“Some are calling it “juicetice” even, we say “juicy juice” sometimes you know we call it even - we really do folks and you know that and I know that and you know that, okay? Romanians are reaping, okay they are reaping and they are raping the antelopes and the democrats are just laughing at us folks… And if you elect Harris the hairy butt Harris, and some are calling her that, you hear it’s being said, I don’t necessarily think she’s a hairy butt Harris, but maybe she is if they’re saying it, okay… Oh shit, a balloon!”
Expand on why PayPal is especially, specificallyworse than other mainstream payment processing options?
This is not a reason for me to not participate.
Yes, so you vote this year, get others to vote, and then spend the next 4 years working to overturn the electoral college and get ranked choice voting implemented. If you truly care, that’s where you’ll direct that passion.
Stay focused.
AND continue to specifically highlight the ones who are going for the high score, like this fucking douche.
Former CEO, current inhumane grifter chud, Eric Schmidt, who has been featured in a recent series of “saying the quiet silicon valley executive thought out loud”
Alt headline:
Multi-millionaire donates tax write off of $12,652, adds, “These cattle better be taking photos of this shit and sharing while mentioning the brand or I’m not fucking doing it!”
This same person is also always both demanding the end of social assistance programs while loudly demanding they are given more funds and faster!
Can you support that please, I hadn’t heard.
Desantis is the strongest coward at the white leather boots with lifts store. Fucking loser.
Schmidt is such a fucking ghoul, feels like he’s ramping up to run for US president with takes as heartless and disconnected as this.
So is trump at Mar a Lego right now standing proudly on the front lawn for this? Is he staying there, “standing his ground” against the “climate hoax”?
Or is he hiding somewhere else safe, with an excuse, like a coward who’s actually afraid of climate change?
Sir, this was a Wendy’s.
Now please stop rolling coal and spraying aerosols performatively to “own da libs” and swim to the next window
Anti Jill Shills?
Wait… You mean some of you are actually getting paid to publicly point out this flawed candidates’s clear record of failure/inaction, especially dirty funding sources, “interesting” vodka scented dinner parties and clear intentions as a spoiler candidate working purely on behalf of conservatives?
And I do NOT respect people who don’t vote at all.
And the face is so orange… And old… And that ridiculous hair - a person like that couldn’t actually exist
Not fancy private schools. They’ll cover majority cost of their kid’s private school.
They want YOUR poor kid to go to a religious school - if they win on the vouchers, eventually the vouchers won’t cover the cost of most of the former public schools and private schools. But those religious schools… They’ll be standing there salivating with open arms and subsidized voucher tuition. Without other options, you’ll send your kid and tell yourself it won’t be that bad, tell yourself you’ll keep communicating with them to contextualize the education versus the religion, but life will happen. The church will have millions more kids to attempt to indoctrinate than they do in today’s regularly declining religious communities.
Under his fucking eye.
Vote. Tell your people to vote and call your “both sides” uncle a piece of shit to his misinformed face.
Zulu, you never responded…