No it does not go through a DNS on the way out. A DNS, or domain name server, is like a phonebook so people can put in whatever.whereever and get the IP address back.
Exactly this.
No 100% does not mean 100% with the dental care plan. I am only doing stuff that covered.
But Trudeau legalized weed! That was the only promise he fulfilled. I wish he did the whole election reform stuff but we can get high after we vote!
I am registered, I am covered “100%” but I still have to pay a few $100’s. I have a card and everything.
I tried that once, pihole blocks stuff coming in and not going out. Many “smart” devices will freak out if they can send things out to the internet but cannot receive things back.
I do not think it is a mistake, this needs to happen however I do agree there need to be better regulations. 100% needs to mean 100%, I recently discovered I could apply for coverage. I got the documentation I called up the dentist when I got my card and booked an appointment, I was informed that even though I am 100% covered it does not mean I am 100% covered. I have been putting off major dental things for about 6 years now so I decided I would go in and get the ball rolling. Once the bill is paid in a week or two, I will be starting a human rights complaint. Although Saskatchewan’s Human Rights Commission is a joke right now maybe I can get something done.
Leave it to the little people to push the buttons.
I am sure there are security checks done, but never to the highest level. I personally have had multiple levels of security checks done on me, both provincially and nationally. Provincial checks just look at your criminal record (part of the national database). National ones used to just check out the criminal record however do to some issues that happened with an employee of a national agency, I will just say I attended a Christmas party with someone on the FBI’s wanted list things where locked down a bit more. They started doing financial record checks as well, I am sure there were more checks but I had some stupid credit monitoring thing on my credit score so I only know about that I am sure the agency did not want more egg on their face and they only did the whole check on me when I changed my name. PP has been an MLA longer than the FBI wanted person issue so there is that.
Then there is different security clearance that you need to get to deal with for different levels of policing agencies and judicial departments. Those are more extensive than what I had originally done prior to changing my name yet they have lower levels of clearance. What I am saying is PP probably got a basic check done where no one really looked at anything other than “you have no criminal record” and was fine with that. As he made it past the first check I am sure no one bothered spending time or money to further check him out, given the political landscape of today I am hoping that in the future if PP is not crowned PM checks will become mandatory to lead a party, I would like to see everyone running for office to require some form of CSIS or national security check before running, not to the same level of the PM but some requirement. I am surprised that it did not become so after what’s his face from Regina who was the CPC leader for a bit was found out to have a bogus CV, but somehow the people in whatever Regina ridding that is still elect him.
Just before I hit post I am reminded that CSIS did a background check on elected officials in parliament to investigate election interference, if I remember correctly the actual elected officials were never talked to but a basic look at them and their history then their history told CSIS if they needed to investigate. Maybe CSIS has something on him and they cannot appear biased so they are kicking the can to parliament in case he is crowned PM? If they have something on him it will not be election interference but, I am scared to think what they could have and rather PO’d that they are not letting it out to parliament now.
Harper just wants to keep the GOP happy, so he tells Smith what to do, then Saskatchewan’s DUI hire follows suit.
If he becomes PM he gets the clearance automatically, parliament would then have to look into him if things happen.
What you want a bunch of old guys struggling in grade one to just try and get a drink?
No I am more fond of the idea of putting geese in the windows.
USSA (United Soviet States of America)
There are countries in the G7 that are putting travel advisories on going to the US, let that sink in the G7 a group of the top IMF countries are putting travel advisories on the US.
Just so that it is clear the US is a member of the G7.
I cannot say I have ever travelled internationally and had some one know what Saskatchewan or that it is a place.
He had a blazer off day (or whatever he called his jacket) yesterday or the day before pretending his stiff white shirt was a working persons shirt.
Sounds completely reasonable , does it not? /s
PP is not going to be able to negotiate with anyone, he can come up with slogans and talk to people but without an apple in his hand he cannot be bothered to talk to people.