It’s all peaceful on the Polish-Chinese border
The border is respected and the food is excellent. Come on down! We made peanut chicken piroshkis!
Thanks, now I’m hungry
You are welcome, new neighbor.
The Free City of
DanzigHarbinThat legitimately sounds delicious. Somebody needs to open a Polish-Chinese fusion restaurant
Shrine to Our Lady of Czestochowa outside, carved out of salt! So excited!
Poland wins the sneak attack award for the 21st century.
We’ve had one Poland, yes…
They took over russia and nobody noticed.
Happy Cake Day, fellow future Pole
I’m not totally sure why Hungary is with a different colour but at this point it could as well be just red (see legend).
Poetry in imagery
I just think it’s hilarious that this comment is “Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra” with emojis
If it wasn’t for the Nukes, I’d bet Poland and Ukraine could’ve linked up in Moscow back in 2022.
God damn it Poland 2, leave Ukraine alone.
This is a comment for Poles only. Do not try to translate this old poem that’s dated back to 1960s
Jak powiedział stary góral
Polska będzie stąd po Ural
Za Uralem będą Chiny
Was nie będzie skurwysyny
A man can dream
Speaking the truth.
The only problem I have with Poland wrecking Russia is how are we going to stop them when they reach Alaska???
That’s the neat part, you don’t!
USS Enterprise
Finally, someon brings democracy and basic human rights to Alaska. Why would you want to stop them?
Just nuke Alaska, threat contained
“You forgot Poland”
- Dubya, 2004
Truly a visionary
Glory to the USSP!!