Put more mics on her!
Following Saturday’s shooting, Ocasio-Cortez condemned political violence broadly and called the incident “horrific.”
“It is absolutely unacceptable and must be denounced in the strongest terms,” the congresswoman said. “My heart goes out to all the victims and I wish the former president a speedy recovery.”
“What I think the president does need to do is continue to lean in and move further toward the working class, and be more assertive in providing an affirmative vision for this country,”
Come on now, dont leave out the good bits and include the necessary for legal protection bits. No elected official can be like “How the fuck you miss!? Here! Try again!” You fucken nincompoop.
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She’s asking neoliberals to step aside and let more progressives in. But neoliberals own the Democratic Party, and they will never give it up.
These diet conservatives suckle at the same billionaire teats as Republicans. They should be tossed on the same smoldering pile as other conservatives.
Well, they also owned the Republican party once, and magas/fascists took it over. That means progressives can take over the Democratic party.
No party lasts forever and these two have been way overdue. The way a new party becomes “one of the two” in the US’ 2-party system is either by building up a third party from the bottom up over many years, or by taking control and transforming one of the existing two, which is much faster, as we’ve seen.
Technically the fascist magas started in earnest in 2008 with the Tea party movement as a backlash to Obama, not succeeding to oust Obama in 2012, and taking 8 years to get to Trump. Progressives started in 2016 as a reaction to Trump, got Trump out in 4 years, and stopped the predicted “red wave” in 2022. We’re on track, let’s keep it going. Don’t give up.
Could but too many bitch endlessly online then don’t show up to vote anyway. Or vote third party in a fptp system.
God it’d be nice if it happened though.
A grassroots progressive takeover is much more difficult than a fascist takeover though. Fascists are always in bed with the oligarchy and get the money and media support.
It’s always harder for people with morals who aren’t ruthless assholes. But that doesn’t mean it can’t happen, just that it takes more work.
…progressives can take over the Democratic party.
Hear, hear! It will not be given. It must be taken, aggressively. Your Tea Party example is perfect.
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Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way.
She’s there to agitate, influence, draw attention, and gather power.
I don’t believe she really thinks her actions will change the minds of the people around her, but they’re not supposed to. Her words are for the people who overhear, rather than those in power.
Anyone who uses the term “Democrat Party” is someone whose opinion I ignore. Using “Democrat” as an adjective is not just grammatically incorrect, it’s also a pejorative that’s been used by conservatives for decades.
Fair point. I’ve updated my spelling.
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No one asked, neoliberal.
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This reads like an Elden Ring message
Try hole, finger but
She should name names. We need to know who the collaborators will be.
She doesnt know who. She responding to a blind quote from Axios that was attributed to a “senior house democrat” that said “we have resigned ourselves to a second trump term.”
Frankly, that sounds made up.
highly unlikely that axios would make this up
Sounds quite plausible to me.
I mean I’d argue Dems have been resigning themselves to Republican wins for decades now.
Will be? Are.
Democrats who believe they are insulated from reality by position or wealth can get fucked.
Seriously, to the politicians it’s just games and political maneuvering. They’ll sacrifice us to maintain their power. But eventually they’ll get taken out in a purge, too.
no kidding
Yeah. That was on my mind.
Fuck yeah
Resign themselves to fascism
Thats the entire fucking party
Bro do you want only republicans in the government?
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The next time the sun is up wherever you are, go to the nearest green space, lay on the ground, and stare at the sky for about 10 minutes.
AOC making a massive fool out of herself by supporting the Blue MAGA movement when it clearly doesn’t even benefit the chances of beating Red MAGA.
Biden will lose. There’s plenty of time to still replace him.
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Removed, civility.
r/conservative tier comeback.
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Removed, civility.
So it’s uncivilized to call out someone for lying, but it’s civil to speak untruths?
Is she talking about the so-called “”“progressives”“” that have resigned themselves to endorsing a genocidier? 🤔
Which progressives have endorsed which genocide?
Every single one that endorsed Joe Biden, who is helping Israel carry out a genocide. He’s a genocidier.
He also calls for giving Israel veto power for the existence of a Palestinian state i.e. it’ll never happen. If he wanted a Palestinian state then he would recognize it now the way other countries are doing.
But you know what?
The two state solution is a fucking joke anyway. If this was South Africa, would the solution be a two state solution?
He’s just lying so people in the US stop calling him Genocide Joe and vote for him.
Nothing in that article mentions an Israeli veto, just that peace talks should happen between the two groups, and not just unilateral recognition that fixes nothing on the ground.
The two state solution is a fucking joke anyway.
Tell that to the Palestinian people.
If this was South Africa, would the solution be a two state solution?
South Africa didn’t and doesn’t have an equal amount of White and Black people like Israel-Palestine has Jews and Palestinians that each want their own state. The two state solution is literally the only credible solution and has been for 30 years.
He’s just lying so people in the US stop calling him Genocide Joe and vote for him.
That was a handful of people online and a few protestors at his rallies. Those don’t change longstanding U.S. foreign policy of support for two states, and Lemmy isn’t representative of the U.S. voting population.
Nothing in that article mentions an Israeli veto, just that peace talks should happen between the two groups, and not just unilateral recognition that fixes nothing on the ground.
Genocidiers don’t get to participate in talks. They should be forced to recognize Palestine by any means necessary. There must be a Palestinian state no matter what Israel has to say.
Letting Israel dictate terms is a veto.
Tell that to the Palestinian people.
They correctly see it as the only thing Israel and the US will allow them to talk about, but that doesn’t make it serious. That’s the point. It’s a distraction put on the table to keep people from demanding an end to apartheid and a single mutli-ethnic/multi-religious democracy from the river to the sea.
The two state solution is literally the only credible solution and has been for 30 years.
The fact that it’s been 30 fucking years should tell you it’s not a real solution. It’s a distraction.
That was a handful of people online and a few protestors at his rallies.
Please. The campaign went from refusing any mention of ceasefire to asking for a temporary ceasefire. It went from approving everything Israel wants to halting some bomb shipments. Do you think that happens for no reason?
Biden is being pressured from his base. He knows he’s going to lose if he can’t get them to vote for him, so he’s trying to appeal to their demands.
I can respect people who recognize Biden is supporting genocide and still think he’s better than Trump. I disagree with their conclusions, but at least they recognize reality.
People who try to pretend that he’s actually against the genocide make me sick.
Shut up.
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i love this kind of attack on AOC. conservatives know their god-king is dumb as a rock, so they have to try and level the playing field for the popular democrats, which will be AOC in most cases.
see, they can’t just criticize her on things leftists would criticize her for… and she can’t even be just bad for the country, or even evil. she has to be dumb!
they can’t just say she’s bad and accept that she’s educated and smart, that would still look bad for them. so they have to look at AOC, one of the most visibly intelligent, educated and charismatic people in politics, and say she’s dumb, of all things… it is such a transparent and desperate attempt to counter their orange turd being so obviously stupid and uneducated. i love it.
Wow, I’m so surprised I already tagged you as a gross person
you intrigued me so I checked out this person’s comment history, yikes …
You could be the fastest tagger in the west, the account in question has only been active for 5 days.
What client are you using with that tagging? Getting to the point that I might need to make some changes to Jerboa or look at another.
I use Jerboa too, i don’t tag but I think connect for lemmy and some others might.
That dude’s theme song
Damn, didn’t realize you had only encountered incredibly educated, intelligent doorknobs. Cool!
Thank you for the centrist Democrat perspective on the matter.