Yeah, you uneducated anon. Childless women with college degrees slightly outearn men in a lot of EU countries. Say whaaat? I must be making this data up, right?
We talk when you come back with a credible study showing the opposite.
Yeah, you uneducated anon. Childless women with college degrees slightly outearn men in a lot of EU countries. Say whaaat? I must be making this data up, right?
We talk when you come back with a credible study showing the opposite.
The f are you on about? YouTube has a fairly affordable ad-free tier with a transparent revenue-share model that multiple top content creators have openly endorsed.
This ad infested hell only exists because most of the internet users think it’s outrageous to pay 10$/month for an all-you-can-eat VoD service. Some top creators did branch out to create their own streaming services, and spoiler alert, it’s more expensive, or just as expensive but with muuuuch less content.
I do care if all that YT content is gone. It’s a fuckin goldmine.
I’d really wish they actually had the audacity to just paywall the entire platform. Pay or fuck off, no ads.
And then people like you can go back to the good old days of some other random free video hosting service where a 360p video with a cat meme was buffering for a minute on a good day, or was completely unavailable on a bad one.
;( but, daaad, he started first!
(not really, ik)
And here’s my horse in this race:
No, that person specifically implied that once they start publishing salary ranges the gender pay gap will collapse.
That person lives in a fairy tale world of non-existent salary discrimination that they furiously fight.
Their heart is sorta in the right place, but they’re essentially a useless idiot, who with their crusade distracts everyone from actually trying to understand the real reasons behind the unadjusted gender pay gap and any efforts of solving it.
What your message shows is that even when the data is in front of you, it’s useless, because all you can see is your confirmation bias.
It specifically says “unadjusted”.
You understand nothing on the subject and continue your crusade for some holy grail, because you believe it will bring prosperity to your entire nation or something. All this shows is that your average left voter is as dumb as your average far right voter.
There’s a decade of research consistently showing that the most impactful factor contributing to the unadjusted gender pay gap is childbirth.
Single childess women with college degrees earn as much or slightly outearn their male competition.
These trajectories spectacularly diverge after the first child.
If you care about the unadjusted pay gap, you need to promote societal change that 1) enables and encourages men to take on childcare duties, 2) significantly improve daycare infrastructure, 3) realize that some couples will still decide that it’s somehow better for the mother to spend time at home with the kids and take on less demanding jobs and/or lose many years of experience, and that this unadjusted pay gap in some capacity is here to stay for another century or so, and it’s not a societal failure.
My evidence? A decade of research. 134 countries.
You can look at more of his papers on the subject.
But hey, you can Google, anon, right?
Lemmy in a nutshell. In like one post. Print it out, hang it on the wall, you never need to log in again.
13bn dollars in missed taxes while already abusing a tax heaven.
When our stupid politicians will grow some balls (metaphorically, and independent of their gender-balanced commission/parliament), and we’ll actually introduce a proper minimum corporate tax for the entire EU market, it will be 50bn. At least.
Combine this from all the big tech companies that are dodging our taxes, and we could quadruple our defense budget, double our education and healthcare spendings, and still supply every citizen with a bottle of champagne to celebrate.
CIA bots will downvote this, because it’s true: Harris is not a legal US national, her birth certificate was forged. Be careful who you vote for!
I hate that this is even a feature in the web standard. A result of some massive corporate corruption for sure.
You’re too far up your own ass.
Vanced got nuked, revanced constantly needs to be patched, otherwise it slips to the low quality settings. Free YT days are numbered.
And no, it’s not easy. Unless they want to encode ads into videos, and re-render the whole thing. Which is ludicrously expensive. For as long as they don’t there will be a way to not play the ad chunks.
What’s there to disagree with? you prove my point.
it stood on the shoulders of volunteers
Yeah. A classic story. A sysadmin took the old server from his work after they upgraded and now runs <insert video game guild imageboard/wiki/chat> on it.
With the amount of traffic modern web pipes through Google’s and Cloudflare’s servers, all of you homebrewers wouldn’t be enough to take over even 5% of that.
You can’t go back to the good old days because you’ll break your back trying to, and the collective lemmy anon can’t, because they’re too used to freeload while getting big tech quality service.
Your first-hand knowledge is worth nothing against the data.
Tax reports and social security data has been thoroughly analyzed by multiple countries.
In fact, it’s often that women outearn men.
There’s a very interesting factor that eventually does lead to an astounding pay gap, but lemme see how many more anecdotal evidence you can pull out of your ass before I tell you what literature to look at.
You do know that the gender pay gap in the same position with the same experience essentially doesn’t exist in Europe?
Coincidentally, publishing salary ranges isn’t gonna help with the gender pay gap.
So, if you actually care about the issue, maybe go educate yourself first.
I moved around a lot this summer, and haven’t been checked once, shrug
As a European I can perfectly feel the 0 degree. I step outside and 5 seconds later I can tell you if it’s below zero or not.
For me “it’s now really hot” in summer is exactly when it’s over 30C. It being 86F doesn’t make any more sense. Approximately above 35C I will avoid going outside. Which would be 95F, not 100. From here, the temps in summer in the south of Europe are often around 100F at peak. Above or below doesn’t matter.
All that Fahrenheit scale is good for is if you live in a continental climate, more to the south, e.g. some useless place like Oklahoma, where 0F is approximately year low, and 100F is approximately year high.
For all other places, where the temperature delta over the course of the year is not as extreme, this Fahrenheit scale is as unintuitive as celcius, e.g. you just get used to it.
Insert thank you gif
Good point. Time to gdpr my bank.
You want the figure 5B from here:
The rest of the paper actually focuses on the real reasons behind the pay gap, which should also give you a perspective of why it’s probably futile to argue in terms of “a woman makes 78 cents for every dollar a man makes”.
But if you really wanna dig deeper there are some studies that try to figure out the remaining 3% or whatever.