I want to know about the smell. My next door neighbor lit a match after one of my poops the other day.
I want to know about the smell. My next door neighbor lit a match after one of my poops the other day.
Those al look like fun reads
Isn’t he legally barred from running a charity or does this not count because it’s just a fundraiser and they haven’t registered
Watch out I saw the antipope running loose
Yeah they’re my soul animals
Sideologically speaking that hole isn’t on the top
Privilege-to-pee things
I don’t think it’s the smell that turns people off
ah, so access to the public leaves out people with disabilities.
not much different than today’s reality, but at least you’re open about it.
excuse me corporations have no financial incentive ever to behave the slightest fart unethically so they never ever ever will.
just get a dolly, ghostface
he wouldn’t dare. his grift is here.
I pull my blankie up to my shoulder, or cheek. this could rip out my beard.
away with your fancy mumbo jumbo and wizard speak this here board is for regular talk
Rust for the Rust King!
i got a papercut on a playing card back in aught three
yes, I assume that
Get him! He’s probably heading to the old mill!
Must tell the truth