplishing what they intend.
Honestly, I’m at the point where, while I think there is a great deal of malice and certainly some horrific long-term plans, I genuinely believe that these people are idiots at this point. I think many of their actions lack any intention beyond the immediate and impulsive emotional reactions of a thin-skinned narcissist.
We are not just being ruled by evil shitheads, we’re being ruled by evil shitwits.
They’re six years old playing their first run of Civilization and think winning means destroying everything else and taking everything you can, but you don’t know what all the menus mean yet so you just start clicking random stuff to see what happens.
[ Add tariffs +25% 🪙 -30% 🕊 -25% ⚖️]
[ This breaks your agreement USMCA 2019. Are you sure you wa… ]
clicks Yes
Wait why is my trade income decreasing?
This is… so accurate
I don’t know, I’m on the edge of learning to make moonshine to make the pain go away
Has DOGE gutted the ATF yet? (Of course not, that bureau oppresses the public instead of serving it. That budget is sacred and shall not be touched except to expand it.)
The trade war wasn’t against Canada or Mexico or the world … it was directly against the American people and according to the belligerent, the American government is winning.
Canadian here, sure feels like its against us, especially given the border threats.
We literally have articles coming out from mainstream outlets talking about guerilla warfare. People here are starting to get rabid.
I don’t think your dimwitted leaders understand how much the average Canadian resents being forced to deal with america (for decades), the resentment is turning into hatred.
You are correct. The “leaders” don’t. The majority of Americans are also disillusioned into hating people not responsible at all for the struggles they have to face. The soverignty of nations should be respected, but that hasn’t, historically, been the American way either.
Relevant song (find it on your preferred streaming service of whatever):
And the White House burned, burned, burned
And we’re the one’s that did it!
It burned, burned, burned
While the president ran and cried
It burned, burned, burned
And things were very historical
And the Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies
Waa waa waah!
In the War of 1812!Everybody loves Canada. We’ll be cheering you on if you do it again for the lulz 🤣 (until the nukes start flying and the world ends, anyway) But if you want to do something a bit less incendiary, DJI drones aren’t geofenced anymore so maybe dropping a nice Canadian flag 🇨🇦 on top of the white house would make a clear point, with clear historical precedent!
(Sigh. Please come back to your senses soon, USA.)
according to the belligerent, the American government is winning.
And according to objective reality, the American government is being destroyed by a traitorous enemy agent and an unelected kleptocrat.
So much for, “Trade wars are good, and easy to win.”
Also he showed us is that his goal is to fuck up US and the West.
It doesn’t even look like incompetence, but pure malice.
From what I understand, it’s that when he looks at various agreements he doesn’t understand how to work with countries to mutually improve.
It has been said a few times now that he only sees agreements as having a winner and a loser. In his eyes, a win-win means one side could have done better.
Zero sum game. A life philosophy for assholes.
This is it. And even after lying, cheating, and stealing his way through life he still managed to bankrupt seven businesses including a casino. If he had put his inheritance in a market index fund he’d be fabulously wealthy. Instead he’s been pretending to be a billionaire for 40 years.
The funny thing is, after all that, he finally is a billionaire for real because of truth social of all things.
I swear he only did it because of putin
His ass must yummy af
Grape jelly
If they’re so easy to win, that means the other guy can do it too
The US folded? Can someone send me an article about it because DDG isn’t providing
This maybe?
Canada’s initial retaliatory tariffs against the U.S. will remain in place despite President Donald Trump postponing 25% tariffs on many imports from Canada for a month, two senior Canadian government officials said.
What is DDG?
Duckduckgo, a search engine
duckduckgo I assume
DDG’s search is really bad in my experience (not as bad as SearXNG, however). Try Mullvad Leta or Brave Search.
DDG is by default Bing. Add !g to the end of a search string and it will redirect to google.
Brave is run by a bigoted piece of shit funded by peter theil, a different piece of shit.
Mullvad leta is a proxy service that isn’t a search engine exactly but rather a proxy for google or brave search.
Never understood the point of adding !g to DDG searches cause it literally redirects you to Google. What’s the freaking point of that? Might as well bypass the redirect and just directly search Google.
Because ddg proxies your request, so they don’t fingerprint your browser & IP and tag the search to you
It proxies nothing, it literally redirects your browser to Google.
Huh ! You’re right. It seems to be startpage who do that. Good thing I never used that functionality I guess. The only thing I bang is wikipedia. Umm wait, that’s not what I meant. Lol
You use ddg for 99% of your searches, which maximizes privacy while still getting you the results you need. For the 1% where the results are piss poor, you add !g and deal with evil to get the right answer.
Yeah but it’s quicker to just select Google from the dropdown after typing in your search in Firefox’s address bar. I can only see this function being useful for people who navigate directly to the search engine’s website to search.
Why would i type the search query out, then click and drag then click again instead of just typing 3 more characters?
It easier to type " !g" in either case.
Does anyone realize how easily our technology could be crippled by these megacorp?
So anyways, as an American, I think the United States of Canada has a nice ring to it…eh? (Did I do that right?)
It would have been better to end with, “Sorry, I hope I did that right?”
which new provinces would you be willing to accept?
Which ever one was willing to get rid of all the handguns.
Yeah, we don’t want them (American states) either.
Thinking that they’re just doing anything they can to crash the stonks so they can buy low… Agree? Guess it doesn’t matter if the market never recovers and nobody wants to do business with the US
I really thought Donny ‘two scoops’ was gonna play HARD BALL! I guess not.