My virtue signaling christofascist dictatorship cannot function without the blind obedience to the group thought by every member of this caucus.

  • Blaine Higgs


  • MapleEngineerOP
    1 year ago

    My hope is that people are waking up to the fact that our domestic christofascist extremists are following in the footsteps of the US MAGA crowd and will kick their extremist asses back into the shadows. Higgs clearly thinks he’s a dictator. It’s obvious now that Doug Ford talks a big game about working for the little guy but everything he does is a scheme to enrich his wealthy developer/donor friends. Heather Stefanson in Manitoba trying the, “Vote like an intolerant asshole while no one is watching.” gambit blew up in her fucking face. These right wing extremists are spending so much time virtue signaling while the people of their provinces can’t afford groceries. During tough economic times electing governments that cut taxes to enrich their friends, cut services that the rest of us rely on to get by, and neglecting education, healthcare, and infrastructure to “save money” are NOT what we need.