I always drive manual but my husband likes automatic. My kids learned on his car but my penultimate daughter drives mine to school now. I dunno, shifting seems easy to learn once you know how to drive in general - I learned it because everyone else was drunk one night so I had to drive home, when I was a teenager, and the drunk kid’s car was manual.
ETA: I let the school kids use the car and got myself an e-bike because their commute loop is much longer than mine. I have an enjoyable ride in to work. But tell them to baby the car because it may be my last gas-powered car and I will miss the stick shift. Have not had an automatic transmission car for 30 years now.
When I was nursing my first kid I squirted some milk out into a cup because the guys I lived with wanted to taste it, and it didn’t seem like a shockingly odd request. Also squirted it across the room into my ex’s mouth, like why not have fun with it while you can?
Would NOT have wanted my ex nursing like a baby though. No. Not wrong or anything just a turn off.