Has anyone told him that tariffs require willing trade partners?
But tariffs goes into the government’s pocket, don’t they want a small govt? Oh wait, it’s just to trickle down the money to their billionaire friends, my bad.
Spot on. I think he actually knows exactly what he’s doing but will keep playing the part of the bombastic dotard. He’s crashing USA on purpose,— yes for the billionaires, for Project 2025, and for Pooty.
Project 2025 is the means they are using but it’s not the end in and of itself. There are at least two identifiable factions at play in that government with specific goals, and no doubt other factions too. (I’m just picking up the details of this stuff myself.) One is an extreme sect of Evangelicalism that even other Evangelicals call “heretical” or “false prophets,” and another is the “Dark Enlightenment” tech bros. These are people with specific agendas that aren’t really hidden but require some light research. (Again, I’ve only scratched the surface myself, in my spare time.)
*edit - I thought I should add that same religious group that’s basically out for world domination exists in Canada and this article has most of what I know about their aims.
The donor class is the biggest issue. It’s not the really big businesses that really screech about regulations, because they can easily work around them. It’s the midsized private company guys. The people like the Uihleins and other business people who can’t stand regulations.
The United States was at its absolute economic best when charging fucks like musk and Trump 95% tax rate … forcing them to invest instead of hoarding. Stop lying you stupid orange fuck
The real way to “Make America Great Again”
The truth the rich don’t want you to know
He can’t stop lying, it’s all he knows how to do.
How the Democrats have failed to skewer him with “tariffs are taxes: he’s raising taxes” is beyond me.
Because the Democrats exist as a controlled opposition party. They aren’t there to make your life better, they are there to funnel progressive energy into a harmless movement.
He literally raised the taxes on basically everyone that makes less than $300k and gave billionaires another tax cut because he did that in his first term too.
Democrats still can’t figure out their messaging.
Here in Germany, one of the left wing parties (literally “The Left”) has been putting up election posters with lines like “If your town is getting flooded, the rich are boarding their yachts”, “If your heating is too expensive, someone’s making coal” (making bank), “If your grocery trip is too expensive, a corporation is cashing in” and such. I found that a refreshing sight.
(Mind, some of their positions are contentious too and this isn’t an uncritical endorsement. I just felt the posters were fitting.)
Because unfortunately the only thing the Democrats are good at is failing miserably at being good politicians. Those of us in the US are stuck between choosing a party of feckless, stupid, corpo shills and a party of straight up fascists :(
With these reciprocal tariffs, Donald Trump is about to plunge the world into the greatest economic global depression since the 1930’s, just as Europe starts to think about maybe possibly upping their defense budgets
Twist ending: Trump comes out as the ultimate leftist neoglobalist. His entire life has been dedicated to cultivating the most unabashed narcissistic piss baby entitled con man personality, as a front, just so he can convince America to share its wealth and power, collapse American hegemony, and permanently destroy conservatism. He’s the only one that has the special Yank whisperer powers to convince an entire nation of dumbfucks to act against their own self interest.
At this point nothing would surprise me.
4d chess jokes aren’t funny anymore.
I get your sentiment, but I rather think the comedy above arises from the rhetorical flourishes.
It’s ok, I don’t actually believe this.
Tongue-in-cheek general or 4D specifically? I’m beyond capable of laughing at any of this any more. It’s just actually sad and scary.
Unless, now I know this is a giant stretch, trump is just a character created by a group of writers and workshopped on reality TV. It’s always been a joke that politics is just Hollywood for ugly people. Trump is the best of both worlds. Once in place he could, you know, enact some sort of larger project that has been in the works for years and years. Some sort of project that kicks off in 2025. How, though, how could they guarantee both parties would step aside and let trump do whatever he like? You’d have make bribery legal, in some way shape or form. Like if you could use money like you do speech you could influence people to do anything. The people would never accept it though. Some would see right through it. Unless you has some sort of new media that goes completely unregulated where anyone can lie and you can target people using the most sophisticated technology ever created.
Or you know it was probably the illuminati.
Talk about projecting “I don’t know what I’m doing!”
The MAGA brand, at it’s heart, is just saying your policies loudly over and over again and calling anyone who disagrees with you stupid.
This has been wildly effective again a liberal establishment that only knows how to triangulate between whatever two ideas a pair of TV talking heads are yelling at one another.
Sounds like Trump can’t tell the difference between a Value Added Tax, and tariffs. It sounds like what he really wants is a federal VAT.
He’s referring to how the US was incredibly tariff heavy between 1789 and the early 1900s. During this time, there was little to no industry in the US and they imported most of their stuff from Britan, which obviously wasn’t something they were too happy about. The new country went hard with the tariffs and it helped the country grow its own domestic industries.
Of course, it’s not the 1800s anymore and expecting that implementing the same government policies from that time will make the country better is idiotic. This is a way to fund tax breaks to billionaires and corporations by heavily taxing the average American and having them think it’s patriotic.
He’s a moron and loves to show it.
He’s so full of shit it’s running out his mouth.
What built the industrial juggernaut that won the cold war was a 90% tax rate.
Also, World War II was perhaps the biggest gift for America’s economy in their history. It took them from the economic slump of the Great Depression into a booming war economy that allowed it to recover. Such an economic boom likely won’t ever happen again, unless the US openly declares war on another country.
What’s the deal with war booms anyways? Lots of destruction and production?
Essentially all of the industrialized world was destroyed in WWII, except the US. Being the only major supplier of manufactured goods for, the entire world resulted in a huge amount of economic growth that we coasted on for half a century.
Yes. Production peaks but what both the Nazis and FDR proved is that deficit spending is the surest way out of a massive recession if the spending goes into infrastructure and manufacturing. It is, quite literally, just an investment at that point. The production creates jobs, the jobs pay wages, the wages create more demand. This cycle then reaps benefits for decades if your factories don’t get bombed to shit.
That said, this isn’t the 1930s.
Even if WW3 doesn’t end with a nuclear exchange it would still kill the planet as we throw every carbon limit out of the window.
Who’s “we”, motherfucker?
So why am I not getting my income tax money back you lying fuck?
Because when he says “Wealthy again”, he doesn’t mean you.
Tariffs essentially mean you’re paying more for everything that you buy, which then goes into the corporations coffers, and the billionaires/robber barons get richer. THAT is what Trump means by the country being “wealthy again”. He means the billionaires. He doesn’t care if it’s his own middle class paying for it.
Oh, I’m well aware.
It’s like trumps directly referencing the events leading up to the great depression. It’s funny how conservatives have no clue.
I maintain that they do. They just don’t care. I goal is to crash the economy and cause a collapse like the USSR had. Then these rich fucks will restructure the government and Rob us blind while they do it. Not the Republicans or democrats. The people with money that are lining their pockets.
I’m talking about people like my dad. He would mask the truth from himself then go wait by the radio for them to make it make sense.
He has also unintentionally referenced what Jackson did to ensure the creation of the deepest, by percentage not raw dollars, and longest depression in US history. Last time we paid off all the federal debt, it took us almost 4 decades to fix that mistake. Without other countries holding US debt, they don’t have any money we accept in trade. US debt is dollars. We don’t accept Loonies, Francs, Pounds, Euros, Rubles, or Yuan.
Pls tell me how tariffs will fix my student loans, Mr President. Pls tell me how it will pay off my mortgage and medical debt.
Fuckin clown… Jfc
It’s a very important issue.
But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that — because —
child care is child carestudent loans are student loans… It’s something, you have to have it in this country. You have to have it.But when you talk about those numbers, compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly, and it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country,
Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s going to take care. We’re going to have — I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country.
TL;DR: He has no idea
Hey Canada can you send some, y’know, special ops type people to uh . . y’know.
As if he would pay income tax