“Now that the election is over I think we can finally say that yeah actually Project 2025 is the agenda,” Walsh wrote on X (formerly Twitter).
In other words “Damn right we lied to everybody! Thanks, suckers!”
I guess there’s no need to even bother wearing the masks any more. Racism, misogyny and bigotry won the day. Handily. Republicans turned out in droves to sign up for more of it, and Democrats have said they’re willing to accept it rather than elect a black woman. At that point, why even bother hiding it. Everybody knows what it is, and last night they said in pretty decisive fashion that they either actively want it or are at least willing to accept it.
We did this to ourselves. Trump made some small gains, but Harris underperformed Biden by roughly 10% or so. That means millions of Democrats sat home instead of voting for Harris, which also cost the Democrats some House and Senate seats downballot due to the lower turnout. There was no election fraud. This was a free and fair election. Trump won the popular vote. There are no excuses this time. We. Voted. For. This.
8-10 million Democrats stayed home. I don’t care if you’re “protesting Gaza”, or if you’re a closeted bigot who would rather sit out than vote for a black woman. Or whatever. If you stayed home rather than vote for Harris, you voted for this. In the words of Rush, “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”. And you made that choice knowing it was a de-facto vote for Trump.
The GOP had a damn good night last night. And they couldn’t even wait 24 hours before cramming it right down our throats. They couldn’t even wait 24 hours to take the mask off. Give it a couple of days and I figure the national abortion ban will be the next thing they don’t bother trying to lie about any more. Why bother trying to hide it? We already said we’re cool with it.
Don’t forget that the Latino vote for Trump went from 25% to 45%.
The dumb bastards voted themselves into being deported and don’t think Stephen Miller is going to have a soft spot for people here legally.
Hes gonna come for them all.
Give those idiots what they want.
For real. ~45% of them deserve to be round up into camps or deported. That’s what they voted for, after all.
*the monkeys paw curls
45% of the Latino population in the us that voted for Harris are deported. Or they just somehow sink Puerto Rico.
It blows my mind. But it’s the reality. In an ideal world every minority should be against Trump. But this isn’t the world we live in. There is a huge amount of immigrants who are coming from ultra conservative society.
Some latino who are well established will happily kick the ladder so that other can’t come in.
So it’s not super surprising. Homophobia and racism isn’t only a white people’s thing.
This is sort of beside the point you’re making, but a lot of 1st/2nd generation Latinos still look down on immigrants. “We did it the hard way, so they should have to as well” similar to bootstrap mentality.
It’s some real mental gymnastics, but I’ve had several latina girlfriends over the years and some of their families were poor or super well off, but they openly hated Mexicans and/or Puerto Ricans.
That number isn’t really that surprising.
They think they’re exempt…lol
Aaaah Cuban expats. Welcomed with open arms often getting to jump the line. So much hardship. So much effort. So much privilege and entitlement.
There’s a lot of christian fundamentalists among them too, and I think the “sitting out of it” could have affected that demographic too.
deleted by creator
Well technically I don’t think you can vote to deport yourself since you need to be a citizen to vote federally.
Now voting to have your friends and family removed, now we’re cooking!
Operation Wetback and Wetback 2 would like a word with you. American citizens have been deported to Mexico for simply “looking too Mexican.” These people have truly fucked themselves. The leopards are coming for their faces too.
The plan has already been written for him
And I don’t think they’re gonna worry too much about who they catch up in their dragnet that’s legally here
They’re not only gonna deport non-citizens.
A guy at work today said he wasn’t worried about prop 3 failing because he has a medical Marijuana card. Like, dude, you’re a brown man on a list of Marijuana consumers and the modern day nazis just got elected and now wield the fbi and DEA with no guardrails. He’s fucked and he refuses to see it.
Did you tell him that? These retards need of written in crayon.
I will note at the rate things are going Trump has like a 85% chance of beating his 2020 numbers and a small chance of beating Biden’s 2020 numbers. It’s not JUST Harris poor turnout.
(Also her turnout was only bad by 2020 standards, it’s still higher than John Kerry or Gore or Hillary)
Trump is currently > 1,5 million votes behind his 2020 numbers with >99% counted almost everywhere. I don’t think he has a chance of getting even close to Biden’s numbers, and beating his 2020 numbers seems unlikely at the moment.
California is only 57%
What about as a percentage of the overall voting eligible population?
Upvote for Rush
Blame everyone but Harris huh?
She, along with Hillary, never once bothered to try getting Stein voters to switch to her. It was both their downfalls. Trump did all he could to get RFK voters to switch to him.
I’m not saying you’re necessarily wrong. But Trump won by far more than Stein pulled away from Harris (Outside of maybe Michigan). Even if she did court those votes, it probably wouldn’t have mattered.
But last night wasn’t the result of a political miscalculation that they realized in hindsight. She underperformed when compared to Biden by roughly 10%. 8-10 million Democrats that voted last time opted out this time. That’s a shellacking. 8-10 million people said “I’m not going to vote for Trump, but I’d first step aside and let Trump win anyway over voting for Harris.” There was nothing she could have done to win them over. Her campaign was doomed from the start. She just didn’t know it at the time.
Also if you’re removing Stein you also have to remove RFK Jr to be fair which basically undoes it
Stein has well under a million votes, her votes wouldn’t have made a difference if Harris got every single one.
Tell that to the person above me. People either voted for Stein or stayed home (since Stein wasn’t on the ballot in many states).
…RFK Jr did just as much damage as Stein did and got almost the same number of votes despite being off a ton of important large states. He’s the reason New Mexico isn’t so close it’s a Swing State. It ain’t the greens
Not that I can see. He was off the ballot in most swing states.
They went further than that this year, instead of trying to win over disenfranchised voters they completely ignored anything to the left of Chaney
Mutual aid will be more important than ever, join and build up your local groups if you’re able, it will pay off in dividends in the coming years.
This election has only proven how electoralism cannot be relied upon, it’s just us now. We need to build the world we want to live in, without corporate influence.
- Search your local area + ‘mutual aid’.
- Help your local food not bombs.
- Create a worker owned cooperative with your friends if possible, or join an existing one.
- Help spread the meshtastic network to build up communication resilience in your community.
- Plant trees in your community to help reduce the heat island effect for the coming heatwaves.
- Create or join a community garden near you to bolster food availability and foster connections with those around you.
- engage in guerrilla urbanism, make your community safer to walk or bike
- encourage your coworkers to unionize under the IWW, contact them for help on how to unionize your workplace.
- vote in your local elections to try and have a state or city government that is less hostile to the above actions, but continue to build decentralized power independently of them regardless. Do not make the mistake of handing off the responsibility to make things better to them, it’s up to YOU, and your community, and hopefully other nearby communities doing the same, but that is all.
We have tremendous collective power if we just use it, and hopefully this outcome will result in us coming together and building that world in the shell of the old. Collective solidarity is our only solution left.
Already have some solar powered meshtastic nodes up in my area. Gonna get some folks on it in the coming weeks and months.
Good stuff my friend, your preparations are essential and appreciated.
Can you point me to any guides for doing this?You did in another commentI did? Guess I missed your first comment. Lot of info out there on it, but if you want some specific info, lemme know.
Tell me more
I hadn’t heard of Meshtastic so I looked it up:
“An open source, off-grid, decentralized, mesh network built to run on affordable, low-power devices”
I would love yo get involved but it only supports Apple (iOS and Mac) and Android (and a web browser).
I was hoping to host a node on a raspberry pi but those run Linux.
Thanks for all the other suggestions though.
There are LoRa hats available for rpi, and here’s the link for getting started with Linux devices from meshtastic themselves.
Thanks for the info!
There are thankfully now stand alone devices that can use meshtastic, and they support hosting on RPI as well.
Linux has things like Waydroid and Android translation layers that might let you run it.
It’s all Harris’s fault everyone so definitely do not blame the absolute human garbage who didn’t vote even knowing the stakes
I 10000% blame the Jill Stein voters and non voters
But not the 73 million people that wanted this explicitly?
Of course those too. Thought thats obvious
Most of them at least (misguidedly) think they are doing the best thing for themselves/the country. Non-voters just couldn’t be bothered to take any responsibility at all.
A lot of them thought it won’t be that bad, or it’s just a bluff.
Wow, what an incredibly stupid point to make.
We didn’t win the race because we only put two wheels on the car. yEAh BuT whAT iF ThE fiNish linE WasNT So FAr FRoM THe StaRt…NoT thE RaCE TeaMs FAUlt.
Really? You wouldn’t blame the millions of people that explicitly voted for a convicted, fascist criminal?
If Americans had any sense the race would’ve been between Stein and Harris, not between Harris and someone who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a presidency.
Its obv. Trump voters are to blame. Just as much the non voters and Stein voters.
Trump got more votes than every other party combined. I blame the Trump voters.
Be sure to add in the protest non voters. Because all 100,000,000 of them cost us the election in 2016 as well.
Thats obvious. But I blame the non voters and third party voters just as much. They are no an iota better than any MAGA voter.
Well, mathematically, non-voters ARE trump voters in that election.
Yeah and they should be treated the same way.
Would those votes have mattered? Last I checked on Nov 5 only 70k votes went to 3rd party and the gap between Harris and Trump was much greater
The 20 million people who voted Biden but not Harris would have mattered. Non voters are the same kind of trash as MAGA
3rd party defenders coming out of the woodwork. Sorry you are all to blame. Let’s make it easy for these fools and just say “everyone who didn’t vote blue” instead of “3rd party and nonvoters”. Put all the garbage in the same garbage bag.
Basic math tells us that you haven’t the capacity to actually comprehend the situation.
Sit this one out Blue Maga Guy.
And you are correct for doing so.
You should blame yourself for not pushing the democrats to take a principled stance against Israel, or any kind of benefit for working people, or anything at all that would inspire people to vote that wasn’t the gun of fascism to their heads.
“It’s HER turn” didn’t work for Hillary and it wasn’t going to work for Kamala.
You may now proceed to gloat in your self-satisfaction and continue to not unionize your workplace, not join a mutual aid group, not join the SRA and be flabbergasted next time your efforts to tell people online to VOTE have the same effect.
Why would I blame a german for democrat actions? I blame the voters in the US who chose fascism over democracy. These are Trump voters, Stein voters and non voters. They ensured there will never be a free election in the US again.
And are you stupid? How can a german in germany join any of these organizations? You really are the dumbest person I argued with about this. You try to attack me personally and fail embarrassingly because you know nothing about you.
From the tantrum you throw it looks like you are one of these vile pieces of garbage that didnt vote. Steigbügel Halter des Faschismus.
Because he is a moron with a talking point.
You are a fool to think fascism wasn’t already here under either democrats or republican. Democrats just put nicer lipstick on.
Learn what fascism is. Democrats are flawed. They are not totalitarian ultra nationalist far right
I implore you to do the same.
How many delegates did Kamala win in the primary?
Who voted for her to be the democratic candidate?
After you are done sifting through excuses I hope that you are able to aee the truth.
Now that it’s clear that Harris’s really well run campaign underperformed Hillary Clinton, can we finally end the myth that some failing of her campaign strategy or “likability” was the primary reason for her loss rather than sexism and Comey’s shenanigans? It really seems like a very large number of men just won’t vote for a woman in the US.
That’s my big takeaway from this election. A well-qualified woman will lose to the most idiotic man possible because millions of men will just never vote for a woman. All of these people in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Michigan all showed up for Joe Biden, and all vanished for Hillary and Kamala, despite both being better candidates.
I heard a woman I work with, whose boss is a woman say two days before an election “I can’t vote for a woman. They are emotional and make petty choices.” And I was blown away.
As the pettiest of all modern or maybe all presidents ever gets elected. LOL
Oh I couldn’t point out the irony without revealing who I was voting for. And I don’t discuss politics at work. I keep it completely segregated.
A self fulfilling prophecy, in a way.
You are assuming everyone saw her as well qualified. Some see it as electing a party rather than a person too.
Unfortunately for her, it was democrats that allowed corporate profiteering since the pandemic. Everytime she said the economy was doing well was idiotic.
I mean, her campaign was pretty awful in a lot of ways. It started out strong but since the DNC it was misstep after misstep. I dunno about you, but I love hearing the president say they’ll only be different than Biden, because they’ll have more Republicans in their cabinet. I love hearing they’re going to build the wall. I love hearing them talk all the time about the fact that Cheney endorsed them. I love hearing how profracking they are. And I love their silence on the genocide in Gaza. Certainly, sexism and racism plays a role, but let’s not kid ourselves here.
Zero of these things were said
“Listen, I plan on having a Republican in my Cabinet,” Harris elaborated. “You ask me what’s the difference between Joe Biden and me, well that will be one of the differences.” https://www.yahoo.com/news/harris-sparks-outrage-admitting-biggest-185725601.html
Both Trump and Harris say they’ll build more border wall. In this county, the parts have been waiting, and rusting, since 2021. https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/trump-harris-border-wall-arizona-rusting-2021-rcna173094
Kamala thanks Liz and Dick Cheney, “This endorsement matters a great deal.” https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7S-Sk2TbdjE
“Harris said she was “honored” to have the backing of such “respected” people, and touted the Cheneys’ support at last week’s presidential debate.” https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/kamala-harris-dick-cheney-endorsement/
Harris supported the Green New Deal. Now, she’s promoting domestic oil drilling https://apnews.com/article/harris-fracking-energy-climate-trump-election-debate-1b86dfb4297facd0b89c487724a9e5b0
In tone and in substance, this matches 30% what you wrote, if I’m being generous
Considering its their opinion, its 100% accurate.
Sorry, but she had a ton of hype and squandered it by saying she would be the same as Biden, would have the most lethal military, didn’t separate on Gaza, focused on small businesses instead of all Americans, flipflopped on Medicare and fracking in both the worst ways, picked a progressive vp and caged him in bad neoliberal talking points instead of adopting his hard agenda, and tried to push for a republican written border bill instead of trying to reframe the issue in a any progressive way. Most Americans, Republicans included care about immigration and ALSO agree on a pathway to citizenship.
People gave her the benefit of the doubt and she told them to accept her as she wanted to be. You can’t continue to shame a voter base indefinitely, politicians are supposed to campaign in a way that wins votes.
Women ended up not really voting for her either. She got worse results than Clinton did with women.
Hillary was a white woman. Kamala was not. Sexism isn’t the only thing at play here.
But GeNoCiDe tHo
“Really well run” seems like a bit of an exaggeration when people were doing vote-swaps in swing states with liberals who didn’t want to vote for her.
Her campaign was awful. Her whole deal was that she was going to do more of what Biden did. You know, the guy we didn’t want to reelect so she stepped up to run? Also she pushed right the whole time. She gunned for centrist votes. She should have leaned into Walz’s policy ideas on a broader scale. In fact, walz probably would have had a pretty good chance if he were the DNC candidate. She also campaigned in the strangest places. Why on earth did she rally in Houston? She could have gone anywhere in the swing states with the Beyonce performance but she went to a city that was already going to vote blue on a state that has a moonshot’s chance to flip from red. She should have spent more time in GA, PA, and AZ. But hindsight is 2020.
We’ve all elected women to all kinds of positions in all kinds of states, and even both major parties. We can’t just blame that.
Michigan voted trump and a Democrat woman, slotkin, senator this election.
No, because the truth is not as simple as that. Dems ran on a terrible campaign again, and lost again. Underselling “our” party’s shortcomings is a surefire way to another loss next cycle.
People are still criticizing her laugh.
The weirdoes are excited about cutting off the porn, I guess.
There is literally no way to do this. They’re just too stupid to know that.
There’s no way to block 100% but if they went full “fire wall of America”, they could block enough to the 80% of people who don’t know how to use a vpn, it would look like they’re doing something.
And then you get the added bonus of blocking all those nasty foreign websites talking about freedom, democracy, equal rights and more!
Tell you what. I just got a couple boxes of canvas. If they do “ban porn,” I’ll dedicate every one of these brand new canvasses to making erotic paintings out of spite.
And I mean, I’m not even a porn consumer. I just fucking hate fascists.
… *though I also* happen to enjoy creating suggestive imagery, as well as painting nude figures. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Look as bad as today is, I’ve gotten some amount of chuckles imagining my potential role in the future of underground furry porn trading, so thank you.
I didnt paint this, my baby mama did a few years ago. Its not really erotic but in a pinch it might work! https://imgur.com/a/OMDHGwV
I live in a state where we now have ID verification laws. It effectively blocks the big players with the quality content.
Same, but here they never bothered enforcing those laws
Oh, a dedicated and motivated set of xtian nationalists sure could make everyone miserable over it. They elect a fascist dumbfuck and people cannot even fap in peace if it were up to them…you know, “freedom” and “small government” and all that.
Y’all remember how prohibition panned out?
Well, maybe US-produced porn will stop being glossy garbage for a difference.
Get ready for the pronhibition
Huh? Honest Trumpy said he’d never heard of it
He may not even have been lying. He’s demented, and he didn’t even read the daily white house briefings. There’s no way in hell he’d pick up a 900+ page document. It’s in his Christian Taliban handlers best interest to keep him in the dark. It’s not like his voter base expect him to know what his policies are, because they don’t even know. They’re just voting based on a general vibe (aka feefees).
It’s true, his dementia, inate stupidity and lack of interest gives him plausible deniability for many topics.
that’s what America wants apparently
I didn’t even bother reading anything about project 2025 because I thought surely it wouldn’t come to this
Ugh, it’s bad. Mitch McConnells life work is about to be fulfilled. Courts are stuffed with gop goons to create a legit legal precedent for unitary executive theory. It’s bad. I’m mostly worried about deportation and family separation. I think he’s going to consider that a big thank you to the loyalty of his base. The cruelty is the point for a lot of those people. I’m worried that these policies will lead to race riots by Hispanics, especially if they fuck with DACA.
If you think that’s the worst that’s going to happen I almost feel sorry for ya.
This is 1934 all over again, but even worse.
The only bright side is that it’s unlikely they’ll be able to implement it across the country without a civil war. Yes a civil war is the bright side
Sadly, I tend to agree. It’s not just the US either, this shit is very much a global issue.
Hispanics were a big factor in electing him. They’ll get what they get.
That guy needs a punch in the face
Nobody tell the rubes exactly what we’re going to do.
Ok, now tell the rubes.
Also: before
We know
start putting it up your ass steve
No way.
Those not voting to protest how Gaza is treated will be so proud of their action when Gaza is levelled by trump.