What happens to the rapist, then? Can he get partial custody of the child? Can he use that as an excuse to keep meeting or at least indirectly interacting with his rape victim?
What a great healing agent, to force women to be repeatedly reminded of that time when they were raped.
This is just a step to eliminating rape as a crime, they’ll find some way to justify as “for the babies”, the GOP are completely garbage people.
Under his eye
May the Lord open
We’re getting godtse’d at this point.
Generally yes. They can even get partial custody.
It’s for the healing process /s
Don’t worry, the good bible has the answer.
28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered,
29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.Good damn it’s so obvious the Bible was written by mediocre, out of touch men
That’s pure evil, but one part stands out, not as the worst part, but somehow still stands out.
“and they are discovered.” What’s that got to do with anything? If this is from the religious point of view, then surely God knows what he did, so why would it matter if they’re discovered. If it’s from a legal point of view, then of course you can only redress crimes that are discovered, so there’s no need to include that phrase.
So, including that phrase doesn’t seem to have any relevance or benefit. Conversely, including a phrase like that does imply that if they’re not discovered, then God doesn’t care whether anything happens to the man. The girl has been violated and lost her virginity. But since they weren’t discovered, there’s no penalty, even from God.
The other thing this makes me think about is, “If the penalty for breaking a law is simply a fine, then the law really only applies to poor people.” So, a person who can afford fifty shekels of silver can just pick any maiden he wants to marry, as long as she’s not pledged to be married, even if he’s old and gross. All he has to do is something terrible and then get “discovered.” This section simply seems to legalize rape for rich people.
Because if they are not discovered then it’s just her word against his so there’s no proof so he’s free to go rape someone else. Honestly, I think that’s really what that means.
fifty shekels of silver
That’s about $290.39 USD.
Fifty shekels of silver? That’s how much today in Stanley Nickels?
A child that will be a living, breathing reminder of their attack for the rest of their life is also a cruel thing to force upon them. But this is
masochismsadism.Hate to be THAT person, but it’s sadism if you are referring to the guy who said it. Misogyny often breeds both though, so I can imagine the confusion.
Haha, no you’re right; brain fart! Edited and thank you…
Well Missouri is the ‘legitimate rape’ state so…yep. This is on brand.
from 2021:
Ex-US Rep. Todd Akin, sunk by ‘legitimate rape’ remark, dies
“He was a devout Christian…”
surprise! /s
From the article: "Also in 2022, a Michigan Republican candidate said he told his daughters “If rape is inevitable, you should just lie back and enjoy it.”
I do not think I’ve ever read a statement from someone that has pissed me off so fucking quickly. Someone needs to check on this man’s daughters and fucking take them from him, forcibly if necessary, ASAP, and then put them with a family who legitimately loves them.
Dont hate the timeline.
Hate Republicans. Thats just more honest.
You’re right. They are the ones platforming these types of people.
I’d like to hope that enough of them would hear something like that and be like “Gross, I want nothing to do with the likes of this fucking asshole”, however, unfortunately, I do not know that this would be the reality. Which is an absolutely mind-boggling statement to make.
I would make this guy walk around with a cantaloupe in his ass for 9 months and then shit it out, take it home a day later, and send him a bill for $10k a week later.
And then make him take care of it for 18 years.
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What makes you think he doesn’t already like shoving huge things up his ass?
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Bad take, straight men can enjoy a good pegging. Also empathy is not a prerequisite for homosexuality. I wager empathy has nothing to do with sexuality nor is it any indicator of sexual preference.
This is just bullshit he’s spewing to justify forcibly spawning more meat for the grinder, by hook or by crook. While I don’t know if he’s married to a woman, I highly doubt he’d think this would apply if his wife was raped and became pregnant as a result. Carrying a rape baby to term is for proles in the eyes of people like this
I’m gonna remember this comment.
Holy fuck, this should be cause for mandatory public castration.
You don’t want to do these fuck-knuckles any harm, you just want to give them opportunities for great healing events of their own.
I so wish there was a way to take away all this guys money, power, status, and then force him to push a baby out of his urethra…and then ask if he feels “healed”.
People like that are evil and will never care about their victims even if they themselves experience what they put the victims through. The only thing that will deal with him is a guillotine.
I hear .223 is a great caliber for healing injections. He might want to try a few to make sure they stick.
This dude looks like he has some kind of ulterior motive, here.
What i am saying is: he looks like a rapist.
Yeah, it looks like he wants to rape women and force them to have his rape babies. I’m guessing he’s already raped somebody, based on this pro-rapist attitude.
If nothing else, he needs to come to terms with his vanishing hairline with more dignity than that. That ‘Ghost of
ChunkSloth from Goonies’ hairstyle does nothing fire him.Sloth?
Fuck no. Fuck. No! Sloth is a treasure and a good man. Just wanted respect as a human, to show his strength, and have a Baby Ruth.
Sloth is too good for this fucking degenerate that even a single celled entity would reject.
Damn it, yeah, him.
I literally feel ill. Like physically ill. My wife blessed me with my baby boy and imagining that someone could force her to go what she went through to get him into this world is… IDK what it is… Too angry rn. Fucking disgusting fuckfaces!
Conservatives are horrible people at worst and deluded at best. Conservatism is a mental disease.
Not sure if today’s GOP deserves to be called conservative
Let’s not conflate hideous morals with mental illness.
Rape babies can be dropped off at his front door.
Rape Babies, the next great band name.
Rape Babies (Noun) Rape Babies (Verb)
Of course the members of the pedophilia party would say that having a rapist’s baby would be beneficial to the rape victim.
We are seemingly moments away from women being prosecuted for giving men erections.
Please don’t give them anymore ideas
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It seems more honest than touting exceptions as some sort of compromise. Have you ever thought of what a rape exception (or other exceptions) looks like in practice? They just don’t happen. How many abortion providers are willing to test the law? How many pregnant people are able to get a police report necessary to be exempted? How many abortion providers are even practicing in states with rape exceptions to their otherwise strict abortion laws?
Arguing about what exceptions should or should not be on the books is a distraction. It’s only service is to placate the general public into accepting barbaric abortion bans.
It’s also the most logically consistent. I respect these shitstains infinitely more then Republican politicians who support exceptions.
Respect is doing a lot of work there, but really it comes to down to fact that at least they ACTUALLY believe abortion is murder.
All those other GOP politicians who support exceptions are just groveling maggots.
What? You believe it’s okay to murder babies in certain circumstances? Get fucked.
If you’re going to destroy the lives of countless women, at least do it because you have an actual deeply held conviction, and not simply that you want to win a primary.
Rage and riot for women’s rights (again).
Cool. Let’s see a baby try to force its way out of him.
I wish we had technology that could do that so this fucker gets to experience that
… Like a xenomorph baby?
Not what I had in mind but …I like it! It’s a plan!
Make it 10000 giant spiders and I’m in.
This fuck-knuckle has 5 kids. If any of them are girls, I’d bet good money he wants this because he wants to be sure they can’t have an abortion when he knocks one (or more) of them up, as part of his Handmaid’s Tale fantasy.
Like…what the fuck is going on right now?
Right-wing Christian attitudes are being openly expressed.
We are reaping the rewards of “respecting religious beliefs”.
I would absolutely abolish the goddamn psychos.
Evil people took over the country
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Did you just make me, for half a second, support the serial gang rape of Senators who support this legislation?
I support the serial gang rape of Senators who support this legislation in perpetuity. If they’re going to support this shit, they should walk a few hundred miles in their victims’ shoes.
Me too, fuck em
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But he’ll never get pregnant or birth a child, so the empathy argument goes out the window.
He’s never going to suffer consequences unless we make him.