I wan’t to be rich enough that i can buy a company that other big companies rely on and just shut it down and switch to making something useful. Like some automotive supplier for Tesla and then they can’t make cars for a month or two.
I wan’t to be rich enough that i can buy a company that other big companies rely on and just shut it down and switch to making something useful. Like some automotive supplier for Tesla and then they can’t make cars for a month or two.
Heas a real whistle blower
Apparently some of these sell pretty well depending on which team.
There’s certain content that will always get downvoted.
It’s messed up that these guys are more pro-Isreal than most people.
Thus guy is an absolute legend, the project has been alive for like ten years at this point and still gets updates and fixes regularly.
Parents do tge same thing with santa.
An equal points voting system is the best way to come to the truth between a group of people, but they all have to be honest with their oppinions, which can make it fall apart if there are outside forces pressuring voters. If you have a jar of marbles and have a room full of people try to guess how many there are, the guesses will generally average out to the correct answer. If you had a group of marble and math experts guessing, then it would be extremely close, unless you let them debate about it first.
Gotta keep me anxious so I have to keep coming back.
Americans answer to mental healthcare is jails. There’s almost no access to mental healthcare. You qualify for free healthcare in certain states if you are poor. Insursnce plans won’t generally cover entire doctors visits. It costs me $65 to talk to my pdoc for 5 minutes just to get a perscription refilled and thats discounted from the $150 rate they would charge without insursnce. Some insurance will cover therapy, but not long term. It can be difficult to even find a psychiatrist who will take insurance, let alone your insurance. Insurance is a regional thing and plan sppecifuc so it’s not the same for anybody. Therapy is seen as something that people briefly do after a major trauma event, or done by whiny little rich girls.
I would’t trade a good horse for an early car. Maybe a model T.
Because they never actually hack anything. Either they fish someone’s password, find an email and password combo someone reusedfrom a different site, or someone left root with ssh access and a default password.
Those job salaries are public information
Posting some text and photos on the internet is not even close to being in the same league as printing and hand delivering content. They don’t even have to sell ad space themselves to individual advertisers like they used to. Tbey don’t even have an incentive to write quality stories. They just need some clickbait ai slop to get more clicks.
Gotta get that dna sample somehow.
I think it would work nicely if each public university had their own instance. Since it’s government owned, it would be illegal for them to censor other scientists. I guess if the public university web was big ebough, they could make private universities and other institutions agree to be censorship free, plus moderation would be transparent and in the open. Not sure how moderation would work exactly, it should be fairly self regulating if users are exclusively credentialled experts with real names attatched to their accounts.
Thing thing, what is that thing?
There’s nothing inherently wrong with a simplification mindset. Automotive manufacturers certainly do like to overcomplicate things. Unfortunately people like him only care about costs and not quality.