Ive had people on lemmy and other communities tell me the r/fuckluigimangione sub is satire but after checking its posts out since it was made and circling back to it now i am 100% convinced it is not.
The auto mod responses alone as well as the concerted effort to manipulate the narrative tell you all you need to know. For instance anytime you say his name there is a ridiculous anti L-M response, or if you say brian thompson (yuck) the automated response is just pure corpo ball gargling. If you ask if the sub is satire there is a specific automod response that explains in definitive English that the sub is 100% not satirical.
Also they are trying to spread the narrative that mangione is an alt right trump supporting racist anti trans (because supposedly brian Thompson left a legacy of promoting trans health care (you cant make this shit up)) incel? Satire should at least be so absurd its funny however this sub is just so obviously a smear campaign and pro corporate boot licking effort unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. Go check it out for yourself. It would be a shame if a bunch of people who have brains and understand whats going on in the world just bombed the shit out of their gross billionaire ball gargling bukkake fest.
Any community that gets its kicks pretending to be idiots will eventually be joined by real idiots who believe they are in good company.
It seems they were never pretending. Just a bunch of boot rubber connoisseurs. It seems that UHC leadership might even have a direct hand in the creation of this subreddit.
The Flat Earth Society started this way, making fun of creationists.
I’m still waiting for the birds aren’t real people to go that way. It’s only a matter of time.
That’s the most lame ass shit though.
That’s why I’m a Last Thursdayist (we believe the world and all our memories of the past were created last Thursday)
R/TheDonald as prime example.
Well, they were joined by Russian psyops too, but the point still stands I think.
So many gone that way.
It’s especially evident by the communities that started off with “edgy”/“offensive” jokes and quickly become far right echo chambers.
I used to be a mod at the Landover Baptist website. This shit is absolutely true but we kept them at bay. They actually kinda helped us without realizing it.
Jesus fucking Christ…
This should just be a sticky thread and comment everywhere in Lemmy.
Somebody made a post titled “Theez nuts”. I commented that it was clearly made by a white person. They gave me a 3 day ban lol. The only reason I plan to go back is to shit the place up.
I cant even participate on reddit anymore i just go there to get news and see some of the subs I used to be on. hopefully lemmy gets big enough soon so i wont be compelled to send traffic there. I was permanently IP banned for a response I made pointing out international law in regards to occupation and resistance as well as the origins of the idf(hagannah palmach & Lehi zionist paramilitary/terrorist groups who killed at least 5000 people in the several decades before 1948) reddit was already working overtime to silence dissent before this…. adjustment. And ive attempted to evade the ban 5 times to no avail.
That’s always the way these bullshit fake grass roots subreddits start out. “It’s just a parody” was also the excuse for The_Donald, which they eventually had to ban from reddit, which just ended up meaning the userbase just made r/conservative that.
On a personal rant, I will always point to that before there were “bots” and sockpuppet accounts, there was and continues to be Eve Online multiboxing and alts, and if you ever wanted to study the way psychopaths behave that Eve Online is the MMO to follow. Where do people think that the psychopaths the were attracted to it because it allowed them to take the mask off and gained experience at being psychopaths from it, that used it gain proficiency, ended up doing in the real world? To further the context, in the gaming controversy Elon Musk had with asmongold, Musk basically tried to argue that hiring someone to play a game was as normal as asmongold hiring editors while still being considered a gamer, and this sort of argument would basically only pass mustard in one game - Eve Online. It is basically the Steam of psychopaths - not everyone playing it is, but psychopaths flock to it and are even born from it. And they love to create and stimulate fake grass root movements using alts and bots. r/conservative? Literally shares mods with r/eve.
Yeah it smells of astroturf. All the comments read like chatGPT. I think it’s best to ignore and move on.
One of the comments on that subreddit said that hating billionaires is ableist, antisemitic and homophobic
Are you sure its not satire?
It makes me feel like it will be like The_Donald all over again. Started out as satire. People that unironically think like that join in and share their views. More of them come until they outnumber the satirists. Now it’s just a pit of bad takes.
I dont think it ever started out as satire. It seems like it is legit just a bunch of corporate turd cutter tongue punchers. It would be one thing if it was funny but its so far beyond anything I’ve ever seen as satire in my life.
I think this sub started out like the_donlad is now and might morph into satire overtime (hopefully) but go read this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckLuigiMangione/s/fB9OLtu4x9
Also this is the automod response to anyone asking if it is satire
-This is not an “irony” or “satire” subreddit. We are 100% serious as Luigi Mangione is 100% a killer, please treat this case with respect.
Any and all satire will be removed to ensure every post on this subreddit is treated with the gravitas it deserves.
~“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company.”
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.-
And then any actually obviously satire posts by people who are pro working class/ anti corporate leaches just turns into heated angry dialogue and then huge amounts or responses are deleted.
Just bad AI.
<s>America has the best healthcare system in the world, spending 5% of GDP more than comparable countries, like Canada (free healthcare), and United Healthcare is an AI technology pioneer for weeding out fraud and waste in the system, as obviously proven by its 32% decline rate that is twice the industry average. Strong pro business attitudes and policies is sure to make America greater in these metrics</s>
Corpo media expanding to social media did not start yesterday.
Thats almost verbatim some of the talking points i have seen in that sub.
If you are going to link to Reddit, please at least link to the good version of the UI at old.reddit.com. The modern site is unusable.
Please listen to this TrueAnon podcast on a deep dive into Mangione’s politics.
He’s actually in certain ways much more conservative than the popular narrative gives him credit for. He was intrigued by that Effective Altruism stuff. Please take it seriously.
While the subreddit is indeed corporate shill insanity, the reality is that Mangione is not strictly a leftist in any sense.
Please listen and re-assess your perception of him.
I don’t believe for a second that some sleuthing podcasters have created some impeachable, wholly accurate representation of a whole ass person based solely on their goodreads posts or random trail of breadcrumbs left in Facebook selfies… give me a break with the parasocial psychoanalysis. no one fucking knows shit about anyone if all you have to go on is their posts or what their college classmate said.
more importantly, who fucking cares? folks need to stop pretending they were best friends with Anthony Bourdain or they SO RELATE to Taylor Swift. you don’t know someone because you listened to a podcast or followed their insta. same applies to Luigi.
Actions >> (online bullshit, speculation, hype)
I don’t have a perception of him. I know virtually nothing about him, so I never built one.
I’m just glad he made a major problem impossible to ignore.
I could see the conservatism a mile away. There is a new version of conservative that Luigi fits in. Generally open on the big liberal values like queer rights, racial equality and abortion right, but mostly conservative minded mixed with an anarchistic literature influence. Ppl should study it and learn it vs the current ‘lump them into maga’ tendency that makes this group hard to spot.
It’s almost like the current definitions of liberal and conservative in the US mix social and economic perspectives which have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Neither party represents anyone anymore, and it shows in how dysfunctional the country now is.
Liberals are centrists at best. There is no left wing party in the US.
It also seems he may have been radicalized during the time he went radio silent with his family. The only thing i see that points to him being conservative are posts about being against pornography which is a pretty exploitative industry in and of itself. However I personally believe sex work should be legalized/ regulated regardless of the nature of sex work. Prohibition in any industry only makes it more exploitative in my opinion
Im not saying he is surely a left or right leaning, most people in the us are somewhere center even those who consider themselves on the left. Im pretty far left. I often say i make bernie sanders look like newt gingrich
Regardless one can make a lot of social progress in a year and especially on a psychedelic self discovery journey its impossible to say for certain what his sociopolitical ideology is on a larger scale. It may be just speculation but i believe that from the time he spent volunteering at his family owned nursing homes he saw how disgusting and exploitative the health insurance industry was milking the elderly of all classes for their accumulated wealth to make a profit. This is very likely what radicalized him to see the corporate executive class as the parasites they are.
Also from the investigation i have done it seems he had a contentious relationship with his family especially his mother who may have lambasted him for idealistic and lofty ideals. And if he is indeed the one who pulled the trigger on december fourth then he did so knowing that he would be forfeiting a massive inheritance and ultimately betraying his upper class conservative capitalist roots. This is a very leftist revolutionary act in and of itself that cant be ignored regardless of what he may have written in his youth and posted on social media. I know in my early 20’s i was probably closer to the center than i am now. I once stupidly thought all lives matter was the right slogan and thought that things could be changed from within the system ie ballot box initiated change but now a decade or so later and I’ve come to accept reality for what it is.
I don’t think we will be able to know much till after this trial is over. And the final verdict will likely impact how much he actually divulges on the speculated intent. I personally believe the “manifesto” ken klippenstien released that LEO gave journalists with an order not to publish isnt the legitimate document but rather the essay on the website pepmangione dot com slash manifesto sounded far more legitimate and something more so in line with what an ivy league educated individual would write but thats just my gut feeling.
But he sure united a lot of people across the political spectrum. So did kazinsk, in his writings. His actual acts units them against him though.
And I’m not the biggest fan of the authoritarian communists / the MLs. But they killed the most Nazis and I’ll never stop respecting that.
better don’t check out r/conservative
Well that goes without saying. But one would have thought that r/fuckluigimangione would have been about how people of all genders and orientations were cumming together wanting to actually fuck luigi mangione! But nope user flares include UHC representative and member of law enforcement
when i say: fuck donald trump!
you really think i wanna fuck him?Isn’t that how Netanyahu asserts his dominance?
Obviously not but with all the Luigi thirst trap memes out there the phrase has different connotations. As a married hetero cis gendered dude the guy is unnaturally attractive. Definitely didn’t help the medias attempt to demonize him and is why they ordered a reduction in using pictures of him. Now they seem to have scrubbed stories of him entirely considering its pretty obvious a large demographic of the public supports street justice for the billionaire class
I’m pretty sure there are plenty of LEOs, from muni to fed, as well as corporate “influencers” here, as well. I expect this to grow as the platform grows.
unfortunately that is the nature of the internet in a modern fascist surveillance/police state. But this sub at one point was happily drawing attention to this with one automod response basically saying be aware this subreddit is being monitored by law enforcement and another spouting their love and support for law enforcement. 🥴
If you want into directly from there attorney, the attorney made a website for it.
I did see that today, thanks! Do you or anyone else know if they will be streaming the court appearance tomorrow?
I didnt know, thanks for the etiquette tip comrade!