• IninewCrow
    1 year ago

    At this point I think government, politicians and the public are still waiting for the body count to rise before they’ll do anything serious about highway safety. Especially when it comes to criticizing the trucker lobby and moving more of our transported goods to rail rather than on roads.

    I always joke with people when we start talking about the number of trucks on the road … and wonder why we couldn’t just take all those transport trailers, tie them all to one engine and give that vehicle its own dedicated road, maybe even a road made out of iron. Hmmmmmm. 🤔

    • Pyr_Pressure
      1 year ago

      Last decade or so truckers seem to gotten so much worse at driving, I would be interested in seeing the stats if they track traffic incidences by vehicle type.

      Seems all the experienced guys are retiring and the new guys have no idea what they’re doing

      • IninewCrow
        1 year ago

        It’s not so much the quality of the drivers … it’s the quantity

        If you have a hundred drivers and you say that 1 percent of them are bad drivers … you have one bad driver

        If you have a thousand, now you have ten

        There are now an estimated 400,000 trucks dedicated to just transporting good on the highway and if you were to say that 1 percent of them were bad drivers … that’s 4,000 bad drivers riding trucks on the highway

        Compared to what the highways were like 20, 30, 40 years ago … the highways have literally become rail networks with thousands of trucks everywhere with drivers pushing the limits of the regulations because they make little to no money as drivers