“I can’t be a racist sack of shit and spew hate speech in Canada so I’m not coming!” - a fetid sack of gangrenous anal sphincters.
Awesome. While you’re at it can you convince Jordan Peterson to permanently move down to Texas with you? We’d love to get rid of that shit.
Honestly, most Canadians are more ashamed of Peterson than Bieber and that’s a fucking accomplishment.
Fuck no, he’s yours to keep. We’re full on crazies, especially in Texas!
Push them into Florida and then evict Florida into the abyss.
Given enough time, nature will do that for us!
Why would you be ashamed of Bieber? Did he do something I missed?
Biebs is just being a young rich kid. Only thing is he’s 30 now. He doesn’t do as much silly stuff as he used to, which is good.
I was kinda worried about him for a while: rich kids surrounded by “yes men” don’t always make solid decisions. Extrapolate that to worldwide fame and things can go seriously fucky.
Yeah I’m not a Bieber fan but being ashamed of someone for threading the needle to become a super star is weird.
Sounds like a win for Canada!
And therefore the rest of the world!
Yes, it appears Trudeau’s laws are working as intended. Excellent.
Just to be clear, these are not Trudeau’s laws. Canadian anti-hate speech laws have been on the books for decades.
Who likes puppies?
Did you see that alien post, they beamed up a cow, because a human called them ‘grass puppers’. So hilarious. Do you have a favorite breed? I love them all.
I did not know that was a thing and any connection was by accident. lol
I too love them all but my favourites are shepherd dogs, specifically . Great companions, super intelligent, and some of the most beautiful animals on the planet. I also have a massive soft spot for Bull terriers because the are the cutest and funniest dogs in existence.
I know you said you loved them all, but do you have any breeds that lead the pack? (Pun absolutely intended)
Nah, I’ve had doggy friends in various breeds and mutts over the years. I had a Great Pyrenees named Thistle, super friendly, and enthusiastic. Worked as a livestock protector, brave and faithful. But couldn’t understand the danger posed by the road in front of his farm, and thus was his lift ended, all too soon.
I am sorry to hear that, thistle sounds like they were a good pupper. I’ve lost one too many to the ignorance of roads myself and it is never fun.
Thanks, I appreciate the sympathy. And as a result ALL Great Pyrenese are wonderful beasts in my estimation. It’s funny how a breed can become so lovable once I’ve developed a relationship with member of that breed.
Puppies are delightful!
Sounds like this Canadien policy might just be working as intended.
Joe Rogan said he will not visit Canada. It is a great day for Canada, and therefore, the world.
I could’ve swore I’ve seen him there. But turns out it was Scott.
Well I guess we can thank Trudeau for that 😁
- Not conservative aristofascist
- Repels Joe Rogan
That’s 2!
fuckin’ legal weed, man.
There is free speech and hate speech, and we don’t allow one of them… never have, never will, and that’s not Trudeau, that’s us being Canadians, being kind, and taking care of each other, and that’s what makes us different from Americans.
Bullshit. Its gone far beyond that.
Clearly there’s some passion here. Can you elaborate on this? As someone who is not Canadian, I’m not fully in the loop. Are there credible examples of anti-hate-speech laws in Canada being used to prosecute people for things other than hate speech?
This person is just upset because they are a bigot. Check the mod log, it’s full of slurs and anti immigration rants.
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Elaborate before we all assume things about your reading comprehension.
I don’t take orders from people playing dumb.
Okay, so basically you don’t know where you are, what you’re replying to or what you’re trying to say.
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Stop giving this brain damaged cretin the attention he craves
Most of us Canadians never have to worry about hate speech laws Joe, because most of us aren’t running around saying hateful, race baiting, genocidal speech. If you worry about hate speech laws getting you, maybe you’re the one with the issue
That’s exactly it. It’s always hate speech that those who are braying about free speech are trying to protect.
Can you provide any examples of him ever doing that?
You want examples of what exactly? Rogan using hate speech? He’s one of those guys that instead of talking hate speech, he’ll invite a bigot on his show, listen to the bigot being a bigot while Joe goes “that’s interesting… I’ve never thought of it that way”
In any case I’m commenting on his concern with our hate speech laws, which only hateful bigots are ever concerned about. Is regular folk don’t do that kind of stuff
So no examples of Joe Rogan being hateful, race baiting or genocidal speech.
You guys dislike him because he will talk to anyone, even people you disagree with if I’m reading things right.
Of him being concerned about hate speech laws? It’s in the link.
That was a the one part I was not asking about.
Joe Rogan probably has a DUI on his record or something like that that prohibits him from entering Canada.
I knew this lady who went to the same saloon in Seattle that I frequented. Anyways she was a Canadian citizen but she got a DUI in the USA and she couldn’t go home until she did the requirements for entry.
Uh, CBSA can’t refuse you if you’re a Canadian citizen for an American DUI. She definitely wasn’t a full Canadian if she had to do anything.
It’s in our charter of Rights.
Thanks, that makes it even more funny. She was a funny lady but yeah, did drink a bit much.
This. So many Canadians don’t understand Section 6. Freedom of movement means that you can cross interprovincial boundaries freely, live anywhere you want to live in Canada, and leave and return to Canada any time. It doesn’t mean you can drive without license, registration, and insurance and it doesn’t mean that the government can’t require you to quarantine when you return.
The Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms should be a required, full semester course in highschool and a passing mark of 80% should be required to graduate.
She probably could go home but couldn’t get back into the states after.
Most likely. As a Citizen you have right of entry so you cannot be denied entry to the country if you can get to the border. The US never has to let you in.
He is free to stay right where he is. Canada doesn’t need him.
Ah yes, the free speech of blocking highways with semi trucks.
From the “It’s okay to run over protestors” crowd. That’s speech to them too.
Good. Rogan is shit
I don’t listen/watch Rogan anymore but I’m assuming the erosion of women’s rights and project 2025 and voting rates and seizure of the supreme court has gotten him up in arms about his own country right? /s
I miss the old podcast. I never knew that I wanted a long form interview with a taxidermist, a climate scientist or someone that travelled the rainforest looking for new species. But having experts in their field come on and talk about their subject showed their drive and love for their fields. The pundits where really off putting.
Congratulations, Canada. Keep that trash out of your beautiful country