Crazy. Does anyone ever run into the goal post(s)?
Crazy. Does anyone ever run into the goal post(s)?
I do not know enough about football or Canada to know if this is fake.
Yet both of those are still the rapey version.
The political satire doesn’t make me laugh so much as it crushes my spirit.
Not to be cruel but, as long as Zionism exists probably at least one more.
Sorry but it’s over. Dumb movie execs are already patting themselves on the back for their mediocre decisions. If the movie doesn’t do well (which I doubt bc of kids + brand) they’ll just blame someone else.
Funny enough, you’re as wrong as you could possibly be. Could be I’m just lucky to have an amazing rheumatology team but it seems like they should have a minimum requirement of knowing how to treat.
Is this Junji Ito?
I seriously don’t get. I have never once gone to my doctor and asked for medicine I saw on tv.
Is it that they’re a health influencer at all?
Exactly the kind of thing I’d expect a person about to lick butts to say.
I was taught that it was the largest specific group targeted not that it was the majority.
It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for 'em.
I really hope the democrats push his history of rape. It is mind boggling that anyone supports an unabashed woman hating rapist.
Whatever You Like in my ass
My wife hates this one simple trick.
I don’t like these people who ride on the edge of being an apologist. You can be grateful for your opportunities and circumstances and still want justice or accountability. It’s not “piling on” to say you want things to be better and remove those doing harm. Things don’t get better when you sweep bad shit under the rug. You have to bring it out into the light and collectively agree to do better.
Please don’t leave out "known rapist”