Absolutely. I hope Carney has the cojones to make this happen. Can’t have a foreign country threatening to annex us, masquerading as Canadian media.
Oh so sad.
Guess America should not have elected an orange fascist fuckwhit gameshow host to their highest office.
America is an unserious country
America is an unserious country.
I loved In a Violent Nature. The kills were crazy creative and
being from the POV of the killer
was innovative, even though yes it’s slow, I definitely appreciated the pacing.
Oh noes! Oh well. Over it. Statues of fascist aligned figures should always be smeared with shit AFAIK.
Gretzky hasn’t been Canadian since he went to LA. He’s also a moron surrounded by other morons. Should have stuck to hockey.
Time for my daily “Fuck the USA”
In a Violent Nature 🤩so gooooood
How is Ma?
Oh. I’ll watch that video, I don’t really know a lot about what’s involved.
Yeah was great - a true highlight!! Let’s get Freako!!!
It’s awesome. Shot on film. 80s vibe. Visually stunning.
Same director of Psycho Goreman directed Frankie Freako (Steve Kostanski)
OMG I own this film as a blu-ray. I’m obsessed with Psycho Goreman. Funniest, most over-powered shit ever!! I saw the premiere of Frankie Freako in the summer. I tracked down Manborg (made for $1,000). I watched In a Violent Light in which Kostanski did the physical creature effects. I went to a festival and Kostanski was there with props. I am obsessed
We won’t be able to. The EU has stricter climate goals. If we want to trade with them (which we do) Canada can’t abandon climate goals. Carney said today Canada would implement carbon capture.
Never. He completely underestimates how much Canadians love being Canadian. I’d eat grass for the rest of my life and live outdoors - before I’d give up being Canadian.
Polievre is an idea-less, maga, wanker.
Ahh I see buy cheap products in the short term and be ok with losing the country in the medium to long term.