Nowadays everybody wants to talk like they got something to say but nothing comes out when they move their lips just a bunch of gibberish.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Notice how at no point have I engaged with you in good faith. Not once. I am literally just wasting your time for fun until I get bored.

    Even though I told you this you will continue because you think you are winning something.

    Have fun throwing poos little monkey, you have no impact on any one or anything. Which is why you are mad. :'(

  • I live in suburbs and I have never been able to get by without a personal vehicle. You are lucky to be able to get by without a car.

    Cannot afford a new car but can afford to live outside of the place where all of the infrastructure and resources are. I would say I did Nazi that coming but I figured anyone who owns or knows a lot of people who own a Tesla to be a suburbanite.

    I never said to support Nazis. Ever.

    When one continues to fund a company controlled by a Nazi one is supporting said Nazi. You said, and I quote, “It means we live in a car centric society and trading in their car wouldn’t allow them to have a reliable daily with which they can go to work”.

    Which means “It is okay to support Nazis as long as you believe that you require their products and services”.

    Someone who doesn’t follow the news as much may not have been aware of Musks philosophy until a few years ago. They might have bought it previously.

    Don’t care. They know now.

    I’m saying you should not have to sacrifice your life in the short term. Rather, you can take more time to find alternatives that wouldn’t lead to loss of main income.

    I am saying I don’t care. It is lovely to know how many Canadians would have done shit all between 1930 and 1942 under the guise of “too difficult” though.

    So yes, you put words in my mouth.

    Whatever you say. Anyone with a brain can see otherwise so have fun in your delusional, suburban bubble.

  • Are you going to donate a reliably daily to those who can’t afford a reliable daily to get by after they get rid of this Tesla?

    In a car centric society, a reliable car is needed to get to work so you can have income to pay your bills and put food on the table.

    No one needs a car, there are other options. The majority of people get to work without a personal vehicle.

    If you’re willing to lose your job and income to feed yourself over a car, especially one bought before Musk stopped hiding his shittiness, go ahead.

    It’s easy to ask others to sacrifice for your cause, it’s another to ask others when you don’t know anything about their life.

    It is easy, and more cost effective, to not own a car. I don’t own a car. My partner doesn’t own a car. Almost everyone I know doesn’t own a car. Every single one of us get to where we are going without a problem.

    Musk was always shitty. Supporting him was always a shitty thing to do.

    Don’t put words in my mouth

    I didn’t. You said what you said, and what you said is “It is okay to support Nazis if it is not financially feasible to do otherwise”.

    Your excuses are almost 100 years old at this point, and falling on deaf ears.