This is why people fail at dating and relationships. They look at it like fishing- that your goal is to tempt a big fish into biting. That is wrong. Dating is a SEARCH. In your area there is somewhere between a few thousand and a million potential partners of your desired gender and age and other characteristics. You aren’t trying to persuade the first one you see to like you, you’re trying to find the one who already likes you but doesn’t know it yet because they haven’t met you. The person you are compatible with will like you for who you are. So when this girl rejects him because she doesn’t like anime, he should not take that as a personal failing. He should smile and say okay on to the next one.
And if you’re into stuff like anime put that shit in your profile. That will attract the right people and screen out the wrong ones. That’s not ‘making a bad impression’, the people for whom anime is a turn off are people who you wouldn’t want anyway if you are an anime fan.
In your area there is somewhere between a few thousand and a million potential partners of your desired gender and age and other characteristics.
reported for misinformation
It’s not necessarily an easy problem to solve. I think the woman should have given him a chance and generally everyone should avoid reacting so strongly to “dealbreakers” on a first date.
That being said, Anon can also consider not bringing up anime and video games right off the bat. It doesn’t mean you can never share this. It may be just fine given more context (you are moderate about it, still open to other things, etc.). We all make snap judgments that we regret later. It’s ok for you to help your dates avoid these (barring serious things like hiding if you have a kid).
Honestly I loved anime growing up but I went on a date with a guy in college who spent the entire date talking about anime in a manner that communicated his big tit fetish on the first date. Like. I would have loved talking about Inuyasha or fma among a few others I remembered really enjoying. But nope. Anime tiddies. So when I read this I’m like… Are you sure it was the anime dude or was it maybe actually something tangentially related to the anime?
Otoh if it really truly was the anime anon dodged a bullet anyway.
This is the problem I’ve encountered. Anime is fine, it’s like any other show/entertainment but it really can attract the wrong type of people. It’s why I don’t put it in my profile. The person I’m seeing has plenty of “horror” stories like yours too and said they avoid people with that in their profile now even though they like it cause of how weird or obsessive people can get about it.
Kinda sucks cause IMO one of the best parts about it is the ability to create other worlds/universes that live action struggles to do. (Think ATLA anime vs Live action)
Maybe anon only watches loli hentai but played it down to ‘anime’.
It’s not just girls, some people just really don’t enjoy anime… me being one of them. I have tried and tried to like it to no avail.
So if a girl was really into anime, that would turn me off because I would assume I would have to at least listen to a lot of anime in my life.
I can understand that.
Have you tried watching anime in English dub? Some anime have great dubbing. Recently “Delicious in Dungeon”. The dubbing is amazing. I would even say better than the original. At that point it is just fantasy TV show or cartoon.
Not OP but the subtitles are only part of the reason why anime is a bit hit&miss for me.
Another is the tone, a lot of the emotions are extremely over-exaggerated and in some shows it goes so far as having the characters almost constantly shout. This makes it hard for me to form an emotional bond with the characters, e.g. I aborted my attempt to watch Attack on Titan after about two episodes when I realized that I didn’t care if any of the characters lived or died with a slight preference towards them dying because they were annoying to watch in some cases.
Not sure if it is quite the right term for drawn content but the cinematography conventions in anime can also be annoying with e.g. zooms from extremely wide shots to extreme close-ups. Kill La Kill was a particular negative example among the anime I tried watching that I can remember.
That said, some anime is perfectly fine but it is usually more the kind that is closer to western animation in style and character behaviors (leaning more towards realistic character looks and camera angles and lighting you would see in reality).
I had a first date yesterday and we spent the entire time talking about anime and videogames. Sounds like OP just had bad luck.
I literally had a birthday picnic last sat with a bunch of incredibly attractive and intelligent women who would not shut the fuck up about bg3. Dude lost nothing of value
I was at a house party a couple years ago and had like a 45 minute long conversation about attack on titan with a group of women who did not seem to fit into the anime demographic at all. I didn’t even initiate it. The whole time in my head I was like “wtf is happening right now.”
Ive met girls who spend most of their free time gaming complain things like “all he does is game, hes going no where”. Some people have dumb standards for first impressions or are just straight up hypocrites.
That said, in our hyper competitive online dating bullshit timeline, OP should have thought of one of their more interesting skills and hobbys, even if they don’t do it as often. Something like “sometime i cook a nice dinner on fridays” or “i like to ice fish in the winter” could have gathered more interest than just games. Even sticking to the gaming genre but mentioning a weekly board game meet sounds more attractive than solo gaming. It isn’t necessarily the most fair but we gotta sell our selves even more when trying to connect digitally. There is no body language or other aspects to observe, your handful of pictures and texting is all you got to make a shot, for example, I game more than i ice fish, gaming is less commitment in time, energy, and money, but ice fishing is the more interesting and skill diverse hobby so I’d choose that over gaming for first impressions
Ironically, you’re treating dating like a strategy game. Don’t.
If you have to lie about who you are, you’re gonna get a shit deal
I’ve tried treating it like a MOBA, but I always use my ult too early.
I don’t lie about who I am, i just put forward my more interesting qualities before admiting i play 2 hours of minecraft a day. I also don’t participate in online dating.
I’d also rather a girl recomend we go ice fishing together as a date than play a game online as a date, so i often put forward my hobbies that are easier to do with other people, like mountain biking or going to a rock climbing gym in hopes of finding some common interests we can share in person.
Embellishing? Its still lieing to imply you mostly do broadly interesting things when you actually play minecraft for two hours a day.
I play rocket league for a few hours a day and I would not be shy to mention that quickly. The person you replied to is right, if you put forward yourself honestly then you might actually find someone who likes you. Girls play minecraft too, in case you weren’t aware.
I’m not embellishing anything. Ice fishing is a hobby I am more interested in and enjoy more than gaming. I have more good stories about ice fishing than I do about gaming. I also find it leaves more potential to further the conversation. Maybe she likes to fish on a boat in the summer, or maybe they have experiences from their childhood ice fishing they want to share.
I am a very outdoors person and I’d like my partner to be the same, so when I meet a potential partner, i like to start by finding out if they have any outdoor passions.
Fake: Anon had the courage to talk with a girl
Gay: anime
I feel like bg3 is gayer tbh
The bad ending:
> learn not to talk about anime and gaming
> change hobbies instantly for a woman
> long-term relationship but miserablePros: Having sex.
Cons: Has to know the names of everybody on Love Island.
I feel personally attacked. Love Island is wonderful trash okay? 🤣
Any woman that wouldn’t be interested in anime and BG3 probably wouldn’t be lasting prospect for anon anyway and that’s OK. Find a partner that has similar interests to you (and hopefully isn’t too crazy) and you’ve got a decent chance for something that can last.
They dont even have to have similar interests only one. Its more like anime and gaming is a veto for a lot of women and even men from my understanding. People think youre wierd if you do those. I know someone who looks like your typical gym bro so he gets a lot of attention from women but then they get turned off instantly becuase of his hobbies.
Sooo true! Every friend I have that has a partner/so has or is playing BG3 together. I love hearing them talk about their adventures and always giggle when they get to the romantic side of things - never any jealousy, just cheering each other on 🤭
Shouldn’t your dating profile already mention your interests to avoid this situation?
It probably would but this it’s completely fake so it didn’t
Playing devil’s advocate here:
People also absolutely suck at reading profiles. They skim, see some things they like, and go for it. There’s a terrifying amount who don’t even read, just go based off pictures.
All true, but I stand by my assertion that this particular post is fake and/or gay
Damn for 4chan, can’t be bothered to properly flesh out their fantasies
Dating scene is terrible on a good day, and sometimes dates just don’t work out. You can’t base your worth on such things.
Also anon, she’s allowed to decide she’s not interested based on anything you did or did not say. That’s kind of how dating works.
Would anon want to be with someone full-time that they had to keep silent about their harmless hobbies?
You could replace “keep silent about their harmless hobbies” with a great many other things, and people will say yes. The hobbies thing is relatively tame compared to a great deal of self-directed changes/decisions based on the partner.
Anon realizes that normie women typically suck.
You mentioned you like anime, the chances for you being a pedophile and the chances of you assaulting her DRASTICALLY rose, she did the right thing by gtfo
Absolutely braindead take lmao
Nobody cares if you don’t like it but to say such ridiculous inflammatory things like that about people who like different things than you is conservative tier brainrot.
That post was pretty unhinged I’ll say, but anime does have a somewhat troubled history with how it depicts women. Saying you spend a lot of time with anime, odds wise, could be indicative of a flawed view of women, at least from their perspective.
You mentioned you like anime, the chances for you being a pedophile and the chances of you assaulting her DRASTICALLY rose, she did the right thing by gtfo