He mispronounced “I’m afraid of a free press that asks questions”.
No surprise he wants to abolish the CBC
All I can think is that he’d have expected both backlash and the Streisand effect by not allowing reporters, so how bad exactly must the situation that he’s hiding be?
This mixed with the refusal to get a security clearance is mega sketchy
I really worry he can’t survive a security check.
What even happens in the case where a PM fails a background/security check? It’d obviously be a national security risk but I don’t think there’s any precedent for it…
At least it’s looking like none of this will matter though looking at the polls (obv still need to keep our guard up though)
If he becomes PM he gets the clearance automatically, parliament would then have to look into him if things happen.
I assumed anyone moving this far up a political party would have had a security check at some point. If for no other reason then to cover the parties ass so they don’t wind yo backing someone who has some dark skeletons.
Meh, this guy is old news. Let’s move forward as a country and forget he even existed. Canada has to focus on staying alive.
Lol is he even going to show up to a national debate? He’s so scared.
Only if it’s hosted by (checks Trump playbook) … Fox
I can’t blame him, as his campaign is a tire fire.
pRoBaBlY sTaRtEd By TrUdEaU
Polievre is an idea-less, maga, wanker.
Maybe he is Maple MAGA
Bold of you to assume he has that kind of wrist strength
Because they may overhear his blatant pandering to US billionaires
That’s one mighty thin defense. It almost says the quiet parts out loud.
Poor little guy.
His mom says he’s cool
CPC strategy meeting: so our market research has uncovered that as people are exposed to him, PP drops in the polls. What can we do to minimize this?