I need to buy jeans. Silver’s are a fave of mine… thought I would do some research before purchasing and I was thrilled to discover they are a Canadian denim company!
Anyone got any experience with the quality? Will it their products last a while?
My favourite pair of jeans are Silver and I’ve worn them for at least 5 years. The crotch is starting to wear in the same place all my jeans eventually do.
The thing I like the most is how soft the denim continues to feel. Some jeans are a lot rougher but these don’t even really feel like denim.
How nostalgic. Haven’t seen those in a while. They were thick (not flimsy) and solid quality when I knew people who worked at Western Glove Works, and when I used to hit their store in the Exchange District, but that was many years back. Just checked and I notice they seem to have another brand called “Jag” now on the WGW site. There are Google Reviews under the WGW name that mention Silver.
*edit - Actually I just remembered Jag isn’t that new, I saw them in the store too. Those probably just didn’t have my size.
Not that it’s a guarantee of quality but any means, but they had a moment of catering to Hollywood types in the mid-2000s.
I don’t think I’ve owned a pair, myself.
I had silver jeans back in high school. They lasted me 10 years until I grew too wide for them. Nice quality, solid stitching.
Site sabotages the back button… scummy. Also holy popups Batman
Honestly if you are complaining about pop ups on every site maybe you should just install ublock origin like the rest of us. Just a suggestion 👍
I have it for Firefox, but I browse Lemmy in Connect
No open external links in default browser option in Connect?
You can, but then you lose the ability to save gifs from certain sites. It’s a tradeoff.
I wear these because they fit me, but they don’t last, at all. I had a pair go (in the crotch, rubby thighs) within a year of purchasing, and I was wearing them in a 2 jean rotation with occasional other pants. When I bought silver jeans maybe 15 years ago they seemed to last forever, now they are a consumable.
But I still buy them when they are BOGO or on clearance. If I find another pair of jeans that fit as well I won’t hesitate to try them out.
This is disappointing to here. Are there specific styles you bought? I’m secretly hoping they have offerings with a higher % of cotton that is typically more durable.
Elyse straight, 1430. They are the first in the "plus size lineup and hard to find in store. Just mentioning in case they manufacture plus size with a different blend or something.
I hate giving my business to products that don’t last, but the no-go zone between regular and plus size pants sucks. Plus size manufacturers make pants the look stupid and are thin and “fast fashion” and it’s so rare for me to find a 12-18 (34-38) that fits me in a “regualr” store to try it on, because we all know how consistent woman’s sizing is between brands…
I need well fitted, durable and comfortable jeans. The few manufacturers who claim they can provide this do not have an easy way for me to try on their product to check the fit without double shipping and border taxes.
So I wear disposable jeans that cost $75 on sale …
https://www.nakedandfamousdenim.com/en/about also make their stuff in Canada if anybody is looking for some jeans.
$165 for a pair of jeans?
neat looking stuff but wow, uh… naw
I’ve had a few pairs that I’d still be wearing if they still fit. Meanwhile, I’ve destroyed several cheaper pairs from other brands.
Love Vime’s Boot’s theory, but I’m wearing $18 Urban Star Jeans from Costco, at work, in an industrial facility, that are over 5 years old. There needs to be a serious step up in quality to justify $165.
These are literally the highest quality jeans on the market. It’s one of those buy once, cry once situations. Long-term, you’ll be saving since you won’t be having to buy a new pair of low quality jeans every few years.
A pair of $60 jeans lasts me years. there’s nothing but fashion bullshit to it at this level.
also it’s jeans, cry once?
how about don’t cry over fucking clothing
Ok mr cranky pants.
sure thing fashion dweeb lol.
cranky pants… no, my pants aren’t stupidly overpriced, they’re quite happy.
what a fucking dweeb
Going to throw this in here: https://benviapiana.com/ if you want Canadian custom made denim from Toronto.
Scroll down and click on the very first collab link… leads to a 404 not found 😂
Oh that’s strange. They’re legit themselves though.
I should fucking hope so for $625 per pair
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they’re made to order. Not for everyone.
Yoga Jeans are also Canadian made. If you like your jeans stretchy, they’re a good option. They have long inseams for us talks too.
Just checked them out, they appear to be 100% women’s styles. Also pop-up ads, ew.
Vancouver-based. Great quality. Men’s and women’s denim for active lifestyles (biking, hiking) and everyday wear.
Both mine and my wife’s favorite pair of jeans have been a pair of silver jeans ,but we haven’t bought them in years. Time to give em another shot.