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Is Elon threatening to rape Taylor?
He honestly thinks women want his sperm and not just his money. What a narcissist he is.
He’s got some weird things about fathering children. That story about him wanting to donate his sperm to Mars settlers was just too bizarre.
Elon Musk is very likely a supporter of eugenics and since he’s also a narcissist who thinks he’s better than everyone else, it makes sense that he’s obsessed with spreading his genes.
Just remember to conveniently ignore actually raising those kids, and those who happen to not fit his mold of what a person should be like (e.g. if they happen to be trans or see through a modicum of his bullshit)
I am a very narrow supporter of eugenics. Specifically, I am against any further breeding by Elon Musk.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Elon unironically agrees with Trump that if you’re famous they let you do it.
Shouldn’t that be ‘if you’re rich’ so they can turn around and sue?
Sounds like a threat to me
She definitely isn’t going to consent to being impregnated by Elon so the only conclusion is that he will rape her to get her pregnant. Whether he intended to threaten her with rape or not, he is threatening her with rape.
Maybe he’s misunderstood. Maybe another one of his children doesn’t agree with him and he wants to get rid of it. He’ll take the cat in exchange. A somewhat understandable offer.
His name is Leon.
Leon Umsk?
Leon Skum
Reeeelon Buttmusk
Obviously not, what are you on?
Caffeine and a sense of humor.
If at 53 I’m sending tweets like this to female celebrities half my age, please humanely euthanise me at your earliest convenience. For my sake as much as everyone else’s.
For you, I’ll allow humane. For Leon…I don’t know if I care to do quality control. Maybe I’ll let him do it himself.
Leon Minsk.
I was trying to think of funny sounding last names to pair with Leon but I just can’t top Musk.
Muskrat? They really are repulsive creatures.
Anybody know what happened to John C. Woods? That’s the guy I want running the job
I hope I have a friend with the moral rigor to shoot me if I ever tweet something that cringe at his age.
The French had a brilliant device just for that…
That’s some high-level incel shit right there
according to his family tree, he seems more like an involuntary breeder
it must be compulsive
He believes that it’s his duty to propagate his ‘superior’ genetics by having as many children as possible.
He should call all his kids Eugene or Eugenia
Men who are inferior to their fellow men, are always most anxious to establish their superiority over women. -Mary Wollstonecraft
Always reminds me of that study where men with skill issues are more likely to be hostile to women in game chat.
That’s a great quote. I’m surprised I’ve never seen it before.
Talyor: I’m voting for Harris.
This fucking guy: Fine. I guess I’ll impregnate you.
Damn, I thought he literally offered to give her a child as he already has too many.
Which of his kids wins the lottery on this exchange?
I nominate Vivian Wilson.
He could give #Omega4
Don’t you threaten me, pig man.
Pokemon! Got to catch em all!
I hope EVERY Swifty of voting age reads this and votes.
Can we vote to remove Musk from the internet? Cause I would vote for that.
We could send him to Mars as he’s so enthusiastic about it.
just imagine Muskrat turning into some sort of idiot Khan on Mars with his merry band of incels
Easier to just deport him, but instead of sending him to South Africa, stick him and a couple pounds of weed on a plane to The Philippines, or Singapore.
We’d never hear from him again.
Ah yes, the typical first world mindset of dumping trash on other countries and have them deal with it instead of fixing it themselves.
Hey now, they sent us the garbage we just want a refund.
What have the Singaporeans and Filipinos ever done to you to deserve that?
The implication is their extremely harsh death penalty drug laws would put an end to him
here’s my vote:
could we also vote to remove his head from body
It might happen if Kamala wins and she keeps Biden’s FTC and DOJ. I’m sure he’s breaking at least one law
You could stop daily reposting his stuff here and circle-jerk around it. Ofc it’s disapproving jerking off to musk, so that’s fine, yeah.
Elon isn’t trump…
This isn’t even cringe, it’s borderline sexual harassment
Nothing borderline about it. It is sexual harassment.
Coming from a man who has settled several claims of sexual harassment, has children with various people who have reported to him.
Also, this is like a 60 y/o man cat calling a woman in her 30s on the street. Just gross.
I had to figure out why Leon was going by the moniker “Man Cat”… then I reread
I would love to see her sue him for it too.
Is there more than 1 employee?
There was reports it happened twice at neuralink but it was the same person.
Also, he was a sperm donor, they didn’t have sex.
Well there was the plane masseus and the horse for a handjob right?
Oh sorry, I was actually just commenting on the “children with various people who have reported to him” part. I should have quoted that above my reply.
I’m not up to date on all the potential harassment cases, but yes there was the flight attendant one they settled.
Oh right. Well I mean there are the 2 children he “had with Grimes” that are all surrogate and may have been employees… But yeah guess you got to specify specifics with how he is currently mistreating which specific employee.
What a weird fucking dude that doesn’t seem to like any aspect of being human.
Well, what if he’s saying he’ll hand over one of his children to her? Not create one with her.
Hard to tell, he has a lot of them.
Sorry I just woke from a coma, I’m sure such things get quickly taken down by Twitter’s mod team.
30 seconds later
What? He paid 44 billion to remove mods???
It did finally click why Taylor used a pic of her and her cat tho…
Like I knew the “childless cat lady” shit blew up in their face, but it never landed that Taylor is a childless cat lady, and for better or worse she’s someone a shit ton of women love.
She did also literally sign her endorsement as “childless cat lady.”
She also said the only reason she isn’t being politically neutral like she typically does is because Trump posted AI pictures of her claiming she supports right-wing policies. She’s now encouraging her massive fan base of young women to vote, a group that probably would have been apathetic beforehand. That’s another massive unforced error for the Trump campaign.
She said she’s supporting Kamala and encouraged her fans to do their own research and decide who to vote for.
It’s the same she said in 2020, and I believe 2016 too.
She’s being just as politically active as she has been for like a decade, probably going back even further.
Recently I was made aware that AI of ‘me’ falsely endorsing Donald Trump’s presidential run was posted to his site. It really conjured up my fears around AI, and the dangers of spreading misinformation. It brought me to the conclusion that I need to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter.
You could have linked it instead of just quoting it…
“I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice,” the Grammy-winning artist added. “Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early. I’ll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story.”
At least we got this gem of a reply.
Best thing she could do is publicly disavow twitter for that and move her business elsewhere.
You have to keep posting to Twitter because that’s where the people are.
However, if you post to BOTH Twitter and Mastodon, you allow people to move. It wouldn’t take many people doing this to start the wave.
If you’re Taylor Swift, you can post wherever you want and most Swifties will follow.
I will lose some respect for her if she does continue to use it. She really does not need it and people will indeed follow her elsewhere en masse. I think she’s been sitting on her star power a bit too much and could really do some good with it.
Almost all celebrities get to where they are specifically not because they are amazing people. It requires a special kind of mindset to pursue fame and status to such an extent.
She could start a Mastodon instance called “swift social” and charge for access
You have to keep posting to Twitter because that’s where the people are
No, you don’t. Screw Twitter and the people still on it.
deleted by creator
After the ban of Twitter in Brazil my opinion on that matter changed. There’s a lot of artist that depend on that hell for work. Is not that simple to change platform. It’s easy to move on when your income doesn’t depend on it.
Except if a huge star like Taylor Swift were to declare a new social media site THE site, it would help get an audience for artists elsewhere.
Yeah only they can do something like that.
You know what? You’re right. No artist was able to make a living before Twitter. I don’t know what I was thinking.
Here, let’s wrap this up.
Some people are making money on Twitter. The vast, vast majority are not. It’s easily thousands to one. Those thousands of people have absolutely no argument.
Those that are making a living have a choice to make… continue being hostage to and supporting a platform that actively makes the world worse using the money they obtain from their support, or find an audience the old fashioned way. If you are talented, your audience will find you. I don’t buy that you NEED a particular platform. I don’t begrudge someone who is making money their decision to stay and keep making it, but you don’t get out of it with a squeaky clean “oh well, it is what it is”. There are professionals who work for shit companies that do awful things because they understand the evil crap they’re supporting and they’ve accepted that they will be judged for that activity, and the income is their compensation for it. Anyone who stays on Twitter for a living should be prepared for the same judgement. But if that’s the case, I hope they’re making enough to make it worth it.
Yeah the artist that create a small community in a platform with reliable income after a huge pain in the ass work need to redo most of that work in another platform because some rich stupid moron billionaire touch on that platform and transform it into shit. Definitely screw those guys, move on or be judged!
They are the minority but it is still a fucked situation created by a douche.
It’s not that I don’t sympathize, but that IS what happened. The platform is no longer something you can use without carrying that weight. You just can’t. Yes, it sucks for them, but people’s workflows and ability to do their jobs get disrupted all the time. Factories shut down. Industries get replaced.
Yes, the work is hard, and yes it isn’t their fault that this happened. But life isn’t fair. The fact is staying with this platform is delivering income to a man who who is running his own judicial review of the laws of democratic countries, just threatened to rape Taylor Swift on an international platform, and thinks the world should be run by incels. Absolutely NO amount of “But I’d have to find a new audience…” changes that. I understand it isn’t easy, but sometimes doing the right thing is hard. That doesn’t mean you get a pass to not do it. If making the right decisions were easy and involved no personal sacrifice, everyone would do it all the time.
I see your point of view, now I know you understand the struggle for them to move on and how fucked up is the situation.
I’m afraid that’s not how the world works.
You have to keep posting to Twitter because that’s where the people are.
Taylor Swift is clouted up. She can move away from Twitter and people will follow.
Taylor could make her own site and it’d rival twitter in short order. Society isn’t beholden to musk and the sooner people realize that, the sooner we can leave him in the dust.
She could investigate whatever the hell happened to https://mozilla.social and see if she could get that off the ground.
Twitter is only populated because that’s where the creators are. If the creators leave, the people will follow.
Yep. And it’s okay to say “when” here.
There’s no one-in-a-million magical future timeline where Elmo stops enshitifying Xitter and it rallies to remain relevant.
It’s just a matter of how long inertia carries folks before Xitter joins the Sears catalog.
Does she even use twitter? The announcement was made on her instagram.
I’m sure his kids would volunteer, hunger games style, to be Taylor swift new adopted child.
I’m confused. Is he self aware?
Does he know that this is cringe, and yet posts it deliberately to increase engagement? Like a Facebook algorithm that has escaped and gained sentience, is he a demon driven to maximize user’s time on app at all costs?
Or is he the proverbial egotistical billionaire, surrounded by yes-men who have helped to lodge his head so far up his own ass that he actually believes tweets like this are cool and witty?
Sadly I think it’s the last one. Of course I can’t read his mind, but I honestly think he is just as lame and broken as he seems.
yeah he’s the richest person on the planet. the people around him are just on their knees with their mouths open hoping he’ll piss out money they can lap up, so they are most certainly yes men
This goes beyond “cringe.” This is pretty much a rape threat.
In what way?
Do you think she wants to be impregnated by him? Did she ask him? She has a boyfriend. She is clearly happy being childless.
It’s a rape threat.
It’s a rape threat.
Again, you’re making a huge logical leap that I can’t follow. The fact she’s probably not interested means it’s a rape threat?
Yes. Telling someone you will impregnate them against their will is a rape threat, and I’m disturbed that you don’t understand why.
This is someone defending musk. They probably have no idea
That’s why it logically doesn’t make sense
Maybe they don’t know how babies are made?
I’m thinking more that it’s a “women don’t get to have consent” thing at this point based on their most recent response.
He didn’t say he was going to impregnate her against her will, did he? I’m disturbed that you think this has anything to do with a rape threat. It suggests a severe lack of judgement.
Again- do you think she wants to be impregnated by him? What do you call it when you impregnate someone and they don’t want you to? I’m pretty sure there’s a four-letter word with that that starts with R and ends with APE.
I was just thinking about how had nature taken it’s course and he not had his ass hair transferred to his dome how much he’d look like Dr. Evil these days.
I hope her response is just “Ew. No.”
Though its more likely she’ll just ignore him.
Ignoring is the best move.
But a one-word “Weird.” response would be entertaining.
Oh absolutely.
I’d just find it hilarious for her to respond, but leaving the idiot alone is absolutely the best course of action.
Ignoring him would be the best course. He might flail and try harder, but just keep on Not Feeding the Trolls.
Best to ignore, narcissists feed on attention, good or bad
This is a step beyond sexual harassment. It’s viscerally disgusting.
“How about you take care of the children you already have for a change and keep at least 500 yards of distance to me forever?”
Well he’s got plenty of kids he doesn’t want