I am a muse. They also call it “being an ideas guy”. While I can utilize some, I am far from knowledgeable enough on every subject to use them all, so I share. Like you, a Human… Or so they tell me.

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Joined 29 days ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Yes there is and I will not argue about it. You are free to look up the exact amount of money that is paid out by the Feds to the provinces in health transfers, and free to see exactly where every cent goes. You are also free to look at provincial budgets and do the same.

    We have billions going to healthcare, and management of that money is the problem. Stop being willfully ignorant to that and maybe we can start trimming the ridiculous amount of bloat that the healthcare system has in middle and upper management positions.

    Every time funding is increased those positions take most of it. So keep crying “More funding!” because that is what “they” like to hear. Gives “them” an excuse to create new jobs for their friends that serve no purpose and add no value to the system so “they” can claim it is too expensive to run and gut it for the sake of privatization. Which only involves removing Doctor, Nursing, and Auxiliary positions until the system collapses to ensure their friends positions are safe until the bitter end.

    No there isn’t. Gov’ts (both fed and prov) have consistently underfunded healthcare. Trudeau did try and help by giving billions to the provinces - tied to the provinces agreeing to spend ALL the money on healthcare - but the premiers stonewalled Trudeau and he caved. So provincial leaders get to spend those billions on whatever they want, just like the spoiled, snotty-nosed brats they’ve become.

    To address this specifically, thank you for supporting my point that it is not about funding and all about money management. You made it very clear what the problem is and I find it funny that you think you disagree with what I said in your comment.

    Take care.

  • It will never stop making me laugh that a rat on the BC/Alta border goes one way getting to be “adopted” and taught to drive a tiny car; or goes the other way and every single person would risk their life to swerve into and run over it with a full sized one.

    While cute, we as humans need to stop teaching smart animals how to use our tech. We are basically asking to be replaced at this point. haha

  • Now now now, let’s not get crazy and expect a reasonable idea to be the right one.

    Obviously the only way forward is privatized healthcare, and maximized profits, until the lower class revolts and we do it all over again.

    Everyone who gets it needs to start explaining to everyone who doesn’t why public services should never be expected to make profit, should be expected and accepted that public services generally operate at a loss, and that none of that is a bad thing. Canada is in desperate need of a narrative change and a legislative overhaul if we are going to survive what is coming as a intact country.

    System failure is a fun thing. We need to trim the bloat to try and avoid it.

  • Everyone Talks about Alberta or Quebec leaving Canada but I never understood why there is not more support for BC leaving Canada.

    We make mad money and we don’t need to worry about it going to other provinces if we are on our own. We basically operate as our own country already, might as well make it official. Maybe Washington, Oregon, and California will come with us and we can own the whole damn west coast.

  • ArkoudatoCanadaSecurity Clearance
    11 days ago

    One does not need security clearance to discuss the actual important things like economics, social issues, and everything else publicly available.

    One cannot be Prime Minister with out extensive security clearances. If The leader of the opposition wants to play this game he will effectively never be able to become PM even if he gets elected. My guess is that he is currently cleaning house before election season to ensure he can be cleared and “Lay the lie to rest” about why he never got clearances before.

    Things that require clearances are not things that should be discussed in public, that is why they require clearance. The way our officials and leaders are treating intelligence operations and institutions is a damn joke and we will be lucky to keep our place in sharing alliances after this. Even if he got cleared he couldn’t do anything with the “facts” and he can do more without the facts legally.

    The problem is the bullshit is working and I am very disappointed in my fellow humans occupying this country.

  • Chickens do not need to be crammed together in order to produce eggs, eggs are an incredible source of numerous nutrients, help with the bodies management of cholesterol, and getting eggs is also sustainable when not brought to mass production levels of crazy.

    Red meat is an issue in large quantities. No one should be eating it on a daily basis for what it gives nutritionally. It can still be eaten, and does still have a lot to offer when it is not over consumed. Just like basically everything else one can eat.

    The problem is scale and misinformation, not the food source itself.

  • I agree that Nuclear has become a bit of a moot point as it should have been a transitional solution ages ago. I can admit a lot of that one is the salty taste left in my mouth from it all.

    You do raise some fair points, especially in regard to priorities within the other parties and their stances on environment. What you cite with the NDP is one of the reasons they have potential to lose my vote as soon as the issues I see with the Greens aren’t so damning to me.

    What I would love to see is a party that walks the good parts of both the Green and NDP platforms and getting rid of the non sense. I am legitimately trying to determine if I have the time and ability myself because I am quite sick of what has happened to Canadian Politics. I even have a rough draft platform. haha

  • How my domestic recycling waste and e-waste ends up in landfills is not my responsibility. My municipality put in place a recyling program and my responsibilities stop at sorting my waste accordingly so it can be recycled. Even if I do my best to minimize waste, there is still going to be some. After that, its the responsibilities of the government and the companies they hire behind the programs to do their job.

    It is your responsibility. 100% your responsibility. Just like everyone else.

    If you think “I am doing my part by using broken systems that literally makes the problem worse” is a solid argument maybe you need the perspective shift here.

    You want me to walk more?? I’m already walking everywhere except to work, which I go to by subway. I barely ever even use the bus becaue I rarely ever have to leave my neighborhood. My job’s office is 2 hours away by foot. You think I’m going to lose 2 hours of sleep to walk to work with my heavy backpack with my work laptop and shit? Get real

    You can justify laziness all you want. I walk to work 2 hours every day back and forth. I also lose no sleep because I schedule my time well. I still have 6 hours every work day for anything else I want as well.

    I got real. Real damn good at scheduling my time.

    We’re already growing food on our 1.5m x 3m balcomy. But the sunlight is too strong and it burns our plants and barely grow anything. And we’re not going to survive on 5 green bean pods, 2 eggplants, 4 tomates and 3 strawberries and a handful of herbs. The neighborhood community garden is already full and we couldn’t get a spot this year. And that still wouldn’t be enough to feed ourselves over the summer. And what are we supposed to do in the winter? Turn our living room into a garden while we’re at it? Fuck it. Turn our whole condo unit into a greenhouse and sleep in the dirt?

    This kind of hyperbolic straw man building is helpful to no one. Honestly, what point are you trying to make here?

    I assure you food will be a lot more scarce and life a whole lot harder if you and everyone else holding this attitude keeps doing so.

    You know, when you walk into any kind of store, even grocery stores, you look at all the shit they sell and how much of it is wrapped in plastic for no reason, that’s the company’s responsibility to stop using plastics to wrap everyting. It ain’t my fucking fault if the only available lettuce where I live is wrapped in plastic. It ain’t my fault if the company that made my clothes use sysnthetic fibers that add microplastics to the environment. It ain’t my fault if the pair of scissors I bought from a local brand was actually made in some manufacture in South Asia and was shipped here by container cargo boat.

    Your fault you bought it. You are the consumer and by the sounds of it you believe you are not responsible for what you choose to consume. Not sure how you manage to rationalize that one but I won’t pretend like you aren’t clearly a huge part of the problem based on what you have said to me so far.

    I do my best to avoid all this shit, but in the end, companies have a fucking responsibility. I’m doing my fucking part. Now it’s up to them to do theirs. Especially when they’re the ones responsible for the vast majority of the world pollution and greenhouse gasses.

    I am really tired of this narrative. The companies can only exist if you and others support them. They are not autonomous beings who can live independent of anything else. Even if legally speaking some countries consider corporations “people”, they aren’t actually people. It is interesting how that narrative informs your opinion though eh?

    You need to change your perspective.

    I have. Take any longer to play catch up and you are going to bore me into no longer responding.