Coming from a motherfucker who made up hyperloop vaporware specifically to fuck up cali high speed railways
Musk pretending he cares about rail while in reality his worst recurring night mare is him being in public transport with poor people. Classic.
From my understanding California already had the red tape and funding figured out for it too. But they paused it because they wanted to look into the vaporware loop.
It’s back btw.
Good thing they ended up doing the sensible thing.
Remember when Las Vegas was set to receive the country’s first high speed rail between there and LA until Elon Musk promised the city commission that he could do it cheaper using the hyperloop? And then the hyperloop became a murder subway until it eventually crumbled beneath his hubris?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Or the fact that the whole thing was a gimmick to stop the rail from being built so that it wouldn’t affect the sales of teslas.
And the fact that he can suck it because it’s still happening
I heard those things are awfully loud.
It glides as lightly as a cloud.
6399 or 6990?
6991, it has a robot
Oooooooh robot 🫨
What do you mean by murder subway?
Putting humans in an extremely low atmosphere environment… underground. I let you think of the really bad accidents that could occur from that. I’ll start you off with, what if there’s a fire? What if there’s a leak? Or an earthquake?
It’s got all the terror of space, but you’ve also got thousands of pounds of earth overhead. Makes Oceangate’s Titan sub seem downright safe by comparison.
deleted by creator
Whine, whine, whine. It’s not like the US is the only people with a space program. Just go to fucking Russia already, you piece of shit.
He’d get himself thrown out of a window in no time.
Strangely, I’m not especially bothered by that outcome.
Russia won’t give him anywhere the same money or privileges.
What a piece of shit…
That “government efficiency office” is literally the position Trump offered him…
“Trump wants to put me in charge and she doesn’t so wah wah wah!”
As usual: get fucked muskrat.
If Harris becomes president, Musk will never meet his original goal of putting a human on Mars by 2021!
Stop using Twitter. Let him scream into the void and fade into obscurity.
He’s mad because SpaceX got caught falsifying EPA documents and the FAA can’t keep letting them launch rockets with a wink and a nudge.
The FAA’s blatant favoritism has gotten so bad the EPA had to sue the FAA just to force them to admit they fucked up.
Shit’s wild.
Did not know this. Thanks!!
In other words, sensible politician doesn’t want to waste billions on an idiot’s idiotic unworkable ego-stroking plan like Elon’s mate will.
The reason you’re not ever living on Mars is that it has no magnetosphere. Good fucking luck surviving any length of time with constant ionising radiation slapping the shit out of your DNA. This fact alone should have shut down any discussion of feasibility about colonising Mars.
Although it does make the three-titted chick from Total Recall way more realistic.
Even without that issue (maybe they spend all their time in a cave?), we don’t even know if a human fetus can develop healthily in a gravity lower than Earth’s.
Very true. There’s also the issue of giving birth. Women would have to be spun around like salad in a spinner in order to simulate Earth gravity but I imagine that’s a perk for Elon.
I don’t think that’s an issue, water births are a thing and buoyancy results in much less gravity being felt than they would on Mars.
That’s a really silly visual
There is a disgusting cartoon about this somewhere
So I guess we just need to build the Sides. Then, 79 years later, giant robots.
Space X is just Ultor from Red Faction.
Chances are any colonies will be built underground or in lava tubes to shelter from radiation.
My broseph in christ, you tried to kill high-speed rail by promising magic-tube gadgetbahn that would make it obsolete any day now
Take note, the mars thing is propaganda and it has always been. “Space” is a business and a warzone
Notice Musk has never even been up in a SpaceX rocket, even for PR purposes like Bezos does. He’s probably too cowardly to do that, let alone go to Mars.
I just assumed he didn’t go because they couldn’t build a spacesuit to fit his cybertruck shaped torso.
Remember, he left Trump back in 2017. I wonder what deal he made with him this time that makes him so dedicated again. It’s kind of hard to impress someone who has everything, so it must be more power.
Trump promised him a spot in his administration as the head of a new government efficiency department.
Giving the man who runs every company he touches into the ground a spot on a government efficiency agency is peak conservative governance.
Appointed by the person who ran every business he touches into the ground, including a casino multiple times. I don’t think efficiency means what either of them think it means.
If you’re measuring how quickly they can burn through cash, then they are remarkably efficient at that.
It’s a series of tubes!
Trump said he would create a government position just for him. He would also probably get some easier contracts and less oversight with SpaceX.
It’s not even an excuse. It’s just pro-Trump propaganda. He wants a fellow sex pest in office.
He says that like everyone is clamoring to go live on Mars. I just want food and shelter, can we start with that?
Food, shelter, and a sub 2 second ping
Go fuck yourself, rapist grifter asshole.
He should use the money he has now to build a rocket and send himself to Mars. That way he won’t have to worry about US government programs anymore.
I wish someone would strap him to a rocket and launch it into the sun.
It’s actually a lot more difficult and expensive to send something to the sun than to send it to Mars.