• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


    1. There are in fact a ton of services that browsers interface with on behalf of a user. Always have been. For example, Firefox uses the Google Safe Browsing service to protect against phishing. They use location services to fulfill the Geolocation API. They call DNS servers to find the website you want, etc, etc.

    2. Applications do have terms, they’re called EULA’s. It’s the same idea. Also nothing new, I’ve been clicking through that shit since the year 2000.

  • ahaltoPC GamingI finally finished GRIS, and it was incredible!
    6 days ago

    It is beautiful, but it didn’t grab me. I probably got about halfway and then never played again. The puzzles / platforming are not challenging in the least, so this game is all about the experience.

    I didn’t dislike the game, but think I just got bored. I should finish it though, now knowing it’s only four hours long

  • Hear hear! A Liberal victory would probably be the worst outcome for PR. Then we’d have to wait another 8-16 years to cycle through the Libs / PCs again. If there’s a silver lining to this election result, it’s that maybe after 11 years of Ford there will actually be enough momentum to make it happen.

    I may be be grasping at straws here 🙃

  • I’m not disagreeing that trumps claims are bullshit? I’m wondering what the “lots of time and money” were. AFAIK, we spent a few million dollars to fly some helicopters around. We might just have very different definitions of what “a lot of money” means in the context of federal spending.

    Besides, if those millions of dollars bought us one extra month of no tariffs, that’s the investment of the century. Quite the opposite of a waste of time.