Lol, I like this better than the one that is supposed to inspire you to work forever and never question the purpose.
Lol, I like this better than the one that is supposed to inspire you to work forever and never question the purpose.
I think it depends on your preference. I worked out at the gym for many years before covid and after the pandemic I built a home gym with a power rack, barbell, adjustable dumbells, and cable machine. Biggest advantage of this is not having to share a rack with anyone. It was sometimes annoying to have to wait for equipment.
What I’ll say is that I really appreciated starting at the gym as I got to have access to every machine and workout equipment. This let me build a workout plan over years and get a good idea of what sort of equipment I would need to stay active. I also found it helpful to see what other people were doing at the gym. Some people clearly have no idea what they are doing, but seeing what other experienced people at the gym were doing gave me some great ideas of what to incorporate into my workouts.
I also did have a personal trainer for 6 months and I highly recommend this, especially when you are new to working out. The biggest value is from having someone experienced give you tips and tricks on how to improve your form and workout safely. Especially as you get stronger and lift heavier weights. It’s easy to lift something slightly wrong and really hurt yourself.
Overall, I always enjoyed my time at the gym and it gave me the knowledge to built a great home gym.
Ill never understand the trailer for a trailer thing. Like I can just wait for a full trailer. I don’t need a preview for a preview of a film.
Here is my question, why would they want to do that? Like I get that they want to maximize productivity, but if you keep pushing them, then eventually people quit. Don’t they still need workers?
I loved my Google Home when I got it in 2017, but when I got into home automation, I realized it is dumb to have to tell a device to do things. Motion sensors basically replace the main thing Google Home does and a Bluetooth speaker is cheap to buy.
I never trusted that they weren’t listening to me all the time with the speakers and I never looked back after I donated them away.
I thought that was a major plot point. He is a jerk because he failed so early in his life, but then Leslie shows him how to let go of the past and live in the present which allows him to open his heart to her.
I thought it was a great story arc for his character.
Lol, no. I don’t drink at all anymore considering how bad it is for your health, but having a drink before returning to work seems like an insanely bad idea.
Great, just need to wait 2 more years until it’s a reasonable price
They say this every year around this time. They act like consumers are changing when it is really that no one is interested in going to the movies in the first quarter of the year. A large percentage of people are not going to venture through snow to see a movie.
When the snow melts, people will go to the movies again. Film executives are idiots
Chris Pratt and Millie Brown are easily the most annoying actors around right now. Pass
They lost me that season he was in prison, but they tried to trick you that he wasn’t. They try too hard to mindfuck and be deep in that show
Good enough of a game to remaster, but not good enough to get a sequel. Makes sense right?
Lol, dont play it then. We are all having fun
Someone is desperate
I mean with so many movies, I would say it doesn’t matter at this point. I basically have always just rewatched the old ones. Not every old one holds up, but they have created so many quality Bond movies and games that I can just go back and get my fix again.
I would also argue that the concept of Bond is very out of date and doesn’t hold up in a modern setting. Its so fantastical and is basically middle age dude fantasy. Especially the aspects where young women just throw themselves at this older man. I did appreciate how the later Craig films seemed to acknowledge a need to move away from this. With partners he actually loved and female characters that carried over multiple movies.
Really, it might just be time for the series to die and that is okay.
Reading the article and finding out the surveillance UofA and the Edmonton police are conducting on their students. Unbelievable
Always a bad idea. Breakups happen for a reason and it’s always best to move on than hang on to a broken relationship.
It is clear that they despise Dallas and their fans. They want to move the team.
Oh no, people wont be able to buy oversized terrible trucks anymore. How terrible for all of us.