This is a strawman reply, you’ve attacked their intent and knowledge without actually countering the argument and explaining why you disagree.
He / They
Software Developer
This is a strawman reply, you’ve attacked their intent and knowledge without actually countering the argument and explaining why you disagree.
Though ça serait le fun d’avoir genre une extension style Fediverse pour WooCommerce / Shopify pour exposer les produits du site web d’un petit commerçant sur un marketplace plus partagé style Amazon!
À ma comprehension, flohmarkt c’est pas plus comme Kijiji?
So you’ll wait until they get killed? Wholesome Keanu 100 🥰🥰☺️
lmao this is what I thought of when I saw the lamp
I really hate AI image generation. It’s theft and the result is always uncanny.
At least GPT is somewhat useful despite also being theft.
That’s kinda wild tbh, even Node applications don’t need to pull in Node.
My pinky rubs against my ring finger
And K for play/pause
Ray Cesum
I think it’s a terrible logo
Edit: I thought downvotes were not “I disagree” but “this does not add to the conversation”.
I stand by my subjective opinion. I think it’s tacky, thin and un-expressive at a glance.
Can’t tell if troll or tragically clueless
It’s very common in GNOME app development, highly recommend it!
It’s the TypeScript of GTK
The purple shirted eye stabber needs glasses.
(missed opportunity to stab his eye out tbh)
Debatable. The dragonfucker story is very nuanced to me.
From my perspective, dragonfucker clearly came here to be a shit stir and cause chaos. However, it is important to still respect people’s requested gender pronouns. If you think someone’s gender pronouns request is too far-fetched, just don’t interact with / block that person.
I think banning this individual was the correct move, but misgendering anyone is not okay. Notice I’m avoiding pronouns altogether here to dodge the issue completely.
I’m not entirely up to date on what went down between the instance and the moderators of this community, but it’s clear communication broke down and this one person was able to create a chasm between the two.
What I do not like is the lack of communication on the moderators’ end, and it’s very clear that most 196 users do not agree with this move as it has not been properly explained, and moving to a large instance goes against the idea of decentralization.
I don’t think any of us have sufficient context from this picture to derive any intent.
You derive a lot of information from a single picture.
Doesn’t the SPCA offer this service? Apparently it’s like $150.