Seconds are already an SI unit. We’d have to redo every textbook, and overcome centuries of work.
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
Seconds are already an SI unit. We’d have to redo every textbook, and overcome centuries of work.
I like right hand rule. Thumb in direction you want the bolt to go, out or in. Fingers curve in the direction you need to turn.
Yeah, which is why I added the note about cleaning power per unit volume. But it’d have to be a fair bit more powerful to make the effort worth it, I think.
We use maybe 50ml of Tide (so that’d be probably 100 loads) when doing our laundry, so if that’s equivalent to like one tablespoon of the Borax mix, I could see it saving me $20 or so overall, if it’s three times stronger.
So it’d come down to how much time I spend shopping and combining the mixture vs just buying it.
Mind, that’s just the borax. Bar soap and baking soda are cheap but not free.
(edit: and before someone jumps on me about “baking soda”, I was thinking of it in terms of decomposing it into carbonate in the oven. I haven’t priced out washing soda)
I’m not convinced about the cost. A kilogram of borax seems to run about $10CAD. 2 cups, at 1.7g/CC, would be about 850g, so $7 just for the Borax. Unless there’s a much cheaper place to get it…
A ~5L jug of Tide costs $31, or about $6/L. If they have approximately equivalent cleaning power per volume, Tide wins.
We also administer Vimy Ridge in France. While it isn’t Canadian territory, we have been granted permanent usage of it. It’s a little bit like a land border. :)
I think that’s the rule Putin and Medvedev used. They alternated to get around the consecutive term rule.
Down 5% today, not super stable. Could have been a dead cat bounce last week.
So, when do we rename Hudson Bay? Inuktut names is either Kangiqsualuk ilua or Tasiujarjuaq, but good luck getting that to catch on. Cree name is either Wînipekw or Wînipâkw… Gulf of Winnipeg has a certain ring to it.
I always cook the mushrooms first with soy sauce and red pepper flakes. Cook them down and toss them so they’re well coated and the water is all reduced off. Six or seven minutes while we roll out the dough.
Tip; cook mushrooms covered until they release their water. Steam them hard for like 5 mins. They’ll shrink and squeeze out their moisture. Don’t use oil, they just absorb it. Then reduce the liquid.
Well ‘meme’ is an older idea than image macros =p
Spider bro is my ally against the wool moths, at the moment. If I catch one I’m putting it in the closet.
They earn their keep.
We had aphids in the garden last year. Wolf spider moved in, big fat guy. Made short work of em. Wolf spider is welcome among my lettuce any day.
so uh this guy once ordered a pizza with no toppings but only beef on the left side and that’s why I have a 40-year-old man’s face on my shirt with a pizza background.
I think it comes from an episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch and exploded as a meme.
Bisected, trisected, quartered… What’s a word for cutting something into 5 pieces? 6?
Ah. Really, I thought it was. Thanks. :/
See Wikipedia: “France ceded to Canada the perpetual use of a portion of land on Vimy Ridge on the understanding that Canada use the land to establish a battlefield park and memorial.”
Canada also had a land border with France. Vimy Ridge is sovereign Canadian territory, ceded by France after WW1.
So, in a way, we’re already a European country.
Odd Bunch is the one we get.
The math is pretty simple. We’re travelling at 25km/sec around the sun. You have to get that to zero to hit the sun. Getting to Jupiter means getting up to like 37km/sec (made up number). Way easier.
edit: I looked it up because it didn’t feel right. Outer planets move SLOWER the farther out you go because gravity is weaker and they don’t need as much angular momentum. So the math isn’t quite as simple as that. :)