Actually Villanueve went with practical effects for that scene.
Actually Villanueve went with practical effects for that scene.
Because a criminal trial is an all-or-nothing charge, and if you fail to convince 1 juror, Jay-Z gets zero punishment for raping a 13 year old. Your odds of winning a civil trial over rape is much higher, and even if the defendant puts up a good case, you won’t walk away empty handed.
The funniest part is it may be days before news starts reporting he was probably on this plane. They’ll want to wait for some sort of confirmation, which probably doesn’t exist.
Someone on Non-credible Defense found a plane taking off right when he was supposed to have left, which crashed a bit after take off. He was probably on that plane and probably died, but no one is reporting on it because it’s unconfirmed. Odds are news networkd are gonna be days behind Non-credible Defense just because someone had the idea to check flightradar.
Is the NYPD not aware of the internet?
They used a jet air dryer, those are the shitty ones that spray everything everywhere. Of course it’ll be worse. I’d like to see how a dyson air blade hold up under that kind of test.
Presumably they picked the repo because it will auto-merge MRs if they pass testing even without human approvals. Glad they caught it and good work to everyone involved, but I’m gonna file this one under my “fuck around, find out” folder.
As one of the unfortunate ones who watched the whole thing, would you believe me if I said it got worse from there?
He must be referring to Hamilton and his car.
Have the republicans learned nothing? Published, verified, sexual assault evidence is WEEKS of headline coverage. This could win him his next election because bad press is a myth and has been for a decade. Gaetz should be begging people to have it released, otherwise he’ll probably fade into obscurity over the next few years because he’s out of power.
That hidden text may be the greatest of all time.
I mean, they are a professional clown, they prpbably have weirder drawers.
No one in the entire series of The Sopranos ever accused Pauli of intelligence.
Posted in December of course, after re-enabling IPv4 and restoring their internet connection to a functional state cuz some mystery process didn’t respond all month.
Edit: I actually can’t even access the link at the moment, maybe they forgot and left some IPv6 task enabled.
Last year, there were lots of AI solutions and they got it in like 3 seconds once.
Ah yes, Coulombs and capacitance, two things that are totally unique and unrelated entries in this list.
Anons got his whole life of 4-40 ahead of him.
The Linux one only works on some architectures. Notably, you can’t run it on a raspberry pi.
As a double-whammy, Coco was the highest grossing movie in Mexico of all time when it came out.
The moon doesn’t actually protect the Earth from asteroids. It’s a net-zero because the extra mass attracts more asteroids.