I didn’t see it posted so I thought I should.

I’m Indigenous, full blooded Ojibway/Cree from northern Ontario. Both my parents survived the residential school system in the 50s and I attended the last vestiges of Christianized schooling when I was growing up. We saw a lot of discrimination against us in my family and we were always made to feel less than every other Canadian we ever knew.

Even with all that … my dad always enjoyed celebrating this holiday because he just thought it was fun and a good time to celebrate with family and friends. Maybe he just didn’t know but whenever this time of year comes around, all I can think of is how much he enjoyed just having a bit of fun today in the middle of summer.

In my own experience, I’ve travelled the world to 34 countries so I got see and compare how our country compares to the rest of the world. With all its shortcomings and blemishes … this is still a great country and a prime example of decent democracy. It isn’t perfect and it is very problematic and unequal in many ways … but its on the top of the pile of mostly or more democratic places on the planet. I may be wrong on that but that is just my opinion.

So with all that said … to all my Native, non-Native, nation born, immigrant, brown, white, black, and every shade in between …

Happy Canada Day to all of you.

  • phx
    3 months ago

    Thanks for this.

    We’re all Canadians, and your family would trace back among of the originals in this country. It’s sad that people would think anyone lesser for it, but that says more about them - the ones that need to stand on others to feel big themselves - than your family or heritage. While there will always be those types, I hope the years ahead see them as the minority so the rest of us can help each other make this country a place we’re all proud to call home.

    • ahal
      3 months ago

      This is a wholesome reply, so not saying this to shame or anything, just to inform. I don’t think it’s something many people realize.

      But the statement “we’re all Canadians” is quite literally untrue. Many indigenous people do identify as Canadian and that’s great. But many others vehemently do not. What’s more is their right to self government is enshrined in the constitution, so they are actually sovereign nations living within Canada.