• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • phxtoCanadaHappy Canada Day
    24 days ago

    Thanks for this.

    We’re all Canadians, and your family would trace back among of the originals in this country. It’s sad that people would think anyone lesser for it, but that says more about them - the ones that need to stand on others to feel big themselves - than your family or heritage. While there will always be those types, I hope the years ahead see them as the minority so the rest of us can help each other make this country a place we’re all proud to call home.

  • Yeah, I’d tend to agree on that. Even beyond the security issues, nuclear has the potential to be a safe, but it also has the potential to be disastrous if mis-managed.

    We see plenty of issues like this already, including what occurred here: https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/safety-and-security/safety-of-plants/fukushima-daiichi-accident

    Now imagine a plant in Texas, where power companies response to winter outages has basically been “sucks to be you, winterizing is too costly”.

    Or maybe we’d like to go with a long-time trusted company, who totally wouldn’t throw away safety and their reputation for a few extra bucks. Boeing comes to mind.

    I like nuclear as a power source, but the absolutely needs to be immutable rules in place to ensure it is properly managed and that anyone attempting to cut corners to save costs gets slapped down immediately. Corporate culture in North America seems to indicate otherwise.

  • phxtoFuck Cars@lemmy.worldYou can fit two cars there
    30 days ago

    Aside from the lift, there may be use cases for the truck where it requires moving multiple people and smaller heavy loads (or pulling a trailer). However, the sad reality is that the heaviest load it’ll likely be moving on a regular basis is the fat ass of the solo passenger in their way to/from fast food and groceries