Very promising statements from Carney.
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Very promising statements from Carney.
So far, oil companies have “won” themselves a 10% trump tax on their inputs.
I mean Trump backed down from Mexico upon the mere threat of retaliation to come on Sunday. Sheinbaum is stronger than Trump the felonious con artist could ever be.
It’s far from over, because it appears to me that Canadian and Mexican governments are both aiming for a more permanent resolution. I think they should stay closely co-ordinated. In the meantime…
¡Que Viva La Presidenta! ¡Que Viva México!
Snowbirds selling their properties and refusing to visit there will take their flags back with them. Florida’s tourism industry is really going to be missing the Canadians next winter no matter where the tariffs go.
For beer: Smaller local microbreweries and vintners are worried they might get pushed out on sales and shelf space to more famous brands and producing areas, e.g. Okanagan, Montréal, Niagara, Vancouver, Toronto taking over Winnipeg, Quebec City, Halifax, St. John’s, etc.
Other things, some things provinces are worried about competition, from places with lower tax or looser unionization rules.
Some were just that each province was asked to legislate each thing independently, so they never really consulted each other and came up with different solutions for the same aim. Ex. Hours of Service rules, car safety, professional licensing.
Some are worried about language laws (particularly French and official Indigenous languages in soms provinces).
It’s true that there has been a separatist movement, that seems to overlap on the diagram with the portion of people wanting to join the U.S…
The author massively overstates how much thought Trump and the people in his administration would put into the granularity of courting areas of support he might have.
He’d also pretend in an executive order to be vested the power to annex new territories rather than urge Congress to do anything.
Democrats, here’s your chance. Host Where’s Your ® Senator and House Rep When You Need Them Most Town Halls in red states, stat.
Assuming free and fair elections are happening in 2 years, you need to build rapport with your constituency, ask and answer the questions Trump acolytes will be silent or openly lie about.
How did Biden change the forecast to negative tho?
Not our problem your president broke the agreement.
Fair is fair. The Trump admin broke the agreement, we aren’t going back to the previous arrangement if you only go back halfway.
Who knows, maybe the glitch was that Meta was only trying to suppress news of natural disaster events in the Carolinas but Australia got caught in the filter?
Yeah, if these 4 are purposefully ignoring Congress’ role here, this gives me little hope that the Trump Court of the United States will properly do their duty when other cases come to their door.
“Does a single district-court judge who likely lacks jurisdiction have the unchecked power to compel the government of the United States to pay out (and probably lose forever) 2 billion taxpayer dollars?” Alito wrote in a dissent joined by the three other conservative justices.
Wait until Alito sees Elon Musk…
“A federal court has many tools to address a party’s supposed nonfeasance,” Alito said. “Self-aggrandizement of its jurisdiction is not one of them.”
Canada’s retaliation, at least the 30 to 150 billion announced, is small potatoes on the scale of the massive US economy, that’s not snark but a fact.
But I think the writer is giving sufficient credence to the notion that despite that difference in size, we have an outsized ability to turn the screws (like Doug Ford is) when already the US administration is screwing itself 6 ways to Sunday.
Had we as Canadians acted with indifference to these threats, the sense of urgency of the true effects of MAGA and Trumpism might not be conveyed clearly enough, since American media is distracted by 1000 scandals going at once, and the White House and Republicans’ Congress are now like a Ministry of Alternative Facts.
Every effort matters. 50% is still better than zero.
Shhh! Don’t spoil Trump’s War On Christmas plan to drone strike Santa Claus!