What if Trump was really into this kind of stuff and everything he has been doing is a secret genius plan to make sure people will pee on his grave for decades, if not centuries to come?
For what he’s doing to the country, he’s more deserving of the Osama treatment and should be dumped off the side of a boat in the middle of some ocean so his grave can’t become nazi mecca.
It’s not even a fair comparison. Trump is 1000 times the threat to American freedom and democracy Bin Laden ever was.
The response to Bin Laden, the PATRIOT Act, was also more dangerous to democracy than he was.
Bush was a bigger threat to democracy than Bin Laden. People forget this unitary executive theory Trump is abusing so extremely was first brought to prominence by Bush. Bush also brought the PATRIOT act to open a lot of authoritarian doors. The Trumpster fire would not be possible without the Bush Jr.
Bush also brought the PATRIOT act to open a lot of authoritarian doors.
What sort of history revisionism are you peddling here? The Patriot act was bipartisan. We have records of the votes. like 75% of dems approved it. And 98-1-1 in the senate… https://www.justice.gov/archive/ll/subs/detailed_vote_2001.htm
Hell if we’re making this partisan, the republicans have a better claim that they’re trying to end it…
In November 2019, the House approved a three-month extension of the Patriot Act which would have expired on December 15, 2019. It was included as part of a bigger stop-gap spending bill aimed at preventing government shutdown which was approved by a vote of 231–192. The vote was mostly along party lines with Democrats voting in favor and Republicans voting against. Republican opposition was largely due to the bill’s failure to include $5 billion for border security.[253]
I’m in favour of the Mussolini treatment, myself.
I believe there’s a lot more than a pee tape
At the absolute minimum, we can guarantee by what he does in public, that there is certainly pedophile tapes. And I can’t even begin to speculate what else, cuz I don’t want to. I very much prefer pretending nothing even worse than that can exist.
Snuff. There’s gonna be snuff, my dude.
No. If there was a pee tape, Trump himself would sell it and his voters would buy it too. This is a man who sold his own mug shot.
If Russia has something on him, it is dear old fucktons of money. Or we have to prepare to the scarier scenario where he’s not being blackmailed into doing Putin’s bidding, he really wants to be Putin.
Various Intelligence agencies believe it most likely exists, his behaviour confirms it
I’ve never heard of being so into your kink you find a way to indulge postmortem. Clever girl.
It’s right up there with
Tony BlairDavid Cameron fucking a pig.There no proof, but… it seems possible.
Wow I totally forgot about that.
Probably because it was Cameron rather than Blair. Not that Blair was all that fundamentally different as a person, but that particular story is about Cameron
I stand corrected. (Allegedly.)
Then ill shit on his grave instead.
Wouldn’t matter anymore
If I ever form a politically-themed comedy band, we’ll be called John Barron and the P-Tape All-Stars.
Don’t forget to release the P-sides to every of your albums
was a what now??
Who finds this theories interesting is an idiot.
I’m not saying who believes in this, but who finds this interesting.
i find power as a concept interesting, people who hold it, wield it, and ultimately how it affects us all.
material that is owned by secret service and government agencies is of special interest to me because its literally spy shit. compromising material of a sitting US president, well fuck if that doesnt butter my bread.
each to their own of course, but dang, i just think its neat.
That’s fun for sure, but while people try to imagine Trump covered in pee, he is currently bombing Gaza, escalating things with Iran, embarrassing himself in Ukraine, making lives of many Americans worse, dismantling US democracy, beefing with neighbours, and all while having a good time golfing. All of that because of a pee video? AIPAC i buy, this is irrelevant.