This should help us cut down on the trolls. We recommend other instances do the same, because they will likely be targeted also.

I apologize for all their gore-posts as well, no one should have to see that. We’ll try to look for more admins from different time-zones as well to get them faster.

The two other possibilities we have currently as options, are turning on required email verification, and as a last resort, closing signups. I personally would rather not do either, but they are options.

Many thanks to @[email protected] and @[email protected] for banning those trolls.

    • poVoq
      92 years ago

      Invite only instances would be also nice for self-hosting.

    • DessalinesOPM
      92 years ago

      Not opposed as long as someone else codes it lol. I’m a bit swamped.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Fantastic idea! I actually never thought about this, this could probably be done fediverse-wide.

    • @[email protected]
      -12 years ago

      I disagree. The far right users that chose to brigade Lemmy are not dumb, instead their moral compass is screwed up. Trolling requires smartness, even if the bait content itself is not a proof of intelligence.

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        I’m not talking about trolls, I’m talking about Nazis and these guys with fixed ideas, by definition, are never luminaries, less if they are simple guys and not rich people, the latter almost always only sympathize with fascism, because it is the political orientation that most favors the savage capitalism that favors them.

        For the rest, the waving flags with the svastica tattooed can be seen as follows

        • @[email protected]
          02 years ago

          You did not need that GIF to tell me the nature of so many people. They are easily identifiable for the most part, so it is not that big of a deal. What we simply need is vigilant and educated users, and Lemmy does have that. Think of the audiences that will never come here permanently – Reddit NSFW users, Gab/Dissenter users, Kik/Omegle/Chaturbate users, /pol/ users (and typical chan users in general).

          The majority of users in any herd are followers, that is how the leader concept works. So them having fixed ideas is again not the main concern. It just creates a sheep army, and they can all be defused in the same capacity they come. You find the origin and understand that so more future shepherds get discouraged, and therefore less sheeps mobilise.

          • @[email protected]
            02 years ago

            Agree with this, naturally requires vigilance. But these, trolls, spamers and similar fauna, cannot be avoided by adding an email to the registry. Spammers can perhaps be avoided by simply waiting an hour before sending the registration confirmation, since spammers often use temporary emails that expire earlier.

            • @[email protected]
              -42 years ago

              Now is not the time for it. Probably after Reddit goes public and crashes into an endless void, when the influx of users come here, after that phase things might change a lot. Lemmy needs to grow and become more significant in the mainstream.

              A platform that forcibly asks for emails or other identifiers is suicide at this stage for a platform that also advocates FOSS, federation, modlog transparency and great civillity. Reddit does not do it, and there is still a lot of meaning to the anonymity they provide, despite being a giant platform.

  • Mossy
    72 years ago

    I downvoted and reported as many posts as I can, I don’t know how much that helped but it was good to check back a couple hours later and see that the trolls’ posts had been removed

  • Salamander
    62 years ago

    Thanks a lot! I have implemented this in my instance too. This past week I was also saw several accounts being created to post ads.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    42 years ago

    The brigading is really unfortunate and thanks to the admins for doing all the work to contain it. As Lemmy grows in usage requiring email verification may be unavoidable, but hopefully having a registration application will do the trick in the immediate term. Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later, so at least this is a useful test case for how such brigading and spam can be addressed going forward.

    2 years ago

    You do not need to apologize for actions of others, you did your best and you found a solution for this issue which is what at the end counts.

    Lemmy does lots of more work than most other platforms I know, admins and mods are often very fast and helpful + resourceful.

    My idea was to introduce some sort of reputation based system but the problem is, that bots maybe could abuse the system to upvote themselves to get some sort of credit or reputation, call it what you want. Most boards use captchas and eMail verification systems to workaround this. Maybe an option would be to enable captchas for users who have below x posts as a middle ground, lets say 1 captcha per new submission until you have 5 posts in total.

    • @[email protected]
      42 years ago

      Reputation would just turn this into Reddit, where you can’t do anything or interact unless you use a single account or post what Reddit would like you to post.

    • Black Tulip
      12 years ago

      The Lemmy devs have already decided that karma is just a bottomless pit that just harms users mental health, so it’s highly doubtful we’d ever have a reputation system be introduced, as that’s literally the same thing.

      Also, captchas can be preventative to people with certain disabilities, so introducing them (I believe it would be reintroducing, actually) would contradict Lemmy’s disability-inclusive culture. As well, email verification wouldn’t work for people who would prefer anonymity. And nefarious users could just use a spoof mail account, so the introduction of required email account verification would really only harm privacy-focused real users, and do nothing to prevent trolls. Also, while on the subject and though you didn’t mention it, we don’t ban IPs because some VPNs reuse them for multiple people. So banning the IP of a troll might also cause the ban of real users.

      • DessalinesOPM
        32 years ago

        These are my thoughts on email too. Using throwaways is so easy for trolls, and legitimate users now have a privacy concern since a lot of the “legitimate” email services are really invasive.

  • ghost_laptop
    32 years ago

    I think having more admins from more time zones is the best solution, then e-mail verification and then having to fill out a form because it takes time to be reviewed and it takes more time from me because i have to write shit and anyway i can lie.

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    What does a person need to apply as admin or moderator? (this last one in general communities driven by admins or thought at site level like asklemmy)

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      This is just my opinion. Applications are reviewed on a case by case basis and is up to a vote by the existing admins.

      Must haves:

      • A history of quality activity on or another instance we federate with, such as amicable discussion, links to reputable web resources, etc.

      • Frequently online. I’d say at least once a day is ideal, but I also understand that you’re a volunteer, and will reasonably have other things going on where you might be missing for several days or otherwise intermittent at times.

      • An interest in helping to develop the Lemmy community and ecosystem.

      • No recent violation of instance rules or Lemmy project code of conduct.

      • Is not currently banned from on another account.

      Optional but could help your application:

      • History of reporting rule breaking content, particularly spam.

      • Has participated in discussions on Lemmy development or the the direction the Lemmy community is going.

      • Already a moderator of a community, or an admin on another instance (we will use your moderation history to assess your application).

      • Activity on the Lemmy Matrix rooms (please Link your Matrix).

      • Activity on the Lemmy project GitHub or other source control site that Lemmy is on, either as a code contributor or making/discussing pull requests (please Link your GitHub/other source control website).

      It would also help to specify your time zone and the languages you know.

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        Must haves:

        • To check by you if my history is enough
        • I connect to three times a day at minimum to read mostly.
        • Yes, I have. I use to try to even promote Lemmy here but it is difficult given the main focus in English content (by now).
        • To check too.
        • No


        • To check as I don’t track myself on that since recently.
        • I think I can say that I did and do.
        • No, never thought on applying until now. I was not sure if I could hold the responsibility.
        • I am not in Lemmy Official Matrix room(s), I only helped to mount the unofficial spanish one ( ) and my Matrix account is
        • A little but my account is

        Timezone: one less than Nutomic’s one

        Languages: Spanish and English (not native, B1 certified)

      • @[email protected]
        -42 years ago

        Must haves:

        • My 2 year old history with 1600+ comments is up for everyone.
        • Online twice a day. Also, active communication with users.
        • Have put myself on the frontlines multiple times. See soferman incident as example.
        • I have repeatedly stopped many incidents from happening.
        • I use zero sockpuppets and actively advocate against them, and have expertise in identifying sockpuppets via my stylometry, OSINT and OPSEC skills.


        • Active moderator of c/privacy and c/technology, also c/privatelife
        • I contribute via comment suggestions and sometimes even modmail, to help improve Lemmy. This goes hand in hand with putting myself on the frontlines, and putting myself at risk in between crossfire.
        • I report a lot of issues and actively moderate reported posts and comments.

        I am from India and I speak Hindi and English, so I can serve not just a wide timezone gap, but moderate a different kind of audience as well, compared to non-Indian foreigners here.

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    No worries. I have seen surprisingly few of these types of posts, so you’re currently doing something better then other alternatives and I appreciate your efforts to make things even better.

  • Lionel C-R
    22 years ago

    Also,it would be nice to have some sort of moderation/ban federation to avoid having to do the work on each instance.

    I’m sure it’s easier said than done but would be very beneficial to the project and community.

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      I second this. If someone/something is banned and removed from an instance it shouldn’t still be visible on a linked instance. If this isn’t already a pending feature request I’ll happily make one for it.

  • Jay Baker (he/they)
    22 years ago

    Thanks for this. I’d stick to the It’s FOSS channels if I wanted to see loads of fascist crap 🤣 Love being on Lemmy!

  • mtumishi
    22 years ago

    After upgrading to 0.15.1, I activated the signup form. I haven’t had to deal with the daily trolls. Not ideal but it helps.