I knew ‘French’ vanilla was suspect.
You can get socks with rubber bits on the bottom to help with the slippery part, but that would not help with the rest.
Transformed into someone young and healthy? You can keep the money.
1pm is starting the hot part of the day. Anytime after 9am is ok.
Move the boat north before hurricane season starts. Sounds like a major pain, now that I think about it.
You can when the boat is half way up the coast in the Chesapeake bay.
So, I don’t think I fully understand how this all works, but how would a female knight in (typically) male armor take a leak?
Maryland sent me an email last time that my vote had been counted, but not for who.
Words like last names?
Where do they get cashews that cheap?
I am sure this still goes on today in some cases. Also, PTSD was called shell shocked during WWI and was recognized as a medical condition, it was just that there was no idea what was causing it so a lot of people did not think it really existed.
Boomer defines a very large group of diverse people that were born in the US between certain years. Stop using it as a anthropomorphic term.
I live in a planned community where everything is supposed to be accessible by walking or biking. There are greenway paths all over the place. I generally drive because I can’t carry a weeks worth of food on my bike and most destinations don’t have a safe place to lock your bike up. An unattended bike seems to be considered a free bike.
I have tried a couple of these and they turned out good. The trick of heating the water and letting it and the sugar and yeast sit for 5 minutes before completing the recipe helped my bread a lot.
Well, except for the whole Borg incident.
Want to also recommend The Bobs and their Wash Cycle songs.
Everyone freaking out over censoring fuck when there a beetle that looks like a giraffe out there.
Better check the DM guide and roll a 12 sided dice.