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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Not sure why you seem so personally invested

    There’s nothing personal, I just expect accusations like this to have real evidence. All the “evidence” we had through Twitter was hearsay, and we’ve all played telephone before. Hearsay is no different than gossip, and it quite often is incorrect, that’s why it’s not admissible in court. Sorry for actually wanting proof of egregious claims instead of just trusting a former employee, who already had questionable trustability, and who was using the publicity to promote their own shit. Not exactly a great source of accurate information.

    he admitted to it so a lot of this conjecture is moot. There’s links to his statement ITT.

    My post here was made around the same time his tweet was posted. In fact looking at the times, it was posted here the same minute of his last edit. So, no chance to have even seen reports about that response yet, nonetheless read it.

  • If Twitch helped to cover up a criminal act, they’d be opening themselves up to liability. Especially since they supposedly provide the product used for the communication AND apparently knew about it.

    The simpler answer is, the reality isn’t as simple as the tweet makes it out to be. Twitch may have thought/known the user was a minor based off internal-only information, like previous messages, account information, etc. not anything in the conversation with Doc. In that case Doc would not have known they were a minor, and thus his actions would not have been illegal, and it would not be a story at all if Twitch reached out to advise Doc that the user was a minor… instead Twitch acted unilaterally and essentially burned the contract in the process. That would fit the same “facts” we’ve been told from all parties, but with a vastly different context that also matches the lack of criminal liability.

  • Not a Doc watcher, not a big fan, but the Internet’s hard-on for taking claims at face value even without any actual evidence pisses me off. Public opinion doesn’t require innocence until proven guilty, but it’s a good idea. There have been enough situations of people lying about shit for some personal gain, especially lately.

    I have only seen one situation that seems to match ALL of the claims from the hearsay on the Twitch side, because NONE of the people tweeting are first hand sources (they are repeating what they’ve heard from others), that matches Doc’s comments about it, AND the fact that there were no criminal charges filed (these are public record). Because otherwise if it is true at face value, that means Twitch actively helped cover up the fact a streamer was messaging minors like that, AND paid the the contract price as if THEY violated the contract, which certainly has a morality clause in it that Doc would have clearly violated if that were true.

    1. Doc was exchanging messages with a user via Twitch Whispers.
    2. Twitch thought this user was a minor through internal information, like previous messages/chats, account info, etc. but not something another user would have access to.
    3. The conversation itself did NOT include information about whether the user was a minor.
    4. Doc would not have known that user was a minor, because it was not in the conversations.
    5. Twitch acts on the information they have, cancelling the contract under something like a morality clause.
    6. Doc would have no idea why he was suddenly permanently banned without any warning if they acted on this information without contacting him prior.
    7. Through the litigation it is determined that either the user was in fact NOT a minor, or they WERE but Doc would not have a way to know that based on the messages alone.
    8. That would mean Twitch, not Doc, had violated the contract by unilaterally cancelling it, and would need to pay it out, AND that there would be no criminal act to prosecute, hence no wrongdoing, even if he DID message a minor.
    9. Depending on the wording of the NDA for that settlement, he almost surely cannot talk about specifics, hence the vague legalese responses, because that’s the limit of what he’s allowed to say without Twitch also agreeing to release more info. That settlement likely leaves Doc’s ban in place in exchange for paying out the contract, Twitch not admitting anything, and Doc likely wouldn’t want to continue working with them after a reaction and contractual cancellation of that magnitude without even an attempt at contact.

    That would fit all of the “facts” as we have heard them from every party, without any criminal charges, with Doc getting paid, and Twitch officially silent. The largest red flag for the “he knew he was messaging a minor to meet up” is no prosecution at all, not even a paper arrest and charges later being dropped. There was never any public legal involvement, which indicates there was never an actual crime, which is what is being claimed.

    Also, Cody tweeted multiple times advertising his band’s show and stating if it sold out he’d talk more about it. So at that point, he basically loses all credibility as far as I’m concerned, not using it as marketing for his shows. Without hard evidence it not just looks like a way to try and boost his band’s sales while he knows everyone will be talking about him and looking him up.

  • I know. I already addressed that. That’s not where my issue is. My issue is they’re not only saying allegedly but also a possible hate crime when it is clearly a hate crime.

    Instead after looking more, it looks like that’s because the DA has unofficially chosen not to prosecute it as a hate crime for whatever baffling reason. A month after the event and they’ve not filed charges for a hate crime. It doesn’t take a month to figure out whether a white person fighting with a Muslim in a headscarf about being American, then attacking their children and beating them with the scarf, constitutes a hate crime.

    So instead it makes it look like a prosecutor that doesn’t want to prosecute a seemingly slam dunk hate crime as a hate crime, for whatever reason.

  • halcyoncmdr@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe older I get, the less I pretend to care
    2 days ago

    You seem to be under the impression that your opinion of a random meme and joke response comment on the internet is something we should care about. We don’t know each other, this isn’t Facebook, there’s no reason to fake being nice on a site like this. I’ll probably never see you again, your judgement of a random comment means very little to me. My original comment wasn’t meant as any more than a bullshit joke comment, but since you want to make it more…

    I never compared babies to abusers. I compared Stockholm Syndrome to the evolutionary mental and hormonal responses parents have for their progeny. They’re both unconscious mental responses brought on by an external stimulus. An inconvenient comparison of course, but simple.

    Back to the actual topic of the post… I don’t think anyone’s baby is cute, including yours, they’re all ugly bloated sacks of skin. And no the baby’s disproportionate features don’t actually look like either parent at that age. You want it to be true and your mind is giving you what you want.

  • I never said they weren’t capable. I’m just saying that this prosecutor seems to be choosing to not prosecute something seemingly obvious, which just makes them look incompetent. If they want to appear that way to the public, that’s their choice.

    Nothing prevents them from saying that they aren’t going to prosecute it as a hate crime due to exculpatory evidence, instead they seem to be intentionally leaving it in a grey area. Especially since this apparently happened a month ago according to the article. Plenty of time to figure out something so core to the issue. It just makes them look complicit in allowing hate crimes when the public evidence is so glaringly obvious for it.

  • Suburbs don’t prosecute, the county DA does. And this county voted for Biden in 2020.

    You’re right, and Presidential elections don’t do a good job of showing anything about local matters. Gotta look at the local elections. Since you brought it up…

    In the 2022 general election the County Clerk, Criminal District Attorney, Constable, District Clerk, and County Judge elected were all Republican. In fact, the only race not won by a Republican was one of 2 open County Commissioner seats, which a Dem barely won with 51.5% of the vote.

    Notice that Criminal District Attorney, Phil Sorrells ®, was just elected in 2022. Prior to that, he was a Judge for Tarrant County Criminal Court Number 10 for 25 years. I’d be willing to bet if someone went back through his criminal sentencing over those 25 years it would show certain, shall we say, biases in those sentences, they almost always do. Sometimes that quack does come from a duck after all.

  • Or… that’s the result of hormonal changes and the brain creating an excuse for the cognitive dissonance that results. It’s an evolutionary trait to further propagation of the species, nothing more. Your mind tricking you into liking something because you created it. The human mind creates fantasies all the damned time typo cope with situations.

    In a different context. Your abuser isn’t that bad, they provide for you, give you a place to stay, and clearly care for you, just in their own way. Clearly they actually love you and you need to return those feelings to show your appreciation. The physical abuse is only a small punishment when you misbehave, you deserved it.